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1 COSCAP- South East Asia 10 th Steering Committee Meeting Macau China 9 – 10 October 2008.

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1 1 COSCAP- South East Asia 10 th Steering Committee Meeting Macau China 9 – 10 October 2008

2 2 Final Agenda Day 1 : Thursday, 9 October 2008 0900 – 09451. Inaugural Session/Group photo 0945 – 1015TEA BREAK 1015 – 10302. Self Introduction by participants 1030 – 10453. Adoption of Agenda 1045 – 11004. Review of Record of Discussions – 9 th Steering Committee Meting – IP1 1100 – 11305. Presentation of COSCAP-SEA Programme Review – DP2

3 3 1130 – 12006. ICAO USOAP Programme update – DP3 1200 – 1315LUNCH 1315 – 13457. Implementation of the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap (GASP) – DP4 1345 – 15008. Presentations from States and/or Donors 1500 – 1530TEA BREAK 1530 – 17009. Presentations from States and/or Donors 1830 – 2030WELCOME DINNER

4 4 Day 2 : Friday, 10 October 2008 0900 – 093010. Presentations by ICAO CTA on the (SEARAST) Recommendations and Maintenance RAST – DP5 0930 – 100011. Update Concerning ICAO Safety Management System (SMS) – DP6 1000 – 103012. Work plan 2009 – DP7 1030 – 1100TEA BREAK 1100 – 111513. Institutional Framework and Administrative Procedures Manual – update

5 5 1115 – 120014. Institutional aspects during Phase II of Programme Implementation –DP8 1200 – 1315LUNCH 1315 – 134515. Funding and Budget – ICAO to provide an update on the Programme Funding and Budget – DP9 1345 – 140016. Any other matters 1400 – 143017. Venue and date for 11 th Steering Committee Meeting 1430 – 1500TEA BREAK 1500 – 153018. Adoption of Conclusions and Recommendations 1530 – 160019. Closing of the Meeting

6 6 Topics IP1Review of Conclusions for 9 th Steering Committee Meeting DP2Programme Progress Report DP3Update on ICAO USOAP Programme DP4ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) DP5SEARAST Recommendations DP6ICAO Safety Management Systems DP7Work Programme 2009 DP8Institutional aspects during Phase II of Programme Implementation DP9Funding and Budget

7 7 IP1 - Review of 9 th Steering Committee Meeting Action Items 5.1 - CTA commenced with COSCAP-SEA effective 1 February 2008 7.1 - CTA met with FAA in Feb. 2008 –FAA have kindly provided AWE for one year at no cost to the programme –FAA provided MSAWs/Human Factors Seminar in April 2008 –Provide 4 weeks of expert support related to implementation of SEARAST safety enhancements

8 8 IP1 - Review of 9 th Steering Committee Meeting Action Items 7.2 – Formal request made to FAA through the ICAO Regional office for PEL Training Course. Thai DCA provided support to Lao related to implementation of SARP related to Language Proficiency 7.3, 7.4 – PBN Procedures Design Course provided by DGAC/ENAC will take place 1 – 12 December 2008 in Hong Kong China 8.0 - Regional USOAP Seminar conducted in Hong Kong China July 2008, and USOAP Workshop in Philippines May 2008, Lao June 2008. USOAP preparation support confirmed for Macau China and Myanmar

9 9 IP1 - Review of 9 th Steering Committee Meeting Action Items 9.0 – SEARAST Meeting – Flight Operations and ATM component re-scheduled to 19 - 21 November 2008. Maintenance RAST Meeting to be reported on under Agenda item 10 10. – SEARAST meeting to be combine with NARAST and SARAST meeting for two of the three days 11.1 Request made to FAA seeking support for the PEL training. Singapore and Australia have offered to provide and instructors if required

10 10 IP1 - Review of 9 th Steering Committee Meeting Action Items 11.2 – BEA and JRC kindly provided ADREP/ECCAIRs training course in Bangkok Thailand, 22 – 26 Sept. 2008 with funding support from Airbus. 12. – GASP Global Safety Initiatives have been integrated into the COSCAP-SEA Work Plan and more formal arrangement to be discussed under agenda item 7. 13. – Member Administrations have taken the required action. Thailand DCA provided English Language Proficiency Interviewer/Rater course under fellowship arrangement.

