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International Approaches to Geography Instruction Patrick Womac Clemson University.

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Presentation on theme: "International Approaches to Geography Instruction Patrick Womac Clemson University."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Approaches to Geography Instruction Patrick Womac Clemson University

2 What is Geographic Literacy? What it isn’t… –Encyclopedic knowledge –Map-reading skills What it is… –Ability to use information about people and places to solve problems and plan What it requires… –Understanding –Knowledge –Skills





7 Five Themes of Geography LocationPlace Human- Environment Interaction Movement Regions

8 A Goal of Education? To produce a well-informed, critical- thinking citizenry, capable of making evidence-based decisions. Democracy requires an informed electorate.



11 Overall Results Average # of correct answers out of a possible 56 correct Sample: 18- to 24-year-olds

12 Percentage of young U.S. adults correctly identifying Afghanistan on a world map Sample: U.S. 18- to 24-year-olds World Hotspots


14 Newsweek gave the US citizenship test for immigrants to people born in the US and found that only 38% could pass.


16 “I suggest a new regulation on war — If a majority of your country cannot find the enemy country on the map, they aren’t interested enough to justify making war against it.” Juan Cole -

17 If you don’t know where it is, you’re not allowed to have an opinion about it. – especially about bombing it. Or If you don’t know three things about a person/place/idea, then you’re not allowed to have an opinion about it. A Theory In Progress…


19 Impetus & Framework 2006 National Geography Roper Survey Effects of increased geography instruction Personal Experience


21 Factors Influencing Performance Factors that seem to influence performance: –Level of education –Young U.S. adults who reported taking a geography course in school performed better on the quiz. –International travel and language skills –News-seeking behavior




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