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Changes to Assessing and Reporting Shawn Whyte Assessment Coach.

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1 Changes to Assessing and Reporting Shawn Whyte Assessment Coach

2 Some Terms Mark/Score ◦ This is when a task (essay, project, assignment) is given a mark. Grade ◦ The overall mark or scoring for an outcome and a course

3 Some Terms Formative Assessment ◦ This is diagnostic or practice work ◦ Small pieces of Outcomes ◦ Allows students to practice ◦ Gives students feedback on what they have done well, what needs improving ◦ Allows teachers to check understandings and re-teach, or move on accordingly

4 Some Terms Summative Assessment ◦ This is work that counts towards grades for outcomes and overall courses. ◦ Large pieces or whole Outcomes

5 Some Terms Outcomes ◦ The goals of the curriculum – what students need to know, do, and understand ◦ Thematic pieces such as writing, or reading Indicators ◦ The specific skills and knowledge needed to meet an outcome Rubrics ◦ Marking guides using indicators as the criteria

6 4 Point Grading The 4 levels are about amount and depth of knowledge, understandings, and skills Level 1 – Beginning. ◦ Students here have some basic understandings, but need much more help Level 2 – Approaching ◦ Students here have a good grasp of basic knowledge or skills, now may need help applying and using that information

7 4 Point Grading Level 3 – Proficient ◦ Students who are proficient have all of the Level 2 criteria as well as having deeper understandings and applied skills. ◦ Applying, solving, explaining. Level 4 – Mastery ◦ Students at the mastery level are able to extend their understandings and skills by finding connections to self, community, other areas of study, etc. ◦ Justify, create, connect. ◦ Does not mean perfect – it is a mastery of an outcome for their level

8 Grades 10-12 Some teachers are choosing to grade using a 4 point rubric The Ministry of Education requires a final percentage for each course, regardless of the course’s configuration (outcomes in new courses or objectives in old courses) Teachers need to convert reliably and consistently across the division from a 4 point grade to a percentage

9 Grade 10-12 The conversion table has been made by looking at other divisions within and outside of Saskatchewan. It is aligned as best as possible so there is some consistency throughout western Canada.

10 Grade 10-12 1 – 40% 1.5 – 50% 2 – 60% 2.5 – 70% 3 – 80% 3.5 – 90% 4 – 100% The outcome marks are converted to a percentage at the end of the course, and all outcomes are averaged for an overall mark. Only at the end of a course will there be an overall grade.

11 Grade 10-12 These conversions are to indicate what level of understanding a student has for their grade level A 4, or 100%, does not mean perfect. It means mastery and deeper understandings at their grade level.

12 4 Point Grading When students are marked using a 4 point rubric, their level indicates they have achieved all criteria for that level, including the level(s) below. A level 3 indicates that they have shown all of level 3 criteria, as well as levels 2 and 1. A 2.5 means they have all of level 2 criteria, and have some of level 3.

13 Marking By Outcome The 4 point grading system is based on observable criteria (indicators and outcomes) The criteria becomes the provincial curriculum documents instead of teacher’s own If a student is able to show evidence that he or she meets a Level 3 (through a rubric) then that student is considered “Proficient”

14 Marking By Outcomes A level 3 in one school should be equivalent to a level 3 in another Some students may be proficient immediately, and some may need much work and help to achieve that level. If a student can reach a 3 easily, teachers will give that student an opportunity to reach a level 4 3 is our goal – we want all students to be proficient

15 Marking By Outcomes We are comparing how students are achieving The Outcome, not how they are doing in relation to each other. Class average does not matter

16 Students and Outcomes When criteria of achievement is shared with students through rubrics and examples, students can now self-assess and reflect on what they need to achieve Students are also given formative opportunities to practice, and reassessments to improve their summative marks

17 Zeros Zeroes do very little to motivate students It becomes an excuse to not do the work. “I will take the zero” A zero isn’t good enough. The work must be done. Instead we use Incomplete (INC) or Insufficient evidence (IE). This gives a student a chance to complete the work. In grades 10-12 – an incomplete at the end of a course means loss of credit for that course.

18 The Report Card One piece of communication about student achievement.

19 Report Card Format K-9

20 Student-Led Conferences Because students can self-assess, they can also articulate how they have improved and how they can continue to improve. Teachers facilitate and assist students in sharing their progress and goals with their parents. Students lead the meeting. It’s about his/her learning and the evidence he/she can give to show their level. These types of conferences are a future goal of Living Sky School Division

21 Final thoughts This change in grading increases students’ engagement and learning in a classroom. It is more specific and attainable for students who want a higher mark It forces students to start thinking about what they are learning, not just regurgitating and memorizing.

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