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Z A Authors and Zealots: Transforming Scholarly Communication Mary E. Youngkin, Valeri Craigle, Joan M. Gregory, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library,

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1 Z A Authors and Zealots: Transforming Scholarly Communication Mary E. Youngkin, Valeri Craigle, Joan M. Gregory, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah core commitment of the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah is to make positive change in scholarly communication and publishing. University faculty are encouraged to participate in Open Access initiatives, and the library offers resources, services, and tools to support them. We also continuously strive to educate ourselves, our colleagues, and our faculty on issues relative to copyright, open access, archiving, and scholarly publishing. Focus Group University of Utah BioMed Central Authors. May 2004 Poster Session Power in Your People: Applying the Experiences of BioMed Central Authors to Change in Scholarly Publishing. MLA 2004 Forums InfoFairs 2003: Next Generation Communication 2006: The Access Horizon Library and Information Technology Forum (LIFT) Publishing as an Open Access Author. Feb 2004 Building PubMed Central / What an IR is, What it does, and Why you need it at the institution. Oct 2005 PubMed Central / NIH Public Access Policy New service offered: librarians as “third party” submitters of manuscripts to PubMed Central University NIH-funded authors identified Publishers’ policies identified Authors contacted regarding submissions Results: Disappointing utilization of PMC submission service 12 month embargo made it difficult to assess early progress Intensive author-by-author approach continues HEAL (Health Education Assets Library) NOVEL (Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library) OPHL (Online Public Health Library) Building faculty trust Continuous education of faculty Additional dept presentations, Principal Investigators’ Courses Self-education Reallocation of financial resources and staff Administrative and institutional infrastructure support Increased campus awareness Broad issues of scholarly communication Value of copyright retention, OA publication and archiving Successful Institutional Repository launch and reception Increase in Open Access campus authors Articles Salt Lake Tribune and University of Utah Chronicle Access Marries Archives. BioMed Central/PubMed Central: An Open Access Partnership. Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, 2004, 1(4): 1-15. DOI: 10.1300/J383v01n04_01 IAIMS Newsletter Author Alert! PubMed Central: Assuring Access to University of Utah Scholarship. Summer 2006 The Institutional Repository: Assuring Access to Scholarship Produced at the Institution. Summer 2006 Major Developments in Open Access. Summer 2005 Web Pages Library main page and Scholarly Communication page enhanced IR and PMC links prominent Author services & PMC submissions Copyright info, alternate copyright forms, and SPARC Addendum Publishers’ policies on IR and PMC, NIH Public-Access Policy OA RSS Feed and Core OA Resources Presentations, posters, & publications Emergence Slice of Life  Knowledge Weavers Climate Change: Skyrocketing journal prices Open Access journal initiatives CODE ORIGINS VECTORS  PUBLICATIONS ENGINEERING METAMORPHOSIS MATURATION, SURVIVAL & EVOLUTION Symbiosis: BioMed Central HEAL LOCKSS Nucleic Acids Research PLoS PubMed Central SPARC Institutional Repository http://ir.utah.edu Intellectual capital of the institution Assuring Access / Preserving Over Time Collection of discipline-specific repositories and diverse formats CONTENTdm Health sciences, Law, Main campus libraries Administrative toolkit Logic model and workflow diagram Metadata standards Copyright management for authors Manuscript Permissions Management Database PR and Educational Tools Marketing and promotional materials Web templates ENGINEERING Professional Meetings ARL/ACRL Institute on Scholarly Communication Bridging the Gap: Helping Authors Make the Leap to Open Access, Ownership, and Archiving. MCMLA 2005 The Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library: A “NOVEL” Approach to Medical Education. MCMLA 2005 North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Annual Meeting Feb 2006 Faculty Recruitment Departmental site visits Academic Deans and Vice Presidents VECTORS  PRESENTATIONS ealous librarians assisting authors in retention, access, archiving, and dissemination of their intellectual content and scientific contributions

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