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Grant County Schools Curriculum & Instruction Staff Development 12.3.14.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant County Schools Curriculum & Instruction Staff Development 12.3.14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant County Schools Curriculum & Instruction Staff Development 12.3.14

2 Today’s Session A-F Grading System Framework for Planning and Implementation Pillars and Priorities Indirect Supports Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum Maps Benchmark Assessments

3 Overall Expectations 1.All students will learn to mastery 2. All students will perform to mastery Know it and show it!

4 A-F Grading System A-F Grading System A-F Grading System

5 A-F Grading System A-F Grading System A-F Grading System Mastery and above Growth Growth: Keeping up/Catching up Accelerated Growth of the bottom 25%


7 Framework for Planning and Implementation G RANT C OUNTY S CHOOLS ’ C ORE B ELIEFS In order to build a high performing school system, Grant County Schools believes the following: 21st Century learning skills are essential to live, learn, and thrive in a digital society; Collaboration, reflection, and change are critical in an effort to continually improve; Highly qualified personnel are essential for an effective school system; High expectations, positive climate, and lifelong learning are nurtured by example. G RANT C OUNTY S CHOOLS ’ S TRATEGIC G OALS Students will show continuing improvement in student achievement in the areas of Math and Reading/Language Arts. Students will increase their use of technology to prepare them for the global workforce. Grant County Schools will ensure the health of our students in a safe environment. Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study

8 Framework for Planning and Implementation School Monitoring Report School Self-Study Strategic Plan These three documents all serve a unique purpose: Self-Study : who we are/how we’ve done. Includes facts and data. –The targets for improvement and improvement priorities should correlate to actions in the strategic plan. School Monitoring Report (SMR): where we are as a school today—what we see in the mirror, good/bad, etc. What would an outsider observe? –Your evidence, when pointing to weaknesses/needs should align with improvement priorities from the self- study and drive the actions in the strategic plan. –The professional development needs addressed here should also align with the professional development portion of the Strategic Plan. Strategic Plan : what are we going to do based on how we’ve done (Self-Study) and where we are (SMR). –Includes goals/action steps and should be formulated based on the self-study, the SMR and all data sources. Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study

9 Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study A-F Grading System A-F Grading System


11 State Superintendent’s Pillars and Priorities WV State Superintendent’s “Pillars & Priorities” WV State Superintendent’s “Pillars & Priorities”

12 State Superintendent’s Pillars and Priorities Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study A-F Grading System A-F Grading System WV State Superintendent’s “Pillars & Priorities” WV State Superintendent’s “Pillars & Priorities”


14 Indirect Supports Our service staff are essential—we cannot do it without them! Aides Bus Operators Cooks Custodians Maintenance Mechanics Nurses Secretaries/Office Staff Indirect Supports ALL Service Staff Indirect Supports ALL Service Staff

15 Indirect Supports Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study A-F Grading System A-F Grading System WV State Superintendent’s “Pillars & Priorities” WV State Superintendent’s “Pillars & Priorities” Indirect Supports ALL Service Staff Indirect Supports ALL Service Staff


17 Curriculum and Instruction Learning to: 1. Master the content 2. Perform to mastery Curriculum and Instruction Learning to: 1. Master the content 2. Perform to mastery

18 C & I Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study Framework for Planning and Implementation Strategic Plan, School Monitoring Report, Self-Study A-F Grading System A-F Grading System WV State Superintendent’s “Pillars & Priorities” WV State Superintendent’s “Pillars & Priorities” Indirect Supports ALL Service Staff Indirect Supports ALL Service Staff Curriculum and Instruction Learning to: 1. Master the content 2. Perform to mastery Curriculum and Instruction Learning to: 1. Master the content 2. Perform to mastery

19 Maps and Benchmarking A standards based map provides a general sequence of standards for each course. The expectation of each teacher for each subject is as follows: 1.Use the maps provided on the county website; or 2.*Use the maps on the website with teacher edits/reorganization; or 3.*Create your own standards based map (needs approved for use). ALL teachers will use a standards based map for core subjects *The county will create Study Island benchmark exams based on the county provided maps. If one choses option 2 or 3, they will have to create the benchmark exams to match their map(s). Benchmark assessments serve two main purposes: To measure student mastery of standards; To provide an opportunity for students to learn/practice standardized testing skills. Curriculum and Instruction Learning to: 1. Master the content 2. Perform to mastery Curriculum and Instruction Learning to: 1. Master the content 2. Perform to mastery

20 NXTGEN CSO Gr. Prev. Tested OLD CSO Common Core Timeframe Standard Correlation Key RLA/Math Only Not all of the data maps have all components shown Most significant components : “Translation” of standards (WV NextGen Standard to old CSOs to Common Core) Timeframe Prev. Score (3yr )

21 Standards based maps RLA/MATH/SS: RESA 7, some with county edits Science: county created

22 Benchmarking Tool

23 Work Session By Grade/Subject

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