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Maryland Technology Grant “ Our goal is to ensure that all Maryland teacher candidates are proficient in integrating technology in the classroom for teaching.

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2 Maryland Technology Grant “ Our goal is to ensure that all Maryland teacher candidates are proficient in integrating technology in the classroom for teaching and learning.”

3 Program Development and Accountability in Maryland MTTS incorporated into policy: MD Redesign of Teacher Education (1996) –Improve teacher education; link preparation of teachers to Maryland K-12 schools IHEs use either Maryland’s Essential Dimensions of Teaching or the INTASC Standards (both include MTTS) HEA Title II Institutional Performance Criteria (MTTS is one of the criteria)

4 MD Technology Consortium Membership: Two - and four - year colleges Local school systems Maryland Higher Education Commission Maryland State Department of Education Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO) Mid-Atlantic Regional Technology in Education Consortium (MAR-TEC)

5 Project Goal 1: Align higher education curriculum and practicum experiences with the Maryland Teacher Technology Standards.

6 Project Goal 2: Create consistent and credible performance assessments to measure technology proficiencies.

7 Project Goal 3: Incorporate Maryland Teacher Technology Standards into teacher candidate electronic portfolios.

8 Maryland Teacher Technology Standards I.Information Access, Evaluation, Processing and Application II.Communication III.Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues IV.Assessment for Administration and Instruction V.Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction VI.Assistive Technology VII.Professional Growth

9 Model Performance Assessments For institutions to: Ensure all teacher candidates perform at proficiency levels Adopt or adapt with other program requirements

10 Performance Assessment Materials CD includes: Letter of introduction Maryland Teacher Technology Standards Task summaries Performance assessment tasks and scoring tools Glossary of terms List of Consortium members

11 Step One Establish a committee to plan and oversee the implementation of the Maryland Teacher Technology Standards. Redesign of Teacher Education Title II reporting criteria Connection to the K-12 community – State Technology Plan State Technology Plan

12 Step Two Survey faculty to identify where the Maryland Teacher Technology Standards are taught and assessed in your program.

13 Developing a Survey Original online survey developed at Salisbury University (Regina Royer) University of Maryland Teaching with Technology Database (see handout)

14 Step Three Plan faculty development on the integration of the Maryland Teacher Technology Standards. University of Maryland, College Park

15 Faculty Development Building Learning with Technology (BLT): √ Re-thinking teaching and learning √ Building technology-enriched units for courses in which future teachers enroll √ Student-faculty mentoring √ Learning to use software as needed √ Planning how to meet the Maryland Teacher Technology Standards

16 Key BLT Components √Faculty-student design teams create units √Template for building units using the 5 E’s: Engagement, Exploration, Explanation Extension and Evaluation √January and July Design Institutes √Monthly follow-up team meetings √Implementation and revision of units √Sharing units with other faculty/students For more information:

17 Step Four Plan a timeline for integrating the Maryland Teacher Technology Standards and performance assessment tasks into the curricula. Frostburg State University

18 Timeline Intersession 2001 Spring 2001 Summer 2001 Fall 2001 Determine where three of the assessments will be tested Pilot the assessments Review the results of the pilot and re- examine where skills are taught and assessments are completed Work with other faculty to place assessments in courses Conduct the three assessments

19 Timeline Intersession 2002 Spring 2002 Summer 2002 Fall 2002 Review results of assessments (scores, administration, and evaluation) Pilot 3 more assessments Review the results of the pilot and re- examine where skills are taught, assessments completed and by whom Work with other faculty to place assessments in courses Conduct six assessments Design candidate / MTTS database

20 Timeline Intersession 2003 Spring 2003 Summer 2003 Review results of assessments (scores, administration, and evaluation) Conduct six assessments Work with other faculty to place final assessment in courses Begin to enter candidate / MTTS data in database Review the results of the assessments and re-examine where skills are taught, assessments completed and by whom

21 Timeline Fall 2003 Intersession 2004 Conduct all assessments Collect NCATE Composite Scoring Forms for all candidates Update candidate / MTTS database Review results of assessments (scores, administration, and evaluation) and make needed adjustments Spring/Fall

22 Placement of Assessments in Elementary/Early Childhood Program Assessments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Placements Ed Tech Lab I Ed Tech Labs I & II Ed Tech Lab I Ed Tech Lab III Ed Tech Lab III (Internship I) & Internship II Special Education Internship II Leadership Seminar

23 Step Five Evaluate, reflect and revise your implementation plan. Frostburg State University

24 Evaluate, Reflect, Revise Skills –Time to teach skills –Where skills are taught Technology Courses Content / methods courses

25 Evaluate, Reflect, Revise Assessments –Where are they evaluated Technology Courses Content / methods courses Internships –Who evaluates the assessments Course instructors K-12 technology coordinators / tech reps Peer groups –Time needed to evaluate assessments Method of evaluation Persons completing evaluations

26 Evaluate, Reflect, Revise Input from K-12 partners _ Technology Advisory CouncilTechnology Advisory Council _ Tech RepsTech Reps Revise implementation plan –Move placement of skills attainment and assessments –Change manner in which assessments are evaluated and by whom –Adjust implementation plan

27 Step Six Collect evidence for state program approval or joint NCATE accreditation/Maryland approval. Frostburg State University

28 Collect Evidence Statistical data for each performance assessmentStatistical data Samples of products showing range in performance Database of students/assessments Showcase in portfoliosportfolios

29 Step Seven Use data/evidence to revise, improve and sustain your program Frostburg State University

30 Use of Data Review performance of students –Adequate time spent on skills attainment –Adequate explanation of assessments –Adequate practice examples integrated into courses Review data collection process and media

31 Common Strategies for Success: Leadership with vision and commitment Faculty support Content integrated with technology Collaborate with K - 12 partners

32 For For more information...

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