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Lyme Disease A New Name for an Old Condition? A New Name for an Old Condition? Cecile Jadin South Africa Cecile Jadin South Africa August 2008, Sonoma.

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Presentation on theme: "Lyme Disease A New Name for an Old Condition? A New Name for an Old Condition? Cecile Jadin South Africa Cecile Jadin South Africa August 2008, Sonoma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lyme Disease A New Name for an Old Condition? A New Name for an Old Condition? Cecile Jadin South Africa Cecile Jadin South Africa August 2008, Sonoma County California

2 Continued Discontinuity In Microbiology  Examples: H.Pylori,Leishmaniosis, Trypanosomiasis, Toxoplasmosis, Rickettsia…  Slows down progress in research  Masks the pandemia of today's germs - already highlighted by Homer in the sixth section of the Iliad: “migration of gulls who every winter carry the carnage and war from one end of the earth to the other”  Medicine is built mainly on new findings  If this were the case for Mathematics and Physics, how chaotic would it be?  Examples: H.Pylori,Leishmaniosis, Trypanosomiasis, Toxoplasmosis, Rickettsia…  Slows down progress in research  Masks the pandemia of today's germs - already highlighted by Homer in the sixth section of the Iliad: “migration of gulls who every winter carry the carnage and war from one end of the earth to the other”  Medicine is built mainly on new findings  If this were the case for Mathematics and Physics, how chaotic would it be?

3  Drury discovers Malgache fever in 1702 - Central Africa  Early 1900’s Spirochete hispanicum in Spain  A few years later, Nicolle tracks Malgache fever - Northern Africa  Scheltz, while working in Congo in 1933, reports the same recurrent fever associated with spirochete  In 1944, Palakov publishes that the relapsing fever disabling patients in Cape Town is due to the same bug  Heisch claims the recognition of Borreliosis as causing the never-ending fever in 1950 - Kenya  Borrelia burgdoferi, isolated in 1982 by Willy Burgdorfer after a mysterious outbreak of arthritis in Connecticut in 1975, is Americanised as Lyme disease  Drury discovers Malgache fever in 1702 - Central Africa  Early 1900’s Spirochete hispanicum in Spain  A few years later, Nicolle tracks Malgache fever - Northern Africa  Scheltz, while working in Congo in 1933, reports the same recurrent fever associated with spirochete  In 1944, Palakov publishes that the relapsing fever disabling patients in Cape Town is due to the same bug  Heisch claims the recognition of Borreliosis as causing the never-ending fever in 1950 - Kenya  Borrelia burgdoferi, isolated in 1982 by Willy Burgdorfer after a mysterious outbreak of arthritis in Connecticut in 1975, is Americanised as Lyme disease

4 The Vector is Known  Life span of 4 Years  Walking distance of 50 meters/life time  Can lay 1000 eggs  Can be genetically infected - trans-ovarian transmission of Rickettsia has been observed  Is more virulent than ever:  Insecticides: tick & eating birds  Global Warming  Traffic intensity  More than one organism is needed to collapse the immune system  Life span of 4 Years  Walking distance of 50 meters/life time  Can lay 1000 eggs  Can be genetically infected - trans-ovarian transmission of Rickettsia has been observed  Is more virulent than ever:  Insecticides: tick & eating birds  Global Warming  Traffic intensity  More than one organism is needed to collapse the immune system Ixodes Ricinus & Others

5  Lyme is a tick-born disease  A tick contains an average of 80 germs  Check as many tick-born diseases as your lab offers in presence of insect bites or close contact

6 Our Diagnostic Tools  Medical history - Insect Bite? Contact?  Symptomatology - Headaches? Chills? Fatigue? Muscular & Joints Pains? Carditis?…  Medical examination - Rash?…  Biological investigation  Medical history - Insect Bite? Contact?  Symptomatology - Headaches? Chills? Fatigue? Muscular & Joints Pains? Carditis?…  Medical examination - Rash?…  Biological investigation

7 Biological Investigation Infections  Rickettsia Prowazeki  R. Mooseri  R. Conori  Q Fever  Mycoplasma Pneumoniae  Chlamydia Pneumoniae  Chlamydia Trachomatis  Chlamydia Psittaci  Brucellosis  Toxoplasmosis  H. Pylori  Bartonella  Lyme Disease: Direct examination preferred  Bilharzia Infections  Rickettsia Prowazeki  R. Mooseri  R. Conori  Q Fever  Mycoplasma Pneumoniae  Chlamydia Pneumoniae  Chlamydia Trachomatis  Chlamydia Psittaci  Brucellosis  Toxoplasmosis  H. Pylori  Bartonella  Lyme Disease: Direct examination preferred  Bilharzia Dysfunction   FBC  ESR  LFT  TFT & Thyroid antibodies  IgE  Iron Study  Kidney Study  Glucose  CRP  RF  ANF  Cardiolipin  Cholesterol  FBC  ESR  LFT  TFT & Thyroid antibodies  IgE  Iron Study  Kidney Study  Glucose  CRP  RF  ANF  Cardiolipin  Cholesterol

8 500 Patients Randomly Sampled

9 1 Germ  Different Diseases 1 Disease  Different Causes  According to its position in the human body, spread throughout the Reticulo- Endothelial tissue  According to its specific toxicity  Facing the physiological conditions of the host  Symbiosis of germs  According to its position in the human body, spread throughout the Reticulo- Endothelial tissue  According to its specific toxicity  Facing the physiological conditions of the host  Symbiosis of germs  Neurological Disease  Psychiatric Disease  Rheumatologic Disease  Cardio-Vascular Disease  Dermatologic Disease  Etcetera  Neurological Disease  Psychiatric Disease  Rheumatologic Disease  Cardio-Vascular Disease  Dermatologic Disease  Etcetera

10 Experience with Treatment  Established by French school 30 years ago, used in our clinic since 1992  Antibiotics  Preferably orally - except for Ceftriaxone  Pulse Therapy as opposed to continuous  High Dosage  Associated - Bacteriostatics + Bactericidals  Alternated  With Adjuvants: vit B com - probiotics - gastric proton inhibitor  Vaccination - Mutation - Relapse  Established by French school 30 years ago, used in our clinic since 1992  Antibiotics  Preferably orally - except for Ceftriaxone  Pulse Therapy as opposed to continuous  High Dosage  Associated - Bacteriostatics + Bactericidals  Alternated  With Adjuvants: vit B com - probiotics - gastric proton inhibitor  Vaccination - Mutation - Relapse

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