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Survival of the Fittest A Homemade PowerPoint Game By April Johnson University of Georgia Play the game Game Directions Story Credits Copyright Notice.

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Presentation on theme: "Survival of the Fittest A Homemade PowerPoint Game By April Johnson University of Georgia Play the game Game Directions Story Credits Copyright Notice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survival of the Fittest A Homemade PowerPoint Game By April Johnson University of Georgia Play the game Game Directions Story Credits Copyright Notice Game Preparation Objectives Game Pieces

2 The Story of “Survival of the Fittest” Benny, the World’s strongest bear is the most popular animal in his habitat. He is mean and tough and … well let’s just say this- you don’t want to mess with him! Benny is convinced that he is the greatest animal in all of the animal kingdom, so to try and prove himself right, he has placed a challenge to any animal that dares to accept it. But Benny is not going to compete with just anyone. Oh no! Benny wants only the BEST. Before you can even think about challenging Benny, you have to go through a challenge of your own. There can be up to six competitors total. And the task for these animals is simple- survival. Who is going to make it through the race called life? What will you do when pollution hits or famine strikes? Through life’s devastating circumstances are you able to press through and continue to run that extra meter? 400m of intense cramping, oxygen depriving, all-out pain in the legs running is the challenge set before you. Win the race, and you win the chance to challenge the ultimate of ultimates- Benny Bear. Home Page

3 Game Directions * The goal of the game is to be the first person to make it all the way around the track and cross the finish line. * To start the game, each player puts a gamepiece on one of the six numbers in the lane of his choice (only one gamepiece per lane.) * The youngest player in the group will click on question 1 on the 'Let's play "Survival of the Fittest"' screen. If he answers the question correctly, he rolls the die and moves that many spaces in his lane. If he answers incorrectly, then he remains on his number, and it becomes the next person's turn. Play continues in a clockwise direction. * If you land on an Adaptation Station square, select an Adaptation Station card from the pile and follow the directions on it. * If a player rolls a number, which causes him to be on the same space as another player, that habitat becomes overpopulated. Have each person call out a number 1-6. Taking turns rolling, whoever rolls their number first stays in that space. The other player must move back 2 spaces. You start the rolling. * To win the game you have to be the first person to make it all the way around the track and reach the finish line (you do not have to land exactly on the Finish line space; you may cross over it) Return

4 Game Preparation Gameboard: Print out slides 10-13 cut off the edges, then tape together “Adaptation Station” Cards: Print out slides 14-17 (preferably on heavy stock with a distinct color), then cut into individual question cards Game Pieces: Print out slide 5 and then cut out each animal. Find a die or other random number generator for rolling Home Page

5 Game Pieces Return

6 Credits All teachers and students at non-profit schools can use, revise, or adapt this game at will at no cost on the condition that all prior designers are cited. Originally designed by April Johnson, University of Georgia, May 30, 2003 with the title “Survival of the Fittest”. Home Page

7 Educational Objectives Audience –Children in grades 1-3 Science –Students will be able to identify different land and water habitats and characteristics of each. –Students will recognize that pollution is harmful to animals and their habitats. –Students will comprehend that animals must adapt to their environments in order to survive. Home Page

8 Copyright Copyright 2003 April Johnson Permission to copy this game at no cost is granted to all teachers and students of non-profit schools. Permission is also granted to all teachers and students of non-profit schools to make revisions to this game for their own purposes, on the condition that this copyright page and the credits page remain part of the game. Teachers and students who adapt the game should add their names and affiliations to the credits page without deleting any names already there. Home Page

9 Time to play “Survival of the Fittest”! Starting with number 1, click on a box below to receive a question. After all the questions have been asked, go back to question 1. Home PageGame Directions 21 12 345678910 1416132019171815 262728293024252223 11 21





14 Stuck in the Mud! Time to estivate- lose a turn while you sleep. Zzzzz! Hibernating- lose a turn while you sleep. The air is too polluted to go outside. Stay in your shelter and lose a turn. Food is running scarce! Time to migrate- With a player of your choice take turns rolling the die- you roll first. Whoever rolls a 6 first moves ahead 2 spaces. The other player must move back 1 space. The water supply is polluted- Exchange places with the player of your choice. You found a fresh water supply! Run ahead 2 spaces.

