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EUROCHAMBRES The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry Connecting European Chambers: International Markets Birgit ARENS Brussels, 27.

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Presentation on theme: "EUROCHAMBRES The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry Connecting European Chambers: International Markets Birgit ARENS Brussels, 27."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROCHAMBRES The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry Connecting European Chambers: International Markets Birgit ARENS Brussels, 27 March 2015

2 OVERVIEW EUROCHAMBRES Network and priorities The European Neighbourhood – Eastern Partnership East Invest phases 1 and 2 Project implementation Project management principles


4 OUR PRIORITIES CONDITIONSMARKETSRESOURCES SMEs and Innovation Internal MarketPeople and Skills Smart RegulationTrade and InvestmentAccess to Finance Europe 2020InternationalisationEnergy and Environment Enlargement and Neighbouring Countries

5 The Eastern Partnership I Part of the European Neighbourhood Policy Launched in 2009 Objectives: o Political association o Economic integration o Mobility o Strengthened sector cooperation 4 thematic platforms: o Democracy, good governance and stability o Economic integration and convergence o Energy security o Contacts between people A series of flagship initiatives

6 The Eastern Partnership II Platform 2: «Economic Integration and Convergence with EU Policies» – SME Panel: support the development of SMEs and improve the business environment in Partner Countries for Eastern Partner SMEs and European SMEs alike SME Flagship initiative: address constraints that, at varying degrees, affect the development of SMEs in all partner countries →Launch of East Invest by the EC

7 meets meets 85 Partners and 15 Associates EU (24), 6 EaP, Turkey CCIs, Federations, SME Agencies,…

8 European Commission grant contract total budget 8 750 000 € Duration : 3 years initially, extended for another 3 years (until August 2017) Objective: Promotion and facilitation of investments and economic cooperation between the EU and the EaP countries and between the EaP countries. Activities: capacity building for BSOs and SMEs from the 6 Eastern Partnership countries

9 Opportunities for Chambers Pre-condition: be a member of the East Alliance (grant contract rules) Become an EU host of roadshows – welcoming business delegations from the Eastern Partnership countries, organising B2B with local companies

10 European Commission services contract total budget 6 500 000 € Duration : 3 years Objective:Support the development of a conducive economic environment and competitive private sector while enhancing trade flows and investments between the EU Member States and the Eastern Neighbourhood Activities: capacity building for BSOs/ SME associations and SMEs from the 6 Eastern Partnership countries Consortium partners: ECH + UEAPME 2

11 Opportunities for Chambers: All EUROCHAMBRES members will be consulted Nominate experts for the different East Invest 2 activities o BSO Academies o BSO twinnings o BSO exchanges o SME Academies 2

12 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION EC grant contractEC services contract Contract Special conditions General conditionsGeneral Conditions Description of the ActionTerms of Reference BudgetOrganisation & Methodology Procurement rulesKey experts Request for paymentBudget Financial identification formPrefinancing guarantee form Interim / final narrative reportLegal entity Interim / final financial report – expected sources of funding Financial identification form Terms of Reference for an expenditure verification Report of actual findings and terms of reference for an expenditure verification Prefinancing guarantee form + the «bible» : PRAGPRAG

13 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Tips: Project guidelines for general administrative questions Templates for everything (financial, technical reporting…) Precise activity terms of reference Monitoring mechanisms Reporting by partners and to the EC Exchange rate rules Project visual and usage by project partners Communication aspects – respect of EC visibility rules + internal communication Procurement rules Contractual relationship with project partners and beneficiaries

14 Thank you!

15 CONTACT DETAILS Birgit Arens, Project Team Leader International Affairs EUROCHAMBRES

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