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 There are different types of governments around the world. One of them is Monarchy. A Monarchy is where the head of state is a hereditary (king or queen).

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2  There are different types of governments around the world. One of them is Monarchy. A Monarchy is where the head of state is a hereditary (king or queen). When they die the oldest son or daughter takes over. There are over 48 countries that run under Monarchy and they are Spain, Great Britain, Sweden and Denmark. Another one is Dictatorship. A Dictatorship is a government where one person makes all the rules and laws without getting feedback from anyone else because they haven’t been elected. They use armies to stay in power. A democracy is better because the people can elect their leaders but in Dictators the people have no power and if they go against them they can be killed. There are 35 dictatorship countries including China, Cuba, Egypt, Iran and North Korea. A Communism Government is a system where the government owns all the property and people contribute and receive what they need. A communist country provides the people with healthcare, education and welfare. There are only 5 countries that run under a communist. They are China, Laos, Cuba, Vietnam and North Korea. Anarchy is a situation where there is no government. This can happen after a war in the country or when the government is destroyed and groups are fighting to take its place. Anarchists are people who think that governments are bad. They say that it stops people from organising their own lives. There are only two anarchist countries, Somalia and Yemen.

3 Australia’s government type is Federal, Constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy which was formed in 1901. In a democracy the government is elected by the people. Everyone who is eligible to vote has a chance to say who runs the country. It is compulsory for Australian citizens 18 years and over to enrol and vote. Election are held every 3 years. We elect representatives for these levels. Commonwealth/Federal, State and Local. Australian’s vote to elect members of the parliament to make laws and decisions. Why are laws made? Laws are made to prevent crimes, help protect Australia’s society and keep everyone safe. People who live in Australia are very lucky and fortunate because the education is very good compared to other places because in some places and countries people don’t get education because there are no schools and families cannot afford it. I also think people that work here get a good amount of money that their family needs because in some countries people have to eat out of rubbish bins or left overs because they cannot afford the money to buy food because they don’t work.

4 There are 3 levels of government, they are Commonwealth/ Federal, State/ Territory and the Local government. There is one commonwealth parliament which is located in Canberra. The parliament makes all the laws for Australia this is called the Parliament body. The commonwealth gets its money from the tax which people pay to the government. A tax is when you buy something and a small amount of money goes to the commonwealth government. The commonwealth is responsible for things like, Defence, Trade, Customs, Currency, Postal services, Immigration and Medicare which get us access to health care. State/Territory There are 6 state and 2 territory parliaments. Each makes laws for its people. It raises money from taxes on services and land. It also receives money from the commonwealth. The state government is responsible for things such as hospitals, forestry, which is caring for forests, wildlife protection, schools roads and railways. Roads and railways provides roads, footpaths, railways and from that we get public transport. Local Governments There are approximately 700 local governments. The first local government was formed in Australia, Adelaide 1840. It collects rates from property owners they then use that money on rubbish trucks, local roads and pet control. They receive money from both commonwealth and state/territory governments. They are responsible for swimming pools, town planning's- where to build houses, libraries, license for pets, parking meters and garbage collection.

5  All government types around the world take care of their people but the way they do this can be very different.

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