15 Stuck in the Mud! Time to estivate- lose a turn while you sleep. Zzzzz! Hibernating- lose a turn while you sleep. The air is too polluted to go outside. Stay in your shelter and lose a turn. Food is running scarce! Time to migrate- With a player of your choice take turns rolling the die- you roll first. Whoever rolls a 6 first moves ahead 2 spaces. The other player must move back 1 space. The water supply is polluted- Exchange places with the player of your choice. You found a fresh water supply! Run ahead 2 spaces.

16 Stuck in the Mud! Time to estivate- lose a turn while you sleep. The air is too polluted to go outside. Stay in your shelter and lose a turn. Food is running scarce! Time to migrate- With a player of your choice take turns rolling the die- you roll first. Whoever rolls a 6 first moves ahead 2 spaces. The other player must move back 1 space. The water supply is polluted- Exchange places with the player of your choice. Ahhh! Fresh air! You just caught your second wind! Sprint ahead 3 spaces. What are you going to eat? Plants are dying due to drought. Go back 1 space.

17 What are you going to eat? Plants are dying due to drought. Go back 1 space. The forest bursts into flames! What a major setback! Move back 2 spaces. The forest bursts into flames! What a major setback! Move back 2 spaces. The rain forest is being cut down. Somebody will lose their habitat. Either move ahead 1 space or the player of your choice must move back 2 spaces. The rain forest is being cut down. Somebody will lose their habitat. Either move ahead 1 space or the player of your choice must move back 2 spaces. Food is running scarce! Time to migrate- With a player of your choice take turns rolling the die- you roll first. Whoever rolls a 6 first moves ahead 2 spaces. The other player must move back 1 space.

18 An ____________ is made up of all the living and nonliving things in a place. Answer

19 Environment Return to Questions

20 A _________ is a place where an animal finds the food and water and shelter it needs to live. Answer

21 Habitat Return to Questions

22 True or False: An environment may have many different habitats. Answer

23 True or False: Animals find habitats where they can meet their needs. Answer

24 List two different land habitats Answer

25 Any two of the following: DESERT, RAIN FOREST, FOREST, or TUNDRA Return to Questions

26 List two different water habitats. Answer

27 FRESHWATER and SALTWATER Return to Questions

28 This environment get little rain. Answer

29 Only a few kind of plants and animals have habitats there. Answer

30 ________ plants and animals do not need much water. Answer

31 DESERT Return to Questions

32 Most desert plants store ________ and use it later. Answer

33 Water Return to Questions

34 April is in a habitat that is cold and windy. Where is she? Answer

35 TUNDRA Return to Questions

36 An _________ is a large body of salt water. Answer

37 OCEAN Return to Questions

38 True or False: Most rain forests have cold weather all year round. Answer

39 What is it called when an animals travels to faraway places? Answer

40 MIGRATION Return to Questions

41 A ______ is a small freshwater environment. Answer

42 POND Return to Questions

43 Some animals spend the winter in a deep sleep. What is this called? Answer

44 HIBERNATION Return to Questions

45 True or False: Animals in forest habitats use the trees and plants for food and shelter. Answer

46 Whales and dolphins must come to the surface to breathe air because they are________. Answer

47 MAMMALS Return to Questions

48 In what season do animals estivate? Answer

49 SUMMER Return to Questions

50 The ________is a place with a cold, windy environment. Answer

51 Kristin is in a habitat that is hot and wet. Where is she? Answer

52 RAIN FOREST Return to Questions

53 Why do animals move? Answer


55 Where does air pollution come from? Answer

56 FACTORIES, CARS, AND CHIMNEYS Return to Questions

57 Why do many forest birds fly to warmer places in the winter? Answer


59 True or False: The Earth has many water environments. Answer

60 True or False: The surface, or top, of the pond is the habitat of water lilies and other plants. Answer

61 A _______is an environment that gets enough rain and warmth for many trees to grow. Answer

62 FOREST Return to Questions

63 Many desert animals get their water from _______. Answer

64 FOOD Return to Questions

65 When animals hibernate they still have to eat. What happens to the breathing and heartbeat of an animal when it hibernates? Answer

66 IT SLOWS DOWN Return to Questions

67 True or False: Plants are used as food and shelter for animals. Answer

68 True Return to Questions

69 False Return to Questions

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