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HabitatsHabitats Living organisms. Living organisms Humans.

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Presentation on theme: "HabitatsHabitats Living organisms. Living organisms Humans."— Presentation transcript:

1 HabitatsHabitats Living organisms

2 Living organisms Humans

3 Living organisms Animals

4 Living organisms Planets

5 Living organisms All living organisms do the following:

6 1-move from one place to another place


8 2-Respire = breath

9 3-sense : feel, smell, taste, see and hear

10 Feel (afraid)

11 smell

12 taste

13 see

14 hear

15 All living organisms do the following

16 grow


18 Reproduce=to have baby


20 Excrete=get ride of waste

21 Feed=eat

22 which is living organisms and which is which is living organisms and which is non living organisms

23 living organisms



26 non organisms living


28 Different habitats animals are different in : size, shape

29 And the way they live some animals live in water

30 Some animals live on land

31 Habitats provide food

32 water

33 Place to live which animals need to survive Fish live in water

34 Forests have many trees

35 Animals live in forests lions

36 elephants

37 zebras

38 Mountains are very high with low temperature at the top

39 Bears live in mountains

40 goats live in mountains

41 deserts is very dry, hot in the day and cold at night

42 Camels live in the desert

43 Snakes live in the desert

44 Animals adaptations Animals can live in different kinds of places in the world because they have adaptation to the area they live in

45 Adaptation Adaptation means the way an animals body helps it to survive, or live in its environment

46 Adaptation fish have gills to breath and fins to help them swim in water

47 Monkeys live on the branches of trees they have long arms, legs and tails to hang from forest trees

48 The polar bear lives in the snow ; it is converted with fur to keep it warm

49 Animals that are hunted such as rabbits, have long ears to hear well

50 Deer have eyes at the sides of their hands to see well

51 The camel lives in the desert. It can go on for days with no food or water.the camel has long eyelashes to protect its eyes

52 Each habitat has a number of animals. and plants living in it. living organisms depend on each other in.They form a food chain


54 Some animals eat planets as rabbit. These animals are called herbivores

55 Some animals eat other animals as fox these animals are called carnivores

56 Some animals eat planets and animals as the bear these animals are called omnivores

57 food chains. Green planets.Animals feeding on these planets.Animals feeding on other animals This process is called a food chain

58 1o/11/2014 animals adaptations 1.The polar bear. القطبى الدب 2. Snow. الثلج 3.Covered. يغطى 4.Warm. يدفىء 5.Hunted. يصطاد 6.Rabbits. ارانب 7.Ears. اذن 8.Hear. يسمع

59 18/11/2014 Animals adaptation Deer. Eyes. Side. Head. See. Camel. Desert. Day. Eyelashes. Protect. Eye.

60 20/11/2014 animals adaptation Habitat. Number. Plant. Food. Food chain. Rabbit. Herbivores. بيئة عدد نبات طعام سلسلة غذائية ارنب حيوانات آكلة العشب

61 Food chain

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