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NORA Nordisk Atlantsamarbejde Norrønt Atlantssamstarv Norræna Atlantssamstarfið Nordisk Atlantssamarbeid Atlantikup Avannaani Suleqatigiiffik Nordic Atlantic.

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Presentation on theme: "NORA Nordisk Atlantsamarbejde Norrønt Atlantssamstarv Norræna Atlantssamstarfið Nordisk Atlantssamarbeid Atlantikup Avannaani Suleqatigiiffik Nordic Atlantic."— Presentation transcript:

1 NORA Nordisk Atlantsamarbejde Norrønt Atlantssamstarv Norræna Atlantssamstarfið Nordisk Atlantssamarbeid Atlantikup Avannaani Suleqatigiiffik Nordic Atlantic Cooperation LARS THOSTRUP November 2010

2 NORA as a region Why are Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands and Coastal Norway a region?

3 What makes a region? Sparcely populated region Coastal communities Importance of the sea Common challenges...and a North Atlantic way of thinking?

4 OECD Territorial Review of the NORA region OECD Territorial Reviews Example: The Mesoamerican Region Southeastern Mexico and Central America - FORTHCOMING -

5 OECD- analysen CHAPTER 1: CHARACTERISTICS AND TRENDS 1.1. Introduction, defining the unit of analysis 1.2. The Challenge of Demography 1.3. Accessibility and connectivity 1.4. Mayor economic trends and challenges

6 OECD- analysen CHAPTER 2: ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABILITY IN THE NORA REGION 2.1. Improving accessibility 2.2. Sustainable development of maritime ressources 2.3. Innovation in the NORA Region 2.4. Meeting the environmental challenges

7 OECD- analysen CHAPTER 3: GOVERNANCE AND CO-OPERATION 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Territorial Cooperation: What does it Offer? 3.3. Cooperation in the NORA Region 3.4. Evolving Cooperation in the NORA Region: Benefits, Opportunities and Challenges 3.5. Maximizing the contribution of Territorial Cooperation within the NORA Region

8 What is NORA doing? Goal: Instruments: A dynamic North Atlantic Region through collaboration - Strategic Initiatives - Project Support

9 Strategic Initiatives 2008-2010 OECD- analysis PROJECT SUPPORT Demografic Challenges Nordic neighbours to the West Search and Rescue Climate Changes Marine Ressources Cruise Tourism

10 Strategic Initiatives Demographic Challenge of the North Atlantic Region

11 Strategic Initiatives Cooperation with our Western neighbours

12 Strategic Initiatives Cruise Tourism Branding Local revenues Seach and Rescue (SAR)

13 Project Support Which sectors? Marine resources Tourism Transport Information technology Other regional collaboration

14 Marine resources Economic base for the NORA region Technological, market and economic challenges Strategic Plan: Optimisation of resource explotation, development of production methods and sustainable resource utilisation in coastal communities 23 active projects

15 Tourism Large potential, especially within eco-tourism and culture- based tourism. Strategic Plan: Economic opportunities versus fragile nature environment Development of tourism in small coastal communities 10 active projects

16 Transport Enourmous distances form a barriere for closer cooperation Strategic Plan: Better infrastructure Maritime safety Sustainable energy solutions in transport and fisheries 3 active projects

17 Information technology Challenge and opportunity for small coastal communities Strategic Plan: Regional utilisation of ICT in government and business development Development of ICT solutions for small coastal communities 5 active projects

18 Other regional collaboration Beyond current main themes Energy, agriculture, sustainability, culture, gender.... Ideas that foster collaboration... 20 active projects

19 How to apply for project support? At least two NORA countries 50 per cent of project budget Next deadline: 1st of March 2011

20 Application Guide

21 To learn more about NORA E-newsletter Nyhedsbrevet NORDATLANTEN Annual Report

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