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How frequently does the strategic plan at your college change? Why?

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2 How frequently does the strategic plan at your college change? Why?

3  Johnson County Population: 551,000  Location: Kansas Suburbs of Kansas City Metropolitan District  Credit Students: 20,000  Non-credit Students: 15,000  Ethnicity: 70% Caucasian  Tuition: $ 81 per credit hour  Operating (General Fund) Budget: $140 million  Revenues: 52% Local Taxes 15% State Aid 25 % Tuition 8% Other

4  Strategic Planning  Strategic Prioritization  Strategic Investment  Strategic Resource Utilization


6  I nclusion  D ata  E vidence  A ccountability

7  Inclusion  Data  Evidence  Accountability

8  C ollaboration  L eadership  E vidence  A ction  R esults

9  Focus institutional resources on student success  Strengthen cultural and environmental initiatives that promote a responsible and enlightened community.  Position JCCC as a dynamic leader in public policy, strategic planning and workforce and economic development.  Instill at JCCC a culture of continuous quality improvement that maximizes sound resource management and encourages creative innovation.

10  We will inspire successful learning!  We will innovate!  We will lead!  We will engage in quality operations!


12 How have budget cuts affected operations at your school?

13  Zero-Based Budgeting  “Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services: Reallocating Resources to Achieve Strategic Balance” by Robert C. Dickeson  Prioritizing the Budget Strategically (PBS)



16 OperationQuintile Snow/Ice Removal Respond to Emergencies Outside Trash Removal 1 Exterior Signage Maintenance Safety Meetings Mowing, Trimming, Fertilizing 2 Irrigation Management and Repair Respond to Campus Services Requests Landscape Design Select and Plant Flowers, Trees, Bushes 3 Professional Staff Development Administrative Duties (TC, PC) Snow and Lawn Equipment Maintenance 4 Requisitions, Purchasing, Ordering Meet with Contractors Assist with College Inventory Management 5



19  Positions, PTR and FTR  Operations  Travel  Overtime  Memberships and


21  Faculty  Building Allied Health Programs  Enrollment Management / Retention Software  Classroom Technology Upgrades  Academic Facilities Upgrades


23  President’s Cabinet Reviews  Org / Program / Activity Classification: › Meritorious – 5% › Sustainable – 90% › Under Review – 5%  Funding Priorities

24  State of the College Address › Putting the “Innovation” back in what it means to be a League Board School › Center for Innovation › Strategic Planning Goal 2  We will innovate!

25  We will question the status quo.  We will practice strategic risk-taking.  We will focus resources to reward those who find creative ways to address learning needs.  We will capitalize on diversity in building partnerships.


27 How well does your school identify and accomplish institutional goals and projects?

28  Collaborative service model effort  Liaisons w/ project management skills  Leveraged PMI concepts without PMO  Implementation of TeamDynamix

29  Streamlining processes  Resource utilization reporting  A network of experts  Project Success Network Transformation

30 Communication Plan Budget Process Technology Request Facilities Request EventTraining Student Faculty Community Services

31  Campus Services › Service requests › Office moves › Remodel process  Warehouse › Move forms

32  Strategic Plan  Strategic Prioritization  Strategic Investment  Strategic Resource Utilization

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