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ITQ Grant Facilitating PLCs.. * The purpose is to build strong collaborative work cultures that will develop the long term capacity for change * Outline.

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Presentation on theme: "ITQ Grant Facilitating PLCs.. * The purpose is to build strong collaborative work cultures that will develop the long term capacity for change * Outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITQ Grant Facilitating PLCs.

2 * The purpose is to build strong collaborative work cultures that will develop the long term capacity for change * Outline the principles pertaining to coaching * Highlight tools that can be used to facilitate cognitive growth

3 Define the roles of a coach as they relate to implementing Effective Teaching Strategies and effective models for coaching. Practice coaching behaviors that influence best practices. Experience planning, reflecting, and problem solving conversations as an instructional coach

4 What are the characteristics of an effective coach, what do they need to know and be able to do? How do coaches build teacher capacity for selecting, implementing, evaluating the impact of Effective Teaching Strategies and foster teacher reflection? How does an effective instructional coach help teachers use effective teaching strategies based on student data?

5 On a scale of 1 – 5 (1-very uncomfortable, 5-very comfortable), how would you rate yourself in coaching/ facilitating to help teachers grow professionally?

6 * Remember the Why?

7 1. Coaching is linked with higher test scores 2. Teachers who are coached report higher teacher efficacy 3. Teachers who are coached demonstrate more reflective, complex thinking about their practice 4. Coached teachers report higher job satisfaction 5. Coaching schools have higher self-ratings for professionalism 6. Coaching schools have more collaboration 7. Coached teachers report feeling more supported professional and personally

8 * Trust * Communication Awareness * Appropriate Responses * Knowledge * Structure * Questioning Costa, A. & Garmston, R.(2002). Cognitive Coaching: a Foundation for Renaissance Schools. Norwood, Massachusetts: Christopher-Gordon, Inc., 398-399.

9 Resource Provider Data Coach Curriculum Specialist Instructional Specialist Mentor Classroom Supporter Learning Facilitator School Leader Catalyst for Change Learner

10 What are the characteristics of an effective coach, what do they need to know and be able to do? What's the Big Idea?

11 “Self development of personal efficacy requires mastery of knowledge and skills, attainable only through long hours of arduous work.” -A. Bandura (p. 126) Efficacy 5 States of Mind: Tools for disciplined choice making

12 -W. Roberts. (p. 129) Flexibility

13 -B. T. Washington (p. 132) Craftsmanship

14 Consciousness

15 Interdependence

16 “Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as you can change your beliefs.” -M. Malts (p. 142)

17 Colleagues are encouraged to: * Inquire * Speculate * Construct Meanings * Self-evaluate * Self-prescribe

18 * Paralanguage * Response Behaviors * Structuring * Mediative Questioning

19 * Nonverbal & Verbal Cues * Posture * Gesture * Inflection * Pitch * Volume * Rate of Speech * Language Choices * Breathing

20 * Silence (wait longer than you think you need to) * Communicates respect * Results in positive effect on cognitive processing * Acknowledging (give verbal & nonverbal cues) * Communicates that ideas have been heard * Paraphrasing (stems) * Acknowledge & Clarify * Summarize & Organize * Shift Focus * Clarifying * Providing Data & Resources

21 How do coaches build teacher capacity for selecting, implementing, evaluating the impact of Effective Teaching Strategies, and fostering teacher reflection? Essential Question 2



24 1. What do we want our teachers to know and be able to do? 2. How will we know if they know it and/or can do it? 3. What will we do if they don’t know it and/or can’t do it? 4. What will we do if they do know it and/or can do it?

25 * Understand the philosophical and pedagogical changes of the core. * Understand the mathematics of the Content Standards. * Understand and implement the Practice Standards in mathematics instruction. * Access provided resources.

26 T. R. U. S. T. T Time R Relationships U Unity of Purpose S Support T Team: Accountable PLC

27 Honor the TIME it takes to implement change.

28 * Teacher Buy-in: Administration Clarity * Start with the Singers * Go Slow to Go Fast * Focus on one element * 10% change/year * Start where they are: survey, identify & build choices

29 "We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee." – Marian Wright Edelman 1. Where will you start? 2. How will you strengthen your trust in the process so that you can persevere with patience? 3. How will you measure the long-term change?

30 Build relationships for collaboration and growth. “Teachers need to know you care before they care what you know.”

31 “ Remember Who You Are * Teacher’s Coach  fix-it person  evaluator * Define your sandbox. Who decides what? * Beware the precedent: establish a role you can live with * You wear two hats: coaching behaviors and PLC facilitator. Neither is sufficient. What do you need to do to make your role clearer to yourself and those you work with?

32 “Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and let him know that you trust him.” -Booker T. Washington * Identify the leaders and your future replacement; begin by building a deep foundation with a few. * Develop relationships with district, school administration and support staff.

33 "Leadership is getting someone to do what they don't want to do, to achieve what they want to achieve." – Tom Landry * Protocols must be taught: Norms * Safety in Structure

34 1. Pausing 2. Paraphrasing 3. Probing for specificity 4. Putting ideas on the table 5. Paying attention to self and others 6. Presuming positive intentions 7. Pursuing a balance between advocacy and inquiry How will the team choose a norm to focus on?

35 "We could all use a little coaching. When you're playing the game, it's hard to think of everything." -Jim Rohn

36 Build your support team: * Brainstorm Buddy * Resource Guru * Substitute Sage * Empathetic Ear / Safe place to vent Friend * Communication Coach * Publishing Partner * Laugh Lender Next to each role, put the name of someone you trust to support you.

37 No one of us alone is as smart as all of us together. Teachers and leaders/coach team together to incorporate daily high quality teaching through lesson design and pedagogical content knowledge conversations. They hold each other accountable with goals that focus on and measure student learning.

38 “Build for your team a feeling of oneness, of dependence on one another and of strength to be derived by unity.” -Vince Lombardy How Cohesive Teams Behave: * They TRUST one another * They ENGAGE IN UNFILTERED CONFLICT around ideas. * They COMMIT to decisions and plans of action. * They HOLD ONE ANOTHER ACCOUNTABLE for delivering against the plans. * They FOCUS on the achievement of the collective goals.

39 “Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.” -Douglas Adams * Let the data speak * Team accountability motivates professional growth

40 T. R. U. S. T. T T ime R R elationships U U nity of Purpose S S upport T T eam: Accountable PLC

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