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Isle of Wight 2015 Warren Road Primary School Journey

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1 Isle of Wight 2015 Warren Road Primary School Journey

2 IOW 2015: The Basics  Why do we go to the Isle of Wight?  Coastal study work  Geology-archaeology  Diary work  History work  PSHE work  It’s great fun

3 The Teams  Adults going on the trip. Week 1 (6P and 6S) 1 st June Miss Palmer (Leading), Miss Shah, Miss Scott, Mr Tebb, Miss Williams, Mrs Stones, Miss Folkes, Mr Ring, Mrs Rose, Mrs Brown. Week 2 (6T and 6A) 8 th June Mr Thomas (Leading), Miss Aldridge, Mrs White, Mrs Warren-Axe, Mrs Stones, Mr Williams, Mr Rose, Miss Humphrey, Mrs Lawrence, Mr Webb, Mr Johnson.

4 Monday Morning  Children to arrive at 7.30 am.  Children to have a packed lunch + named water bottle.  Goodbyes to be said on the playground and children sent independently into the Davis Hall.  Parents to put suitcases on the coach (on Cloonmore Ave)  Medicines to be handed in – in the corridor leading to the Davis Hall. The First Aider for your week will be sitting at a table to collect medicines and answer any medical questions.  Leave at 8am at the latest.  Please stay to wave your children goodbye from the pavement.

5 Itinerary Monday  Leave School – yippee!!  Visit HMS Victory  Visit Trafalgar Museum  Catch the ferry to the I.O.W.  Go to the Sandringham Hotel  Dinner  A chance to let off steam and play games

6 The Hotel

7 Tuesday  Explore Dinosaur Island (not really an island!) – Your chance to learn about dinosaurs and go fossil hunting  Coastal walk looking at coastal features  Dinner  Swimming

8 Wednesday  Isle of Wight Adventure Activities Kayaking, Archery, Paddle boarding and Mountain boarding  Go to the beach – more fun and games to be had here!

9 Thursday  Visit the Needles –boat trip around some stacks and stumps  Sand filling  Tennyson Down walk – develop map skills; spot and sketch coastal features  Dinner  Disco

10 Friday  Leave Hotel  Catch ferry  D-Day Museum  Arrive at school at 2.30pm.

11 Home  We are due back at 2.30pm. Please be there to meet the children.  Up-to-date information will be posted on Parent Hotmail: Number: 08447707576 School I.D. = 46769  Website! We always try, but network is very unreliable.  Follow us on Twitter…

12 Frequent updates (in addition to School website) Free access (you don’t need to sign up) To receive tweets automatically, sign up and follow: @wrprimary Account is 1-way (no interaction) @wrprimary

13 Clothes Packing list on the web site  at least 2 pairs of trousers (avoid jeans, they take longer to dry)  2 pairs of shorts  t-shirts – long sleeved – not sun vests!  warm sweater or fleece  waterproof (cagoule)  old trainers, deck shoes or wet suit boots  strong comfortable walking boots or trainers (no wellies)  General:  changes of underwear and socks  gel shoes for the beach  slippers or indoor shoes  2 swimming costumes if possible (one for the sea, one for the pool)  change of clothes for the Disco  toiletries  2 towels - one large one small (small for the beach)

14 Work items  Pencil case  Coloured pencils  Book for diary and sketching  Camera – digital is ideal, but not an expensive one (+ spare batteries) Other items  Strong backpack/rucksack (2 straps) to keep lunch and a drink in during the day.  Sun cream (sun hats are provided)  Stamped addressed postcards  Cuddly toy (necessity!)  Reading book (if desired)  One named water bottle  PACKED LUNCH FOR THE FIRST DAY

15 PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE NOT ALLOWED: Mobile phones Aerosol sprays Electronic games Sweets Hair driers/straighteners Chewing gum Nail varnish Additional pocket money (Sweets to be provided on the coach by staff) MEDICATION  Please hand in any medication as early as possible  All medication MUST be handed to MRS STONES or MR ROSE by the morning of departure.  Please ensure all medicines are clearly labelled.  Sachets or tablets preferred if possible.

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