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Grade 9 Let’s discover the world in which we live!

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1 Grade 9 Let’s discover the world in which we live!
ECOLOGY Grade 9 Let’s discover the world in which we live!

2 Introduction to Ecology
Check out the website Kids Do Ecology and its related links and after exploring, answer the questions that follow… Define the term ecology. Name three jobs you could do after becoming an Ecologist Why is Ecology important?

3 Biomes Explain what a biome is in your own words. The biomes are separated into two general classifications. Name them List the 12 Biomes of the World Reflect on South Africa, which biomes do you think we have?

4 South African Biomes Now that you’ve discovered a bit about world conservation – let’s turn our focus closer to home… What are the 7 biomes that scientists have identified in South Africa? On a separate sheet of paper, design a map of South Africa showing where you would find the various biomes.

5 South African Biomes Analyse your map of the biomes of South Africa and compare it with map of Rainfall in South Africa found on the links: Give a critique of the similarities and differences. How would global warming then affect biomes? Justify your answer.

6 Fynbos Ecology Now check out the website below on Fynbos ecology which is of major importance in South Africa. How would you identify a Fynbos plant if you were in the field? Give 5 reasons why Fynbos conservation is so vital in South Africa?

7 Fynbos in the Cape Proteas have a symbiotic relationship with sugarbirds, explain the benefits of the relationship to each organism. Fynbos is adapted to withstand fire… explain how?

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