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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO CLIENT-SIDE WEB PROGRAMMING ACM 511 ACM 262 Course Notes."— Presentation transcript:


2 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

3 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

4 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

5 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

6 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

7 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

8 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" " html4/strict.dtd"> My Web Page alert('hello world!');

9 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" " html4/strict.dtd"> My Web Page

10 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

11 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

12 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

13 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

14 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

15 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

16 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

17 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

18 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

19 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

20 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes var firstName = 'Cookie'; var lastName = 'Monster'; document.write(' '); document.write(firstName + ' ' + lastName); document.write(' ');

21 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes var name = prompt('What is your name?', ''); document.write(' Welcome ' + name + ' ');

22 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

23 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes Creating an Array To create and store items in an array, you first declare the array’s name (just as you would a variable) and then supply a list of comma separated values: each value represents one item in the list. To indicate an array, you put the list of items between opening and closing brackets—[ ]. var days = ['Mon', 'Tues', 'Wed', 'Thurs', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']; The brackets—[ ]—are very important. You can create an empty array without any elements like this: var playList = [];

24 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes var days = ['Mon', 'Tues', 'Wed', 'Thurs', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']; alert(days[0]); var i = 4; //alert(days[i]);

25 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

26 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes var properties = ['red', '14px', 'Arial']; properties[3] = 'bold'; properties[properties.length] = 'italic'; properties.push('bold'); properties.push('bold', 'italic', 'underlined'); properties.unshift('12px'); for(i=0;i<properties.length;i++) { document.write(properties[i]); document.write(' '); }

27 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

28 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

29 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

30 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

31 Javascript ACM 262 Course Notes

32 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes if ( condition ) { // some action happens here } if (score > 100) { alert('You won!'); } if (answer == 31) { alert('Correct. Saturn has 31 moons.'); }

33 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes

34 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes

35 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes if (condition) { // write what happens } else if (condition2) { // write what happens } else { // write what happens }

36 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes var num= prompt(‘Enter a number', ‘60'); if (num >= 50) { alert(‘Thanks.'); }

37 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes var fridayCash = prompt('How much money can you spend?', ''); if (fridayCash >= 50) { alert('You should go out to a dinner and a movie.'); } else if (fridayCash >= 35) { alert('You should go out to a fine meal.'); } else if (fridayCash >= 12) { alert('You should go see a movie.'); } else { alert('Looks like you'll be watching TV.'); }

38 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes Logical AND if (a 1) { alert("The value " + a + " is between 1 and 10"); } Logical OR if (key == 'n' || key == 'N') { //move to the next photo } Logical NOT if (! valid) { //print errors and don't submit form }

39 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes if (dayOfWeek == 'Friday') { var fridayCash = prompt('How much money can you spend?', ''); if (fridayCash >= 50) { alert('You should go out to a dinner and a movie.'); } else if (fridayCash >= 35) { alert('You should go out to a fine meal.'); } else if (fridayCash >= 12) { alert('You should go see a movie.'); } else { alert('Looks like you'll be watching TV.'); }

40 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes

41 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes while (condition) { // javascript to repeat }

42 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes var num = 1; while (num <= 5) { document.write('Number ' + num + ' '); num = num + 1; } document.write('Number 1 '); document.write('Number 2 '); document.write('Number 3 '); document.write('Number 4 '); document.write('Number 5 ');

43 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes

44 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes

45 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes do { // javascript to repeat } while (condition) ; do { var luckyNumber = prompt('What is your lucky number?',''); luckyNumber = parseInt(luckyNumber, 10); } while (isNaN(luckyNumber));

46 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes var num = 6; do{ document.write('Number ' + num + ' '); num = num + 1; } while (num <= 5) var num = 6; while (num <= 5) { document.write('Number ' + num + ' '); num = num + 1; }

47 Adding Logic ACM 262 Course Notes

48 Functions ACM 262 Course Notes

49 Functions ACM 262 Course Notes

50 Functions ACM 262 Course Notes

51 Functions ACM 262 Course Notes

52 Functions ACM 262 Course Notes


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