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Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development Welcoming and Inclusive Communities and Workplaces Program Logic Model and Evaluation Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development Welcoming and Inclusive Communities and Workplaces Program Logic Model and Evaluation Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development Welcoming and Inclusive Communities and Workplaces Program Logic Model and Evaluation Framework March 1, 2010

2 Overview of Presentation Overview of Program Purpose Logic Model Program Elements Where we are to date Evaluation and Research Toolkits WICWP Survey

3 Recognition of 2-way Street of integration –Traditional settlement programming places onus on newcomers 3 Year Initiative to support initiatives that support Welcoming and Inclusive Communities and Workplaces –Currently being evaluated and planning for next steps Program Overview

4 Logic Model Long-term outcomes –Communities and Workplaces are vibrant and inclusive –Immigrant newcomers view all BC communities as being welcoming and inclusive –Communities recognize 2-way nature of integration –Public institutions and workplaces reflect the diversity of the population –An enriched and strengthened cultural and social fabric Intermediate Outcomes –Strengthened community capacity to be welcoming and inclusive Appreciation of diversity, perception of immigrants, sense of safety –Empowerment of new immigrants to integrate Includes supports against discrimination

5 Program Elements How do we get there? 4 program elements –Community Partnership Development –Knowledge Development and Exchange –Public Education –Demonstration Projects Most projects in the field Heading into Evaluation/Research stage

6 Evaluation and Research Program elements based on best practices Need to evaluate to: –Ensure effectiveness –Inform planning –Build knowledge

7 Evaluation Challenges Community specific –Multiple approaches to meet community needs –Different capacities Looking for community/societal level changes Combination of Toolkits and Overall Evaluation Framework, including Survey

8 Toolkits Evaluation toolkits designed for all program elements Flexible, easy to use data collection tools –required and recommended questions –emphasis on measuring change/impact –guidance on implementation Ensuring some common data, but allowing for all to tell their story in their own way. –Allows for roll-up to provincial level

9 Survey Pre-post/control model survey –Compare before and after, and to communities without WICWP initiative 4000 sample points, stratified by –Recent immigrant (with oversample) –Long-term immigrant –Non-immigrant

10 Survey Topics Comfort visiting community establishments Safety Representation in government Discrimination Employment, education and health Relationships with people from other cultures Perception of immigration

11 Survey Outputs Comparative data (recent/long-term/non) –Other demographic variables Structural Equation Models of Welcoming and Inclusive Communities –Identify key drivers of welcoming and inclusive communities for both recent and long-term immigrants –Allow us to identify key policy levers Current Status and findings to date


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