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Bringing People Together Temporary Migration and Labour Market Responsiveness Labour Market Shortages Indicate A Need for Additional Temporary Migration.

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2 Bringing People Together

3 Temporary Migration and Labour Market Responsiveness Labour Market Shortages Indicate A Need for Additional Temporary Migration Temporary Migration Concerns Can temporary migration address issues of labour market responsiveness? Do temporary programs solve occupational supply and demand problems? Is temporary migration a reasonable economic development strategy? Will strategies that help temporary migrants become permanent residents lead to better labour market outcomes?

4 Labour Market Shortages Indicates Need for Additional Temporary Migration 2006 Census released by Statistics Canada show 15.3 per cent of Canadian workers are 55 or older and nearing retirement 2,000,000 people aged 55 to 64 were employed in 2006, 43% more than in 2001 Older workers will eventually retire Statistics Canada analyst Geoff Bowlby stated the labour market could take 20 years to correct itself Canadas aging workforce and tightening labour market are creating a convergence of interests between management and labour, as both parties scramble for workers Lack of skilled labour impacts schedules and costs, which in turn could derail or delay critically important projects and jeopardise the economic benefits these projects generate

5 Temporary Migration Concerns Stealing Canadian jobs? Exploitation of the foreign national Language barriers Training Retention Safety

6 Can temporary migration address issues of labour market responsiveness? Proper recruitment strategies lead to 95% retention in our business model Temporary workforce helps companies meet their customer demand Protection of Canadian jobs In a competitive market a companys most valuable asset is their talent pool

7 Do temporary programs solve occupation supply and demand problems? Certain talents are in very short supply, hurting Canadian industry as it attempts to meet increasing demand Recruitment efforts must include a responsible foreign recruitment strategy Companies can increase market share if they have the talent to deliver The temporary nature of certain programs protect Canada from unnecessary risk should demand decrease

8 Labour shortage is putting a constraint on economic growth The Conference Board of Canada warns Canadas job situation is likely to worsen over the next 20 years due to an aging population This strategy is reasonable; however retention plans must always be considered Is temporary migration a reasonable economic development strategy?

9 Will strategies that help temporary migrants become permanent residents lead to better labour market outcomes? Will help address the countrys labour force needs by better focusing on temporary foreign workers for Canadian Permanent Residency Citizenship and Immigration Canadas goal for 2008 is to admit between 10,000 and 12,000 under the new Canadian Experience category of immigration Help ensure Canada continues to grow and benefit from all that newcomers and their families bring to our country Businesses continue to grow and operate Increase in consumer spending

10 Summary Employers and foreign nationals benefit from temporary migration when both groups follow the rules. To improve temporary migration to Canada it is critical Government and Industry work together.


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