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The first 6 are so important, so let’s plan together your 1st 6 Consultants. 1. CEO, someone who has held a management position, they somehow manage to.

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Presentation on theme: "The first 6 are so important, so let’s plan together your 1st 6 Consultants. 1. CEO, someone who has held a management position, they somehow manage to."— Presentation transcript:

1 The first 6 are so important, so let’s plan together your 1st 6 Consultants. 1. CEO, someone who has held a management position, they somehow manage to get it all done. This person is up on current events, and loves to trend businesses. Is a self starter, runs in to the fire without thinking. Example: in a job for a long time and no where to go but to go ready to rock and roll. A baby boomer that had their career shorted in them financial times. Where do you find these people? a. Make a list from your cell phone b. Create a list of guest as if you are getting married in the morning. c. Look for new faces at the bus stop if you are picking up your child d. Go shopping at noon; this is when the part time staff is on.

2 2. CFO, someone who was in the banking industry, and or mortgage. Real Estate agent is also another great candidate. This personally type can handle money and investing. Key factor they have really big dreams. Example: Real estate industry has been hit hard, great place to start. Hairdressers are also great with people along with bartenders. Where do you find these people? a. Look in the paper for reduced price homes and find the real estate office it belongs to. b. Read the newspaper, follow the larger firms that are doing layoffs. c. Join forums on line for real estate and make friends. d. Go to your bank see who needs extra money.

3 3. COO, someone that somehow makes the crazy daily chores always works. Is in many different groups, they love to work hard and long. Loves to send reminders to all what is coming. Example: Single parent homes is a perfect place to start, they are use to juggling everything. Anyone leads a group like the PTA or the church choir. Where do you find these people? a. After schools programs b. Go to different schools and ask for the PTA members information. c. Reach out to your local charter branch of different causes in your town. d. Look for the day care centers and ask if you can share your opportunity with the parents of the children there.

4 4. VP of Sales, someone who can sell you a vacuum when you have no carpet. Example: who sold you your last car, I am sure they are feeling the economy. Someone, who doesn’t take no for an answer or can without getting hurt. Where do you find these people? a. Need to find people that are in a commission based business b. Find the mother of the child that wins the most cookies sold for the PTA c. Go car shopping, just go shopping and the one that sells you, that is who you want in your business

5 5. VP of Human Resource, someone who loves to mentor and train. A rare quality of finding the best in everyone and bringing it front and center. Example: School teacher is perfect and they have the time, plus their mentor instincts are great for this business. A college student, young enough to have energy and needs to find a place in the work force this would be a great career experience. Where do you find these people? a. Go to colleges and work with the job placement office b. Find out where the conferences are held in your area and visit the events c. Create surveys in malls d. Social media put up a Facebook

6 6. A family Member, we all have one that never grew up and always has their hand out. Example: we all have one that needs our help. Try to teach them to fish and stop cooking dinner for them. Where do you find these people? a. Call your mother b. This is easy we all know who needs help in our life and those we have helped so many times.

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