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Reproduction Chapter 27.

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1 Reproduction Chapter 27

2 Reproduction Asexual Sexual Genetically identical offspring (clones)
1 parent No gamete fusion Mitosis only Pro Ease for nonmotile and isolated individuals, and quick Con Changing environments Genetically unique individuals 2 parents Haploid gametes (n) fuse (2n) Egg: large, nonmotile, female Sperm: small, motile, male Mitosis and meiosis Pro Variability = better survival chance Con Finding mates

3 Asexual Reproduction Fission Budding Fragmentation Parthenogenesis
Prokaryotes Invertebrates Budding Hydras Fragmentation Some sea stars & sponges Parthenogenesis Bees, ants, & Komodo dragons

4 Sexual Reproduction Simultaneous hermaphroditism
Cross-fertilization Sequential hermaphroditism Many fish Blue-banded gobies Separate sexes External Internal

5 Fertilization External Internal
External: timing is crucial; environmental clues, chemical signals, or courtship rituals; cost large numbers Internal: terrestrial adaptation; requires copulation and specific organs; cost parental care

6 Human Reproductive Systems

7 Female Reproductive System
Ovaries and follicles produce estrogen Follicles release eggs about every 28 days Without fertilization, corpus luteum and endometrium degenerate Occurs in oviduct Zygote, embryo, fetus (9th week)

8 Male Reproductive System
Sperm Develop in seminiferous tubules Epididymis store while developing Semen Seminal vesicles: nutrients for energy and uterine entry Prostate gland: nourishes and activates Bulbourethral glands: neutralize urethra Ejaculation Bladder sphincter contracts Ducts and glands contract to propel semen Urethra sphincter relaxes Contractions of penis releases semen

9 Oogenesis Prior to birth Birth Puberty
Cell in follicle undergo mitosis and start meiosis Birth Primary oocyte (2n) halted at prophase I Puberty LH stimulates meiosis I completion Secondary oocyte (n) halted at metaphase II & polar body Ovulation releases Fertilization completes meiosis Second polar body

10 Spermatogenesis Diploid cells undergo mitosis after puberty
1 Primary (2n) to 2 secondary spermatocytes (n) Secondary spermatocyte to 2 spermatids Completes meiosis to become sperm Process about 10 weeks

11 Gametogenesis Oogenesis Spermatogenesis
Mitotic division adolescence till death 4 spermatocytes result Mature sperm continuously produced Mitotic division completed by birth 1 oocyte develops, polar bodies degenerate 1 ovum per cycle (28 days)

12 Fertilization Receptor protein binding to middle layer prevents other sperm from fertilizing

13 Infertility Technology
Male Female Sperm count low or defective Scrotum temperature change Sperm bank Impotence Viagra Implants (irreversible) Intracytoplasmic sperm injection Lack of eggs Implant from a donor Risk to donor Failure to ovulate Hormone injections Multiple pregnancies Can’t support embryo Surrogate mother In vitro fertilization

14 STD’s United States w/ highest rates (developed countries)
Bacterial and fungal Antibiotics can cure if early; resistance Gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis Candidiasis Viral Not curable, but controllable; infect others for life Genital herpes (most difficult), HPV, HIV Protozoan Trichomoniasis

15 Contraception Sterilization prevents gamete transport
Condoms prevent pregnancy and STD’s Abstinence only 100% Rhythm method is unreliable 3-5 day sperm survival rate Oral contraceptives prohibit hormonal signal to follicle Morning after pill RU486 induces abortion (7 weeks) Blocks progesterone receptors

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