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Igniting the Passion Holmes Middle School. Igniting a passion for learning while inspiring and empowering students for a future of their own making.

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Presentation on theme: "Igniting the Passion Holmes Middle School. Igniting a passion for learning while inspiring and empowering students for a future of their own making."— Presentation transcript:

1 Igniting the Passion Holmes Middle School

2 Igniting a passion for learning while inspiring and empowering students for a future of their own making

3 Igniting the Passion Creating conditions that truly enable all students to learn. Flexible and Adaptive Learning Environments Student and Teacher Engagement Personalized Learning

4 Change & Knoster Model Vision = Stakeholder Education Skills = Professional Development Incentives = Student/Teacher Engagement Resources = Human Capital, Time, Technology Action Plan = Phasing In

5 Personalized Learning Portfolios: Learner Profile, Personalized Learning Plan, Documentation of Progress Flexible Learning Environment – adaptive and collaborative Hawk Time (Advisory)

6 Standards/Competency- Based Progression Mastery of Knowledge & Skills Personal Digital Portfolios Demonstrating Competency Personalized Pacing Academic Self Knowledge Professional Entrepreneurial Civic

7 Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) Standards/Competency focused Instruction, Engagement, Measurement, & Personalization Opportunities Responsiveness to Student Needs

8 Year 1 Discovering our Passion Student Goals: 6 th Grade - Personal Competencies & PLP Connecting with Holmes Middle School Implementation Goals: Teacher Professional Development (PD) Blended Learning Competency-based

9 Learning Environment

10 Year 2 Passion for Community Service Student Goals: 7 th Grade - Civic Competencies & PLP Connecting with Holmes Community Implementation Goals: Technology expansion Teacher Professional Development (PD) Common Standard Based Assessments

11 Year 3 Passion for Innovation and Leadership Student Goals: 8 th Grade - Entrepreneurial Competencies & PLP Implementation Goals: School wide implementation Teacher Professional Development

12 Developing life-long learners who are capable of leading, creating, and contributing while being empowered with confidence and self-knowledge

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