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Brooke Brooke’s thanksgiving tradition On thanksgiving day.

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1 Brooke Brooke’s thanksgiving tradition On thanksgiving day

2 Brooke Thanksgiving day On thanksgiving we wake up and feed my dog and let he out incase we know that we will be gone all day we go over my aunts or they come over to my house.

3 Brooke Dinner We eat dinner when everybody is already there or when we no there’s people going then after dinner that kids go play or we play a board game the if the football games is on then we watch the game.

4 Brooke The menu My aunt Jeannie always make some baked bread then my aunt chelly cooks some green bean casserole because every year my sister branda wants some.

5 Brooke Games Me and my family always play games at the end of the day and when we are done eating some times the kids go out side and play football or kickball and sometimes we play sorry

6 Brooke football My family always want to watch the Ohio football game we always have some thing to bring for desert so when we watch the football game we can eat some dessert

7 Brooke Getting ready for Christmas After Christmas me and my mom we always to put up lights on our house and then my mom go shopping for Christmas and so my mom have to hide all of the presents

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