11 11 IP1 - Review of 9 th Steering Committee Meeting Action Items 14 – IFAPM was amended as per the direction of the 9 th Steering Committee Meeting and the final version send to Member Administrations. Phase II Project Document was also finalized and sent to member Administrations for signature 15 – Update on SMS Implementation to be provided under agenda item 11. 16 – Update on programme funding and budget to be provided under agenda item 15.

12 12 IP1 - Review of 9 th Steering Committee Meeting Action Items 17 – National Coordinators are contacted as required and copied on all documentation provided to administrations. 18 – To be discussed under agenda item 5 19 – USOAP Seminar conducted in Hong Kong China. Other conclusions to be discussed under agenda item 5.

13 13 DP2 – Programme Progress Report This paper outlines the progress made toward achieving Programme objectives as stated in the COSCAP-SEA Programme Document COSCAP-SEA has continued with the process of harmonizing policies, procedures and practices among Member Administrations by providing advice and assistance and by promoting the use of common manuals

14 14 DP2 – Programme Progress Report - Harmonization Draft Foreign Air Operator Model Regulations and Manual of Foreign Air Operator Surveillance have recently been developed by COSCAP programmes COSCAP-SEA has coordinated these efforts with four COSCAP programmes, ICAO and other interested stakeholders Training programme is being develop and will be available for all Member Administrations early in 2009

15 15 DP2 – Programme Progress Report - Harmonization Accident and Incident Investigation has been identified as the area with greatest lack of implementation by the USOAP audit process There are significant shortfalls in this area in many COSCAP-SEA administrations COSCAPs have taken the lead in coordinating the development of Model Regulations, AIG Manual and eventually training programme Effort is being coordinated with ICAO, COSCAPs, NTSB, BEA, FAA, and member administrations.

16 16 DP2 : Programmed Progress Report / Mission, Seminar, Training and Workshops - 6-10 Jan. 2008 - Brunei: Foreign Operator Surveillance & Inspection – Classroom instruction & OJT total participants 18 - 10-16 Feb. 2008 - Brunei: Aerodrome Certification to support the implementation of the USOAP Corrective Action Plan – Classroom instruction & workshop, total participants 43 - 11-15 Feb. 2008 Indonesia : Flight Operations Safety Oversight Course – total participants 55 – training kindly provided by CAAS instructor

17 17 DP2 : Programmed Progress Report / Mission, Seminar, Training and Workshops - 22-27 Feb. 2008 Cambodia: Mission related to the review of USOAP findings and development of the Corrective Action Plan - COSCAP-SEA, CTA - 17-21 Mar. 2008 Regional Programme: Dangerous Goods Safety Oversight Course, total participants 19 – Kindly provided by Transport Canada -24-27 Mar. 2008 Indoensia: Flight Operations Safety Symposium – total participants 50 - supported by Boeing -27-28 Mar. 2008 Regional Programme: Ground Accident Prevention Seminar – total participants COSCAP-SEA 78

18 18 DP2 : Programmed Progress Report / Mission, Seminar, Training and Workshops 31 Mar – 4 Apr 2008, Vietnam: - technical cooperation related to USOAP Findings and development of the Corrective Action Plan - CTA 22-24 Apr 2008, Regional Programme: Cabin Safety Seminar – total participants from SEA 68 - Funding support kindly provided by Airbus - 28-30 Apr 2008 COSCAP-SEA: Air Traffic Management (ATM) MSAW Workshop/ATM Human Factors – total participants 21 – Programme kindly provided by FAA -5 - 8 May 2008 Brunei: ICAO - Safety Management System (SMS) Course – total participants 30 - COSCAP-SEA, CTA

19 19 DP2 : Programmed Progress Report / Mission, Seminar, Training and Workshops - 13 - 14 May 2008 Thailand: Flight Operation Certification and Inspection Course – total participants 13 – COSCAP-SEA, CTA - 20-23 May 2008 Philippines: ICAO/USOAP Preparation Seminar & Workshop for Manager and Staff – total participants 101 – COSCAP-SEA, CTA - 25-28 May 2008 Brunei : ICAO SMS for Senior Managers – Classroom instruction – total participants 30. Support related to implementation of corrective action plan – COSCAP-SEA, CTA - 3-4 Jun 2008 Regional Programme: Approved Maintenance Organization and Air Operator Maintenance Organization SMS Implementation Seminar – SEA total participants 89 – COSCAP-SEA

