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Curriculum Night Welcome to Mrs. Rife’s Algebra/Geometry Block Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night Welcome to Mrs. Rife’s Algebra/Geometry Block Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night Welcome to Mrs. Rife’s Algebra/Geometry Block Class

2 College prep program  All honors classes  Student responsibility  Student self-motivation  Extra parental help as needed  Faster pace  Mastery of the district curriculum  Extra challenge to prepare for success at the next levels  No Rescue Policy!

3 Grading Policy Standard for ACP Homework is corrected, but not graded Homework quizzes are taken directly from the homework Grades are based on mastery of the curriculum 75% Tests and Quizzes 15% Homework Quizzes 10% Warm Up/Projects  No retakes of tests or quizzes (summative)  Students may retake one homework quiz in each half quarter – about 2 weeks for this class. Must get additional help and bring the signed form.

4 Semester Grades  There will be a final exam each semester for all students at the end of each quarter!  Semester grades are weighted as follows: –40% quarter 1 grade –40% quarter 2 grade –20% final exam grade

5 Geometry  Not linear thinking  No assumptions, information must be labeled, given or proven!  Helps develop logical reasoning  Most will feel frustration, but be patient. It will get easier!  Proofs

6 Typical Day  Warm up  Go over homework  Lesson –Groups given a task –Teacher circulates, working with groups, offering tips, suggestions, hints –Whole class discussions when needed –Closure – wrap up the learning –Quick break –Repeat for second lesson, or continue with part 2

7 Warm Up  Review 8 th grade skills (foundations for algebra 1 and fills any gaps)  AIMS review  “Gimme” points –The only extra points available –Should never earn less than 5 points –Get help!

8 Progress checks Formative (informal)  Ticket out the door  Homework quiz  Observation  Skill Mastery Scale Summative (formal)  Chapter tests and quizzes  Mid-quarter and end-of-quarter exams  Final exam each semester

9 What students can do if they don’t understand  Ask questions  Look over notes and examples  Ask for help at home  Call a friend  Go online –Support links on –You tube – or other math sites  Don’t give up!

10 What else can parents do? The new text series has excellent student and parent resources. Go to and find the parent/student links on the left  Homework help  Examples with work shown  Answers to some homework Parents can even purchase an e-book license (1 year) for $10 – order forms on back table  Contact Mrs. Rife right away if you have concerns!

11 Mrs. Rife’s Supports Mrs. Rife’s scheduled tutoring days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 7:15 am and Tuesday after school by appointment Students can stop in and get help or get their questions answered any time Not able to provide individual tutoring, but happy to answer questions!!! Weekly e-mails – will recap the current week and give a heads up for next week.

12 Helpful Tips  Students should keep all notes, examples, homework assignments, quizzes, etc for the current chapter in their binder!  After the chapter test, students can remove all of these from their binder, but need to keep them until the end of the semester!  Students will need them for mid-quarter and end-of- quarter exams as well as final exams! –Extra binder –Accordion folder –Box –?

13 Absences  Attendance is particularly important in this class – every day is 2 learning days!  Difficult to make up missed lesson and discussion  Students are responsible for the learning that was done!  Quizzes and Tests made up before or after school  I can’t meet individually with every absent student

14 In Closing  Giving Tree  Curriculum Night Handouts  I love the new text series!  Have a specific question? - Send me an e-mail and I will get back to you ASAP!

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