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The 6 th Meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group The role of KNIs in formation of the integrated management system of social and economic progress Dr. Alexander.

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Presentation on theme: "The 6 th Meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group The role of KNIs in formation of the integrated management system of social and economic progress Dr. Alexander."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 6 th Meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group The role of KNIs in formation of the integrated management system of social and economic progress Dr. Alexander A. Piskunov, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Krakow, April 22-24, 2013

2 Socio-economic development area USA Short-term planning Medium-term planning Long-term planning China The system of SED management Target state of Authorities Technologies The system of SED audit Competence of Government Management architecture effectiveness Management techniques competitiveness Architecture Targeting The dimension of the RF Development The processes (objects) of Management T A T ech A T The processes (objects) of Audit Financial audit Performance audit Strategic audit B Government Government G G Society Society S S B Business Business Business Target state of Business Target state of Society Target state of the Country

3 Finance Economy Social Sphere Environment World Bank IMFOECDINTOSAI WTO UN The coordination of the global development by supranational structures

4 Global risks 2013, WEF WEF, “Global Risks Report 2013”

5 A comparison of the level of income and level of happiness Leyrad, R. Happiness: Lessons from a New Science. M.:. Gaidar Institute, 2012.- p.146 U.S. $ thousands per yeat NDPRussia

6 The problem of the sustainable growth of national wealth insurance Safety Viability Social cohesion Quality of lifeQuality of controlCompetitiveness 2013 2020 Development potentials imbalance Development potentials harmonization Quality of life satisfaction Health care spending GRP Russia 2020 Russia 2012 The target vector of development Discrepancy of vectors of development The actual gradient of the development vector

7 Социальные сферы Social spheres Social development Regulating factors Indicators Indicators, factors and spheres of social development 7

8 Problems in selecting of development scenarios TargetingArchitecture Technologies Time The selection of the development vector Stabilization Growth Modernization Degradation SEI – Social and economic indicators SEI

9 The problem of balancing the interests of government, business and society Sphere of Government interests Sphere of Business interests Sphere of Social interests Channels of influence TNK Development pathway B G S The balance of KNIs World resources External market Domestic market Architecture Resources Centers of force Products and Services Power Power External market Domestic market Architecture Resources Technologies of development Products and Services Society Society Resources Architecture Domestic market External market Business Business Products and Services

10 The problem of synchronization of SED processes ISM SED KNI Эфф ект China EU Russia World USA % GDP in previous year Consumer confidence index Demographic cycles Political cycles B S G Business Society Government ISM SED WORLD ISM SED – Institute for Systems Management of Social-economic development G B S 1 ms 6 years 100 years

11 How is life, Russia? Индекс качества жизниИндекс конкурентоспособности

12 Management of targeted effects of development «Where are you going, Russia?» The concept of long-term development 2020 Vector of the Authorities’ Public obligations Russia 2013 Safety Quality of life φ The actual gradient of the development vector Discrepancy of the development vectors Competitiveness ω θ Vector of the public expectations

13 The problem of the balance of the key development potentials Sovereignty Safety Competitiveness Identity Viability Quality of life Balance of Cpb Dependence Degradation Disorientation Depopulation Inequality Threats and Risks Sphere of regress Sphere of progress

14 Reference model of management and audit of socio- economic development Liabilities of Business Liabilities of Authority Liabilities of non-governmental organizations Coordination of goals, resources and measures of the Authority, Society and Business 14 Public-private partnership Strategic planning Programming Budgeting and management of realization Standards of social responsibility Reports on corporate social responsibility Synchronization of goals, architecture and technology transformation Reports of governors Reports on the results and main areas of activity of the Government Results of public hearings Doctrines Concepts Programs Projects Budgets Plans

15 The problem of imbalances in costs and benefits of the progress Increase in costs GDP growth GDP Costs Level of happiness Time Income level tktk tmtm tjtj

16 Knowledge Base on KNI ( 16

17 Visualization and comparison of the positions of countries and of the development targets 17

18 Comparison of the strategic levels of SED NWF Time Goals Activities Resources ? ∆ CPB ? ? ∆ KNI ∆ KPI ∆ $ СЭР

19 Decomposition of levels of SED management СЭЭ ∆ CPB ЭПП БЭО ∆ KNI ∆ KPI ∆ KCI Strategy development Subjects Tools Objects {С, И, О} Programming Targeting Architecture Technology {T, Arch, Т} Contracting {P, C, As} Budgeting Sanctions Operations Transactions {S, Op, Tr} Subjects Tools Objects Government Business Society International law State law ТНА ГАЧА Projects Contracts Private law Budgeting Targets Technology Architecture Long-term (strategic) Medium-term (operational) Short-term (tactical) Strateging Contracting ГИ ОИ Products and services Assets Trance national Industrial Regional Targets effects Life cycles ЧК ФА МА State Private Sanctions Transactions Bans Directions Standards Trance national Operations СТР ОПР ТКТ НМА Agreements Projects Contracts Assets ProjectsContracts H2H2 Targets Architecture Technologies Sanctions Operations Transactions H4H4 H3H3 Targets ArchitectureTechnologies H1H1 Subjects Objects Tools Assets Contracts Projects H3H3 H2H2 X 1 R 12 X 2 X 2 R 23 X 3 X 3 R 34 X 4 МИ

20 Equilibrium of capabilities as a condition of harmonized development Equilibrium of capabilities as a condition of harmonized development Competitiveness Sovereignty Safety Identity Quality of life Viability Harmonious development index Cpb National wealth

21 The problem of the balance of the key development potentials Sovereignty Safety Competitiveness Identity Viability Quality of life Balance of Cpb Dependence Degradation Disorientation Depopulation Inequality Threats and Risks Sphere of regress Sphere of progress

22 The new Federal Law on the Accounts Chamber was adopted in Russia in April 2013 Article 14 «…7. Strategic Audit is used to assess the feasibility, risks and consequences of the results of the strategic goals in the field of security and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation realization. Assessment should cover final (target) and achieved (current) values ​​of key national indicators, which reflect the degree and quality of the implementation of socio- economic effects and cumulative effects of the socio- economic development of the Russian Federation …»

23 Thank you for attention!

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