20 20 DP2 : Programmed Progress Report / Mission, Seminar, Training and Workshops - 10-12 Jun 2008 Regional Programme: The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Workshop, total participants 16 – EASA experts - 14-20 Jun 2008 Indonesia: Cabin Safety Inspector Course – total participants 48. Programme kindly provided by CAAS with funding support from Boeing - 16-20 Jun 2008 Lao: ICAO USOAP Preparation Workshop followed by preliminary completion of protocols – COSCAP-SEA, CTA - 20 Jun 2008 Vietnam: Review of Corrective Action Plan related to the findings in the area of Accident Investigation – Kindly supported by BEA France

21 21 DP2 : Programmed Progress Report / Mission, Seminar, Training and Workshops - 23-27 Jun 2008 Timor-Leste: Technical support related to Aerodrome Certification – support kindly provided by COSCAP-SA aerodrome expert - 30 Jun – 4 July 2008 Cambodia: technical assistant related to the completion of the Corrective Action Plan to respond to the ICAO USOAP Audit – COSCAP-SEA, CTA - 7-11 Jul 2008 Macau: ICAO Safety Management System (SMS) Course – total participants31 – provided by ICAO RO and COSCAP-SEA CTA

22 22 DP2 : Programmed Progress Report / Mission, Seminar, Training and Workshops - 14-16 Jul 2008 Regional Programme: ICAO Regional Seminar on the preparation and conduct of the ICAO USOAP Audit – total participants 104 – ICAO, COSCAP-SEA, Republic of Korea - 25-29 Aug 2008 Vietnam: Safety Management System (SMS) Course for Senior Managers and Staff – total participants 70 – COSCAP- SEA, CTA - 22-26 Sep 2008 COSCAP-SEA/NA : ADREP/ECCAIRS Training Course End user & Technical – total participants 16. Programme kindly provided with support of JRC (EC), BEA, with funding from Airbus

23 23 DP2 : Programmed Progress Report / Mission, Seminar, Training and Workshops - 22-26 Sep 2008 Cambodia: Mission to support the Implementation of USOAP Corrective Action Plan – COSCAP- SEA, CTA - 29 Sep – 3 Oct 2008 Lao: Mission to related to the preparation for the ICAO USOAP Audit – COSCAP-SEA, CTA

24 24 DP2 : Programmed Progress Report / Future Mission, Seminar, Training and Workshops 13-16 October, Macau China – USOAP preparations - 10 -14 November, Myanmar USOAP preparations 17 – 18 November, Flight Operations Safety Seminar (Boeing) 19 – 21 November, ARAST/SEARAST Meeting 1 – 12 December, PBN Procedures Design 2 – 4 December, SMS Implementation Seminar 8 – 12 December, HK China – USOAP preparations 15 – 19 December, Lao PDR, SMS Course

25 25 DP2 : Programmed Progress Report / Mission, Seminar, Training and Workshops Recommendation: The COSCAP-SEA Steering Committee is invited to note the progress made in achieving programme objectives and provide comments as appropriate

26 26 DP3 : Update on the USOAP Programme Support related to USOAP is a major activity of COSCAP-SEA Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam have completed their audits COSCAP programme is presently cooperating with Brunei, Cambodia and Vietnam concerning their corrective action plan

27 27 DP3 : Update on the USOAP Programme Hong Kong China and Macau China to be audited in March 2009; Philippines in October 2009 Lao, Singapore and Timor Leste will be audited in 2010 COSCAP-SEA will continue to provide support as required by Member Administrations for USOAP preparations and/or implementation of corrective action plan

28 28 DP3 : Update on the USOAP Programme ICAO is sensitive to the perception of conflict of interest as the COSCAP-SEA programme is conducted under ICAO modalities Policy has been developed by COSCAP-SEA programme and coordinated with the SOA office to define the relationship between the two programmes

29 29 DP3 : Update on the USOAP Programme Recommendations COSCAP-SEA programme provide regular updates to Member Administrations related to the ICAO USOAP Member Administrations encouraged to use the COSCAP-SEA programme for support as required

30 30 DP3 : Update on the USOAP Programme Recommendations Subject to resources, COSCAP-SEA to engage short term experts in areas of USOAP expansion Steering Committee review and provide approval of the USOAP policy as appropriate

