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Plants (K. Plantae). Plant Basics Multicellular eukaryotes Cell wall of cellulose Photosynthetic (photoautotrophic) Evolved from an organism similar to.

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1 Plants (K. Plantae)

2 Plant Basics Multicellular eukaryotes Cell wall of cellulose Photosynthetic (photoautotrophic) Evolved from an organism similar to today’s green algae Need to survive –1. sunlight2. water and minerals –3. gas exchange4. movement of water & nutrients

3 Just how do plants move water and nutrients? Diffusion (if there is not a long way to go) Capillary action Vascular tissue –Xylem (water up from the roots) Tracheids –Phloem (carbs down from the leaves)

4 Plant Life Cycle

5 The Nonvascular Plants Low to the ground no vascular tissue gametophyte dominant antheridia (female parts) and archegonia (male parts)

6 The Nonvascular Plants Division Bryophyta –Mosses –Moist habitats with poor soils –Rhizoids (root like)

7 The Nonvascular Plants Division Hepaticophyta/ Hepatophya –Liverworts –Reproduce via gemmae –Thallus (body)

8 The Nonvascular Plants Division Anthocerophyta –hornworts

9 Seedless Vascular Plants Require water for reproduction Sporophyte dominant No seeds (spores instead) Vascular tissue

10 Seedless Vascular Plants Division Lycophyta –Club mosses (small plants in moist woodlands) –Many are epiphytes (grow on trees but don’t harm them)

11 Seedless Vascular Plants Division Arthrophyta –Equisetum (horsetail/ scoring rush)- abrasive silica in stems, found in marshes

12 Seedless Vascular Plants Division Pterophyta –Ferns –Spores found in sori on the underside of fronds

13 Seed Plants- General Info Do not require water for fertilization Gametophyte dominant Produce seeds Adaptations for reproduction –Flowers/ cones to protect seeds –Pollination –Protection of embryos in seeds

14 Seed Plants- Gymnosperms “naked seed”

15 Seed Plants- Gymnosperms Division Cycadophyta (cycads like the sago palm and palm trees) –Mycorrizhae

16 Seed Plants- Gymnosperms Division Gingophyta –Gingko biloba – the only extant member of this division (“a living fossil”) –Male and female trees

17 Seed Plants- Gymnosperms Division Gnetophyta –Ephedra, Welwitschia

18 Seed Plants- Gymnosperms Division Coniferophyta (the conifers) –“cone-bearers” –Evergreens such as pines, firs

19 Seed Plants- Angiosperms Most diverse Division Anthophyta (“flowering plants”) More on flowers later…

20 Seed Plants- Angiosperms Monocots –Flower parts in 3’s –Examples: Lily, iris, grasses

21 Seed Plants- Angiosperms Dicots –Flower parts in 4’s or 5’s –Examples: rose, daisy, sunflower

22 Plant Structures Stoma- found on leaf surface; used for gas exchange; opening controlled by guard cells; transpiration can also occur through stomata

23 Plant Responses Tropism- response due to an environmental stimulus; controlled primarily by hormones –Phototropism- light –Gravitropism/ geotropism- gravity –Thigmotropism- touch

24 Plant Adaptations Aquatic Plants –Mangrove trees Desert Plants –Succulents –Thick coverings Carnivorous Plants –Pitcher plants (shape, color, smell) –Venus fly trap Parasitic Plants

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