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2 Duck & Cover

3 Cold War Vs. Hot War Cold War Hot War Threat of war Build-up of Arms
War of Words Declaration of War Deployment of Arms War of Weapons

4 US – Kennedy SU - Stalin

5 Billy Joel: “We Didn’t Start The Fire”

6 The use of the atomic bomb by the US changed the face of warfare and drastically altered international relations after WWII 1 - The Atomic Age

7 Although they had been allies during WWII the US and the Soviet Union began to compete against each other for world power after WWII. 2 - The Atomic Age

8 After WWII, the USA and the USSR both were known as superpowers
After WWII, the USA and the USSR both were known as superpowers . This is because they both: Were not significantly damaged by the war Had a large amount of natural resources Had the nuclear bomb (Russia exploded its first in 1949) Had a lot of national wealth Have very strong armies World Superpowers

9 IGOR GOUZENKO On September 5th 1945, Igor Gouzenko (a Soviet Clerk at the Russian Embassy in Ottawa) defected to Canada. Gave the Canadian government a briefcase full of documents that exposed the degree to which Soviet intelligence was targeting the West through espionage and outright theft of Atomic Secrets Reaction to this defection began the 45 year long Cold War between the Soviets and the West Igor and his family were protected by the Canadian government and were housed at Camp X near Oshawa Defect= To disown allegiance to one's country and take up residence in another

10 3 - After WWII Stalin set up communist governments in all the countries the Soviets had liberated in WWII

11 Many countries became communist after World War 2 including:
Czechoslovakia (1948) Poland (1947) Hungary (1947) China (1949) Cuba (1959) North Korea (1945)

12 The USSR had a lot of influence over many of the new communist countries (especially those in Europe). The USA was very worried that the USSR’s influence over these countries was making the USSR and communism more powerful. The USA did not want communism to spread any further – they were worried about the domino effect (one country becomes communist, then another, then another etc) The Domino Effect

13 While the Soviets continued to control Eastern European countries, it was said that “An Iron Curtain” was descending across Europe An iron curtain was the name for the “line” that divided the communist and non- communist countries 4 - The Cold War


15 After WWII, Secretary of State of the United States,
Aid for Europe: After WWII, Secretary of State of the United States, George Marshall, toured Western Europe and witnessed widespread homelessness and famine. Children in a London suburb, waiting outside the wreckage of what was their home. September 1940.

16 Marshall, fearing that communist revolts could occur in such an atmosphere, proposed that the U.S. help to rebuild the European economy in what became known as the Marshall Plan. Nuremberg, Germany, April 20, 1945

17 NEXT STEP: Truman Doctrine –President Truman that promised military and economic support to nations threatened by communism. In 1947, the U.S. gave $400 million to Greece and Turkey in order to help them put down communist revolts.

18 The U.S. gave over $12 billion in aid to European countries between 1948 and 1952, helping to improve their economies and lessen the chance of communist revolutions.

19 The US and the Soviet Union had different political ideologies
The US was capitalist The Soviet Union was communist 5 - The Cold War The U.S. gave over $12 billion in aid to European countries between 1948 and 1952, helping to improve their economies and lessen the chance of communist revolutions.

20 To protect themselves the US and the USSR each formed their own military alliances
The US became part of NATO – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization The USSR created the Warsaw Pact 6 - The Cold War

21 NATO was created “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down” - Lord Ismay


23 Both the US and USSR developed long range nuclear missiles that could hit their enemy
The shortest distance for the missiles to travel was right over Canada! 7 - The Cold War

24 For it’s own protection Canada had to develop a way to detect surprise nuclear attacks
8 - The Cold War

25 The DEW Line - (Distant Early Warning Line) and a network of defence systems was put together to help North America detect a nuclear attack The US and Canada set up NORAD (North American Air Defence Command) to detect missiles and enemy aircraft 9 - NORAD

26 10 - NORAD The Main operating center for NORAD was set up in the Cheyenne Mountains in Colorado

27 11 - NORAD Deep inside the mountain military personal worked behind blast doors that would protect them in the event of a nuclear attack

28 NORAD Tracking Santa

29 M.A.D. Stands for: Mutually Assured Destruction
Beginning in 1954, the US and therefore, NATO advocated this policy Based on simple idea that ``I (Nation A) will deter you (Nation B) from attacking me by threatening to react to any attack by using my full nuclear arsenal`` M.A.D.

30 Crisis over Berlin Sidenote:

31 Focus on Berlin After World War II, Germany was divided into four zones, occupied by French, British, American, and Soviet troops. Occupation zones after Berlin is the multinational area within the Soviet zone.

32 Soviet blockade: East Berlin West Berlin
East Germany West Germany · In June of 1948, the French, British and American zones were joined into the nation of West Germany after the Soviets refused to end their occupation of Germany.

33 Eventual site of the Berlin Wall
In response, the Soviets cut off West Berlin from the rest of the world with a blockade. Eventual site of the Berlin Wall

34 BERLIN AIRLIFT President Truman decided to avoid the blockade by flying in food and other supplies to the needy people of West Berlin. At times, over 5,000 tons of supplies arrived daily.

35 Germany remains divided:
In May of 1949, Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union ended the blockade. The Soviet zone of Germany, including East Berlin, became known as the nation of East Germany. October, 1949

36 The Wall is Built August 1961 – Khrushchev and East German government orders barbed wire barrier across Berlin, followed by a wall of concrete blocks All of West Berlin encircled apart from access points

37 Results Berlin was divided, free access ended between East and West, many families split, many attempted to escape to the West-between 1961 and 1989; 86 people died trying to cross the Berlin Wall


39 By Mr Crowe


41 During the Cold War the US and the USSR had many spies trying to steal secret information
On the big screen James Bond captured people’s imaginations 12 - The Cold War

42 13 - The Cold War The Cold War was a very scary time in North America
For years people lived with the fear of a nuclear attack In the US and Canada civilians were taught what to do in case of a nuclear attack. 13 - The Cold War

43 The Canadian government published booklets on how to survive a nuclear attack.
Many of their suggestions would not have worked against a deadly nuclear attack 14 - The Cold War

44 “Russians” - Sting

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