31 31 DP5 : SEARAST Recommendations The objective of the SEARAST is to recommend interventions to the Steering Committee that will reduce aviation risk Combined Regional Aviation Safety Team Meeting has been delayed until 19 – 21 November 2008 Implementation Status Report contains report of action taken by COSCAP-SEA in the interim

32 32 DP5 : SEARAST Recommendations Of note, FAA kindly provided the services of Mr. Kyle Olsen for four weeks to assist with RAST work 1 st meeting of the Maintenance Component of the Regional Aviation Safety Team was conducted on 5 June 2008 The following recommendations were made by the Maintenance RAST:

33 33 DP5 : SEARAST Recommendations Maintenance RAST Recommendations: 6.1 Ensure that there is no duplication of effort concerning SEARIF and COSCAPs related to Safety Management System Implementation 9.1.1 No additional action required regarding cold weather operations. 9.1.2 COSCAP to review documents and provide a presentation at the next Maintenance RAST meeting concerning surveillance of sub-contractor/contractor maintenance.

34 34 DP5 : SEARAST Recommendations Maintenance RAST Recommendations: 9.1.3 COSCAP to review documents and provide a presentation at the next Maintenance RAST meeting concerning MEL Policy and Procedures. 9.1.4 COSCAPs to review Issue 4 and provide further detail at the next Maintenance RAST meeting. 9.2.1 COSCAP to request some Member Administration(s) to share information concerning their established procedures in the area of Work Cards / Shift Change / Responsibilities / Manuals

35 35 DP5 : SEARAST Recommendations Maintenance RAST Recommendations: 9.3.1 COSCAP to review documents and provide a presentation at the next Maintenance RAST meeting concerning aspects related to STCs and major modification. 9.4.1 Not applicable for review by the Maintenance RAST. 9.5.1 FAA to provide more information concerning OEM procedures.

36 36 DP5 : SEARAST Recommendations Maintenance RAST Recommendations: 10.1 COSCAPs to provide more information concerning the airworthiness of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) manufactured aircraft. 10.2 Critical Design Control Configuration Limitation. CAA Brunei kindly offered to provide relevant EASA materials to the COSCAPs. 11.1 Tentative date for next meeting - first week of June 2009

37 37 DP5 : SEARAST Recommendations Recommendations: Meeting invited to review the recommendations and accord approval as appropriate Member Administrations to review the Implementation Status Report and provide an update on action taken at the 9 th SEARAST Meeting

38 38 DP4 : ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan ICAO GASP was established to provide common frame of reference to allow a more proactive and systemic approach to aviation safety ICAO GASP assists in prioritizing and planning safety initiatives

39 39 DP4 : ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan 44 th DGCA-AP meeting accepted the GASP and noted the intent to continuously apply the GASP At the 9 th COSCAP-SEA SC Meeting it was decided that COSCAP-SEA would use components of the GASP for planning and prioritizing technical work of the programme

40 40 DP4 : ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan While the majority of the activities of the COSCAP-SEA can be linked to the GASP, no process has been established to prioritize and measure progress against metrics of GASP/GASR SEARAST has been in place for many years and has been developing safety enhancements using a risk based approach

41 41 DP4 : ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan While the work of the SEARAST is continuing implementation of higher priority safety enhancements is being completed SEARAST terms of reference could easily be amended to provide a mandate for it to serve as the mechanism to evaluate and facilitate implementation of the GASP

42 42 DP4 : ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan While SEARAST presently includes members from industry, the participation from industry would need to be strengthened recognizing that 7 of the GSI are more industry focused Attachment I of DP 4 contains a draft revision of the SEARAST Terms of Reference

43 43 DP4 : ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan Recommendation : Grant approval of PC to work in conjunction with SEARAST to evaluate GASR Best Practices, Metrics, and maturity Model to identify gaps Provide report to the Steering Committee on level of implementation at the next meeting Approve revised terms of reference as appropriate

44 44 DP6 : Update on ICAO SMS Requirements SMS Implementation continues to be a high priority of ICAO Further SMS changes proposed Annex 1, 6, 11, 13,14 SMS Train the Trainer Courses continue to be provided (courses delivered in 46 States, 7 Regional offices and 4 in Paris, totaling 57 to date) Model SMS regulations under development (publication anticipated in 2008) Revision of ICAO Safety Management Manual (DOC 9859) to be available by late 2008 (

