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Acids & Bases. Batman (1989) Jack NapierThe Joker.

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Presentation on theme: "Acids & Bases. Batman (1989) Jack NapierThe Joker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acids & Bases

2 Batman (1989) Jack NapierThe Joker

3 Acids & Bases and Your Body Both play many different roles Acids – Some are harmful (H 2 CO 3 ) – Some are essential (DNA) Bases – Harmful (NH 3 ) – Helpful (saliva)

4 Identifying Acids & Bases Thousands of years ago chemists used taste as a way to identify acids and bases. – Acids = sour – Bases = bitter This process however, is not safe!!

5 pH and the pH scale power of hydrogen ph is the most common way of determining acids/bases today Related to the # of hydrogen ions (H + ) that are in a solution # scale that shows how acidic or basic a solution is......

6 ph Scale AcidsBases Increasingly acidicIncreasingly basic Neutral

7 ph = 7 (neutral)....water ph = 0-6 (acid)....lemon juice ph = 8-14 (base)....baking soda

8 Acid/Base Indicators Most common indicator is litmus Plant extract that can either be red or blue Red litmus paper turns blue when dipped into a basic solution Blue litmus paper turns red when dipped into an acidic solution


10 Universal Indicator (UI) Mixture of chemicals that changes colour through a wide range of pH values pH paper are embedded with UI


12 Identifying Acids Usually the name of an acid ends with the word “acid” If you are given a chemical formula you know its an acid if: – It starts with H (hydrogen) or – It ends with COOH (carboxyl polyatomic ion) Examples – HF (hydrofluoric acid) – CH3COOH (acetic acid)

13 Naming Acids Two rules: 1. When chemical formula starts with H and only has one other non-metal element – Start with prefix hydro – Add suffix “ic” to ending of non-metal and then the word “acid” Example – HCl – Hydrochloric acid

14 Naming Acids 2. When polyatomic ion in an acid has an oxygen and ends in “ate” – Start with the name of the element in the polyatomic ion that is NOT oxygen – Add suffix “ic” to ending of non-metal and then the word “acid” Example – H 2 SO 4 – Sulphuric acid

15 Identifying Bases Bases begin with the name of a metallic ion and end with the word “hydroxide” A substance is also a base if: – Chemical formula starts with ammonium ion (NH 4 ) or – Ends with hydroxide (OH)

16 Naming Bases Write the name of the + metallic ion that is at the beginning of the chemical formula Add “hydroxide” Example – KOH – Potassium Hydroxide

17 Homework Page 203 Questions # 1-10

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