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Chapter 20 - Protists.

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1 Chapter 20 - Protists

2 Characteristics: Eukaryotic
Unicellular - may be colonial or filamentous (Spirogyra and Volvox) Animal-like, Plant-like, or Fungus-like characteristics


4 Animal-like Protists “First animals”
Classification is based on method of mobility Four Phyla: *** Protozoa *** Ciliophora *** Sarcomastigophora *** Apicomplexa

5 Phylum Protozoa Amoeba, Radiolarians and Formanifera
Move using pseudopods or false feet Pseudopods are used for movement and phagocytosis of food Entamoeba histolytica – Amoebic dysentery

6 Amoeba Amoeba Feeding

7 Feeding

8 Actinosphaerium close up of axial rods Amoeba proteus
                         Chaos-chaos shown with Paramecium                   Arcella                                                    Difflugia                      Entamoeba                Entamoeba-cyst                                       Paramoeba

9 Phylum Ciliophora Have cilia for mobility
Paramecium, Stentor, Didinium, Vorticella Have cilia for mobility

10 Structures Contractile vacuole – Regulates water pressure
Trichocysts – defense mechanisms Macronucleus – binary fission Micronucleus – conjugation Gullet – food is packaged into food vacuoles Oral groove – cilia lined to sweep food into gullet

11 Paramecium Euplotes Paramecium w/ trichocysts Didinium Stentor Vorticella

12 Didinium feeding Paramecium feeding

13 Phylum Sarcomastigophora
Giardia (Giardiasis),Trypanosoma (African Sleeping Sickness carried by Tse Tse fly Have flagella for mobility Many are parasitic and cause intestinal distress

14 Phylum Apicomplexa Plasmodium (Malaria carried by mosquitoe) & Toxoplasmosis Nonmotile Parasitic Reproduce by forming spores in host cells

15 Malarial Life Cycle

16 Plant-like Protists Classified by their main pigment
Euglenophyta – Euglena Move using Flagella Eyespot as a photoreceptor to keep organism in photic zone May be auto or heterotrophic

17 2. Pyrrophyta – Fire algae
Dinoflagellates have two flagella Luminescent – give off light Produce a neurotoxin – cause Red Tides when they “bloom” and Paralytic Shellfish poisoning in clams and oysters. Blooms concentrate in shell fish then into fish which we eat. Weaken or even kill – biomagnification example

18 Red Tides Caused by a bloom in Dinoflagellates Produce neurotoxins
Responsible for large die-offs of marine organisms and seabirds Karenia brevis

19 Bacillariophyta– Diatoms
Diatoms - Silica shell Diatomaceous earth as filtering and also abrasives Store food as oil (buoyancy)

20 4. Chlorophyta Green algae
Volvox and Spirogyra May have flagella or be immobile like Spirogyra Main pigment is Chlorophyll a & b

21 Fungus-like Protists Slime molds – Found in nutrient rich materials like mulch, compost and thick wet lawns. Absorptive heterotrophs 2 stages in life Single amoeba-like cells Mold-like mass that produce spores

22 Under The Microscope, Animal-Like

23 Under The Microscope, Plant-Like

24 Volvox Spirogyra Euglena Vorticella Amoeba Stentor Peranema Blepharisma Paramecium & Didinium Diatoms

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