45 45 DP6 : Update on ICAO SMS Requirements Second ICAO Workshop on State Safety Programme and Safety Management Systems Implementation -- Paris, February 5 to 7, 2008 Provided a forum to obtain from States in the EUR Region perspectives and feedback To generate strategies to overcome obstacles to SMS implementation

46 46 DP6 : Update on ICAO SMS Requirements Results recorded in a Consensus Document listing obstacles, proposed solutions, ICAO contribution and agreed results Similar workshop Bangkok from 29 to 31 October 2008 Workshop valuable for States to have a mixed representation of flight operations, aircraft maintenance, air traffic management and aerodromes areas of expertise

47 47 DP6 : Update on ICAO SMS Requirements ICAO priorities related to SMS are as follows: SMS Train-the-trainer courses Model SMS regulations – publication in 2008 Revision of ICAO Safety Management Manual (DOC 9859) – draft available late 2008

48 48 DP6 : Update on ICAO SMS Requirements COSCAP-SEA attended SEARIF 15 & 16 September SEARIF includes 9 Member Administrations of COSCAP-SEA SEARIF supporting SMS Implementation COSCAP Air Operator SMS Implementation Seminar Bangkok 2 – 4 December 2008

49 49 DP6 : Update on ICAO SMS Requirements PresentationPresentation on SMS Implementation : Lessons learned by Canada during its implementation of SMS into the airline sector Excerpts from Paris SMS Consensus document

50 50 DP6 : Update on ICAO SMS Requirements 4.1 COSCAP-SEA Steering Committee Meetings be used as a forum to provide the latest developments concerning SMS 4.2 COSCAP-SEA to provide workshops, seminars and courses to assist Member States to meet the requirements of ICAO SMS Implementation 4.3 If required and subject to availability of resources, COSCAP-SEA to engage short term experts to support SMS implementation 4.4 Administrations should participate in the ICAO Workshop on State Safety Programme and Safety Management Systems Implementation in Bangkok 29 to 31 October 2008

51 51 DP7 : Work Programme 2009 11th Steering Committee Meeting to take place in early fall of 2009 RAST Meetings – Maintenance RAST Meeting and Asia RAST Meeting (Flight Operations/ATM) tentatively planned for June and July 2009 Technical Assistance – 3 - 4 missions to each administration, as require, with emphasis on USOAP preparations and corrective action plan implementation

52 52 DP7 : Work Programme 2009 Training Personnel Licensing Procedures Course Accident Investigation Course Maintenance Seminar Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Courses Safety Management Systems in Aviation Runway Safety Programme Seminar Dangerous Goods TI Course – Initial Dangerous Goods TI Course – Refresher Fatigue Risk Management Other?

53 53 DP7 : Work Programme 2009 Recommendations: The COSCAP-SEA Steering Committee to review the Work Programme and determine priorities for 2009 Based on this determination CTA to prepare a tentative programme of activities for 2009 and forward to Member Administrations for their further review and comment

54 54 DP8 : Institutional Aspects During Phase II of Programme Implementation Separate Presentation to be provided by ICAO - Mr. Wolfgang Sander-Fischer

55 55 DP9 : Programme Budget and Contributions Funding - Administrations Contributions since the 9th COSCAP-SEA Steering Committee HK China$25,000 plus 14 expert days of support Lao PDR$13,951 Macau China$45,000 Myanmar$25,000 Philippines$30,000 Singapore$25,000 plus 15 expert days of support Thailand$22,556 Vietnam$25,000

56 56 DP9 : Programme Budget and Contributions Funding Donors Contributions received since the 9th COSCAP-SEA Steering Committee Meeting have been received as follows: Airbus $50,000 Boeing $50,000 (earmarked) FAAAirworthiness Expert - 1 year Note: Airbus and Boeing funds are tied to specific outputs and approved by them on a case by case basis

57 57 DP9 : Programme Budget and Contributions Revised Programme Budget for 2008 Based on the total funds available as of 12 September 2008 Allows the operation of the Programme to continue through end of January 2010 with a Chief Technical Advisor Airbus/Boeing funds are utilized to provide support for training/seminar/workshops or short term experts In kind support from Member Administrations and other organizations enable the programme to broaden its support

58 58 DP9 : Programme Budget and Contributions Recommendations Urge its members who have not yet made their full contributions for Phase I and their initial contribution to Phase II to do so as soon as possible Encourage its Associate Members and industry partners to continue their support Approve the Programme Budget in Attachment III

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