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By: Mr. Pfeiffer Christianity: A universalizing religion* *A religion that attempts to be global, that attempts to appeal to all people, not just a particular.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Mr. Pfeiffer Christianity: A universalizing religion* *A religion that attempts to be global, that attempts to appeal to all people, not just a particular."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Mr. Pfeiffer Christianity: A universalizing religion* *A religion that attempts to be global, that attempts to appeal to all people, not just a particular culture or location

2 The Basics Founded on teachings of Jesus by his followers after his death (30 AD) - monotheistic Jesus was born a Jew in Bethlehem Followers (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) wrote the Gospels about Jesus life and teachings Basis for the Bible which is Christians Holy Book

3 Christianity Spreads Aided by the adoption of Christianity as the state religion of the Roman empire (Constantine), Christianity spread Many missionaries around the world spread “God’s Word” Relocation Diffusion Aided by the economic success of Christian nations (European)

4 The Spread of Christianity

5 2.3 billion Christians around the world!

6 Divisions in Christendom Not all Christians are the same There are 3 branches of Christianity (and many denominations/sects) Roman Catholics (NW Europe/NE USA) Orthodox Christians Protestants

7 Roman Catholics Church lead by the Pope (based in Rome); follow origins back to original followers of Christ Found in NW Europe/NE USA

8 Hierarchy in Roman Catholic Church

9 Orthodox Christians Christianity split with fight between Church and rulers of Constantinople Link religion and political authority Found in Eastern Europe (least common Christianity in USA)

10 Orthodox Christianity Hierarchy

11 Protestants Martin Luther decide Catholic Church had it wrong Don’t look to Pope/Church leader, read the Bible yourself Aided greatly by printing press Very popular in “Great Plains” and South(east)


13 That’s a lot of sects!

14 Holy Places Jerusalem – site of teachings, “Last Supper,” entombment (before being, according to Christian tradition, raised from the dead) Golgotha – Hill Jesus was crucified on Bethlehem – Birthplace of Jesus Nazareth – Jesus' hometown

15 Beliefs/Traditions Jesus died for the sins of man, but was resurrected by God God = Jesus Communion Blood (wine) and Body (bread) of Christ consumed for forgiveness of sins WWJD Live like Jesus Forgiveness/Selflessness

16 Calendar Gregorian/Western Calendar (our calendar) was created by Pope Gregory XII 0 AD = Birth of Jesus (BC/AD) Christmas – Birth of Jesus (Dec. 25 th – since 336 AD) Good Friday– Death of Jesus Easter – Resurrection of Jesus (first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox)

17 Churches (places of worship) Sacred space Christian worship is based in Churches Collective worship is important Big prominent places of worship Different looks because its so widespread

18 Christianity and land use Cemeteries used to bury the dead (sanitary to dispose) Originally in catacombs under the city Christianity was an “underground” religion then

19 Extras Jews, Christians, and Muslims all belief in the same God (origin of the religion is the same) Some scholars believe that to urge Romans to Christianize, early Church holidays match some dates with traditional pagan holidays (winter solstice, sun god, Mithras) The Bible is the most printed book in the world (all-time) with an estimated 6 billion copies shipped Despite preaching peace, the Crusades were one of many examples of God/Christianity being used an excuse for war

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