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Biomes of Utah Desert, Forest, and Wetlands What is a biome?  Biomes are climatically and geographically defined as similar climatic conditions on the.

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2 Biomes of Utah Desert, Forest, and Wetlands

3 What is a biome?  Biomes are climatically and geographically defined as similar climatic conditions on the Earth, such as communities of plants, animals, and soil organisms.climaticallygeographically Earth communitiesplants animalssoil organisms

4 The Desert Annual rainfall? Less than 5 inches! If Utah were left in its natural stare it would be a desert.

5 Two Types of deserts found in Utah  Hot desert  Cold desert

6 Desert Animals  Desert Tortoise  Snakes  Lizards  Golden Eagle  Turkey Vulture

7 Desert Tortoise  The length of this tortoise's shell is about 10 inches. Full- grown adults will reach 15 inches.  The hard shell is a protection against predators and a harsh environment..  The color and patterns allow the tortoise to blend in with the shrubs and soil.

8 Snakes Snakes are important predators in desert ecosystems. Life on the desert is harsh, and predators help to maintain the critical balance.

9 Lizards  Lizards are superbly adapted desert dwellers.  Control insects.  Serve as food for other desert predators.  Two adaptations. They are very well camouflaged. They can lose their tail to escape when captured and grow a new one for future escapes.

10 Golden Eagle  A Golden Eagle eating a hare.  The eagle will typically cover a large territory in search of an occasional lizard or desert wood rat.  Beaks are adapted for killing small animals.

11 Turkey Vulture  Scavengers such as the Turkey Vulture, fill a very significant role in the desert ecosystem.

12 Plants of the desert  Cactuses would most likely be found in a desert area of Utah.  We also find sagebrush and juniper.

13 Forest Biomes  Found wherever a high number of trees and other plants grow together.

14 Deciduous Forest  Mild temperatures and plenty of rainfall.  Deciduous trees have large, flat leaves in order to photosynthesize as much as possible before harsh winters.  Seeds produced by deciduous plans attract animals like squirrels that store or eat them.

15 Deciduous Trees  Loses its leaves in the autumn.

16 Coniferous Forest biomes  Occur at higher elevations than deciduous forests.  The summer season is very brief and conifers grow quickly to take advantage of sunshine.  Instead of broad, flat leaves, conifers have adapted needle like leaves.

17 Examples Of Coniferous Trees  Pine and Spruce  Produces cones

18 Forest Animals Raccoon Garter Snake Eagle Turkey Robin Bears

19 Raccoon  This masked bandit can become very friendly when a full garbage can is available. Although very cute, this mammal can bite very hard!

20 Garter Snake  These common reptiles can be found in your own backyard.

21 Turkey A turkey in the wild can be a feast for a larger predator.

22 Robin  Robins can be seen in many backyards.

23 Bears  Black bears live in Utah.  They survive the cold, mountain winters by hibernating.

24 Wetland Biomes  Characterized by the presence of standing water or heavily water soaked soil.  Bodies of water such as ponds, rivers, marshes along with their surrounding areas are examples of wetlands.

25 Famous wetland located near us  The Great Salt Lake  Bear River Refuge

26 Types of Wetland environments found in Utah  Lake  River  Stream  Marsh

27 Wetland Animals Found in Utah  Beaver  Ducks  fish

28 Examples of Wetland Plants  Cattail  Willow  algae

29 Environment  Everything, both living and nonliving that surrounds and affects an animal.

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