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Mr. Pytleski 100 200 400 300 400 Balancing Chemical Equations Chemical Reactions Physical or Chemical Controlling Chemical Reactions 300 200 400 200.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Pytleski 100 200 400 300 400 Balancing Chemical Equations Chemical Reactions Physical or Chemical Controlling Chemical Reactions 300 200 400 200."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mr. Pytleski

3 100 200 400 300 400 Balancing Chemical Equations Chemical Reactions Physical or Chemical Controlling Chemical Reactions 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 How do you know a chemical equation is balanced? There is an equal # of atoms on both sides of the arrow

5 1,2 When a chemical equation breaks down a molecule into simpler parts, the reaction is known as ________. Decomposition

6 1,3 Give me an example of a physical change in a substance. Any change that does not change the substance

7 1,4 Name one way the RATE of a chemical reaction can sped up. Higher concentration, increase of surface area, increase temperature

8 2,1 WHOLE CLASS Balance the equation below Sn + Cl 2 -------  SnCl 2 Sn + Cl 2 = SnCl 2

9 2,2 How many hydrogen and oxygen molecules are there on the ‘Product’ side of the following equation? 2 H 2 O 2  2 H 2 O + O 2 4

10 2,3 Smashing or pulling apart a marshmallow is an example of what kind of reaction? Physical

11 2,4 In our body there are proteins called ____ that help to speed up reactions within our cells to carry on life processes. enzymes

12 3,1 In a chemical reaction, what is the Term for the statement…’ ‘Nothing is created or destroyed with a chemical Reaction.’ Law of Conservation of Mass

13 3,2 A __________ system is one where no matter is allowed to enter or leave. (Example: A sandwich decaying in a sealed Bag.) closed

14 3,3 Combustion, electrolysis, oxidation (rusting), and tarnishing are all examples of what kind of a reaction? Chemical Changes

15 3,4 A material used to decrease the rate of a reaction is called a/an __________. (Also, give an example of one.) Inhibitor (Food preservatives)

16 4,1 The materials that go into a chemical reaction are known as the ___. Reactants

17 4,2 The minimum amount of energy needed to get a chemical reaction started is known a the ______ energy. activation

18 4,3 The study of matter and how matter changes is called ______. Chemistry

19 4,4 1 Extra Credit Point for the LUCKY TEAM who received this question. 1 point Extra Credit

20 5,1 Balance the Equation H 2 + O 2 -------> H 2 0 2 H 2 + O 2 -------> 2 H 2 0

21 5,2 A chemical reaction where energy is absorbed is called an ____ reaction. endothermic

22 5,3 State TWO pieces of evidence indicating a chemical change. State of matter change, color change, smell, temperature change…

23 5,4 What can be done to separate water into its reactants again? (This means the water is changed back into Hydrogen and oxygen (gases.) Run electric current through them

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