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ANALYSIS OF HEALTH NEEDS OF A HOSPITAL STAFF M. Muller, Ch. Vandoorne, Ph. Mairiaux University of Liège, School of Public Health, Occupational Health and.

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Presentation on theme: "ANALYSIS OF HEALTH NEEDS OF A HOSPITAL STAFF M. Muller, Ch. Vandoorne, Ph. Mairiaux University of Liège, School of Public Health, Occupational Health and."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANALYSIS OF HEALTH NEEDS OF A HOSPITAL STAFF M. Muller, Ch. Vandoorne, Ph. Mairiaux University of Liège, School of Public Health, Occupational Health and Health Education unit Research made possible through a grant from the government of the French community of Belgium

2 STES-HPH-99113mml Introduction Three university hospitals members of the Belgian French community HPH network Importance of involving the staff into a health promotion process

3 STES-HPH-99113mml Objectives Identify health needs among different categories of the staff Proceed to their hierarchical classification Compare perceptions of the employees and the managerial staff

4 STES-HPH-99113mml Material And General Methods Total staff : 2.200 people 13 occupational categories Group interviews for employees (19 groups) Individual interviews for managerial staff

5 STES-HPH-99113mml Group Interviews Definition of Occupational Categories Nursing staff in normal care units Nursing staff in intensive care units Nursing staff in operating rooms Stretcher operators and social workers Medical staff (specialists) Medical staff (residents) Policlinic staff Pharmacy and sterilisation staff Technical staff (maintenance, safety, security, data processing,...) Cleaning, laundry and material handling staff Administrative staff in contact with patients Administrative staff in contact with physicians (medical secretaries) Other administrative staff

6 STES-HPH-99113mml Group Interviews : Methods Method : metaplan and some adjustments from montis' "social diagnosis" method Starting question and written answer Expression to the rest of the group Written expression of all experiences and their grouping in general themes Hierarchical classification of the themes by each participant

7 STES-HPH-99113mml Data Analysis In each group : –Scoring of each theme : Number of participants Mean rank of priority On the whole population –Definition of keywords –Scoring of each keyword Absolute and relative frequency of quoting in priorities Mean rank of priority

8 STES-HPH-99113mml Example of Results : Priorities in an Intensive Care Nursing Group

9 STES-HPH-99113mml Results : Main Keywords Defined As Priorities

10 STES-HPH-99113mml Results : Summary Main priorities organised along 2 axes : Material conditions at work inducing physical discomfort Factors affecting the workload –Negative factors –Positive factors or resilience factors

11 STES-HPH-99113mml Conclusions Of The Study Health needs are mainly in relation with daily life at work –Material factors –Psychosocial factors Few strictly biomedical factors Among priorities, consideration must be required for factors affecting workload

12 STES-HPH-99113mml Continuation Thinking over work load and work organization in the hospital in a participatory approach Validating a questionnaire about health needs of the staff built from all the opinions expressed by the participants

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