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1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 1 Instructions.

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2 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 1 Instructions Slide Pool GAPP provides a slide pool of 23 slides to support you in presenting your Program. Custom Show Using the slide pool you can create your own presentation. Feel free to hide or add slides or change the order. Please keep the additional slides within the GAPP Guidelines and do not change the 23 original ones. Contact our office, if you need an updated version. PowerPoint allows you to create different custom shows, e.g. for administrators or parents, without changing the overall slide pool. For further information look for “custom show” in the help menu. The GAPP-Team wishes you successful presentations and appreciates any feedback to improve this tool. Please move this page to the end of the presentation!

3 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 2

4 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 3 The GAPP-Program … … pairs American and German secondary schools … is a short-term student exchange program

5 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 4 Goals & Objectives Promote and improve the study and usage of the German and English languages as a second language Develop ongoing interest in the partner country, as well as enduring friendships Strengthen and sustain the relationship between Germany and the United States Broaden the students’ and teachers’ knowledge of the host country’s culture and expand their understanding of another way of life

6 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 5 Exchange is Important! “I encourage Americans of all ages and from all walks of life to consider participating in an exchange or an international education program. Host a visitor from abroad for an evening or a school year. Learn a foreign language.Take advantage of study and professional development programs that help you better understand another country and its people. You will serve as bridges from your communities to individuals and societies abroad, demonstrating our values but also bringing new insights that will enrich your lives and enhance our nation.” – Colin Powell, International Education Week, Nov 03 “I encourage Americans of all ages and from all walks of life to consider participating in an exchange or an international education program. Host a visitor from abroad for an evening or a school year. Learn a foreign language.Take advantage of study and professional development programs that help you better understand another country and its people. You will serve as bridges from your communities to individuals and societies abroad, demonstrating our values but also bringing new insights that will enrich your lives and enhance our nation.” – Colin Powell, International Education Week, Nov 03

7 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 6 Our Partners in Germany Permanent Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs Educational Exchange Service (Pädagogischer Austausch-Dienst) Education Departments of the 16 Federal States German GAPP Coordinators Goethe-Institut, Munich Foreign Office, Berlin

8 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 7 Language Departments of the Goethe-Institutes in the U.S.: Atlanta Boston Chicago New York San Francisco Washington Our Partners in the U.S. Board of GAPP Inc., New York Goethe-Institut, New York American GAPP Coordinators U.S. Department of State

9 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 8 Development of School Partnerships

10 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 9 Participating Students

11 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 10 Partnerships between German vocational schools and American high schools School to Work Transition Learn about the German Dual System of vocational training through GAPP Special Opportunity within the GAPP-Program

12 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 11 USA Germany States With The Highest Participation Wisconsin Pennsylvania Washington California Illinois Baden- Wuerttemberg Bavaria Lower-Saxony Northrhine- Westphalia Hesse

13 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 12 The GAPP Coordinator GAPP Inc., New York trains coordinators and supplies supportive materials Each GAPP Coordinator can plan a program to suit the needs of his/her school within the GAPP Guidelines

14 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 13 Key Benefits Increases Motivation Increases Motivation Fosters Foreign Language Enrollment Fosters Foreign Language Enrollment Promotes Global Awareness Promotes Global Awareness Enhances Perception of Germany Enhances Perception of Germany Involves Community Involves Community

15 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 14 Guidelines in A Nutshell Minimum stay in Germany 21 days Attend school for two weeks; Week-long Practicum Exchange occurs annually or every other year GAPP Coordinator is responsible for organization of exchange Recommended group size 10 – 20 students

16 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 15 Airfare Costs For Participants Gifts & Spending Money Day Trips (optional) Host family provides free room and board!

17 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 16 Subsidies & Grants Lufthansa and IcelandAir offer special packages for GAPP exchange groups but any other airline can be used as well Airlines 75 % of airfare for one teacher Student grant ranging from $55 – $85 per student depending on airfare Individual grants in case of special hardships on request (See Program requirements)

18 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 17 Host Family’s Responsibilities Involvement in the school’s preparation for exchange Communication in the language of the host country Granting of free room and board for guest students Integration of guest student into their family life

19 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 18 Host School’s Responsibilities Reception and farewell events for guests Press release in local media Integration of guest students into school life

20 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 19 Student’s Responsibilities Active participation in classes, school & family life Integration of guest into family during visit Must observe family’s and teachers’ rules Effort to learn German in and out of school, before, During, and after the trip Effort to learn German in and out of school, before, During, and after the trip

21 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 20 Student’s Responsibilities Enroll in German next year Write letters & correspond with host family Have lots of fun trying new things! Complete journal, workbook, and project assignments before, during, and after the trip Attend all group meetings before the trip

22 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 21 “There were many activities that I participated in while at the school. The students would ask us questions about American life and what we are interested in. I also attended my partner’s classes. One of the most memorable activities that we did was a debate presentation. Also after school we went to many school activities such as the summer party and a show the 13 th grade created.” – Matt Mishler, Chesterton High School, IN Students’ Quotes

23 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 22 “Yes, I love the German language and this exchange has made me fall in love with Germany. It’s no longer just a country –it’s people.” – Jennifer Elle, Skyview High School, ID Students’ Quotes “A lot of the hate in the world comes from not understanding another’s culture. But I’m hoping that through programs like GAPP, we will both learn that there is a difference between the government and the people. I think a lot of us have learned important lessons such as this.” – Emily Stuifbergen, Bowie High School, TX

24 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 23 Teacher’s Quotes “The exchange also showed how important different learning environments for individual students are. One student almost failed my German class just because he had a hard time learning in a classroom setting. But he was the student who spoke with everybody at all times German and that way he spoke almost fluently by the time he had to leave.” - Bettina Megowan, Teacher at Canby Union HS, OR

25 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 24 Parents’ Quotes “Alison’s trip to Germany was the highlight of her high school experience. When she returned home, she spent the rest of the summer compiling a scrapbook of her experience and sharing that experience with anyone who would listen. This enthusiasm is rare in her or any high school senior.” - JoAnne Beissner, Parent, Spring Branch, TX

26 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 25 How will candidates be selected? Students will be selected based on the following criteria: Health: Need to be able to travel Grades and G.P.A. Behavior & Past Referrals Teacher Recommendations Age & Past German experience Group compatibility

27 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10028 | 212.439.8700 | | German American Partnership Program 26 Questions

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