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Published byNicholas Richard Modified over 9 years ago
Unit 1 Warm-Up: On the second page of your notebook write your objective and answer this questions in 5 complete sentences… “What makes someone worthy of citizenship?”
CE.C&G.4.3- Explain the criteria for membership and admission to citizenship in America. CE.C&G.4.1- Compare citizenship in the American constitutional democracy to membership in other types of governments.
CE.C&G.4.5- Explain the changing perception and interpretation of citizenship and naturalization. Students will know problems that have risen due to our diversity.
Describe what you see? What connection do you have with this picture? How does this picture make you feel?
Citizenship Citizen- an official member of a country If you are born in the U.S., you are automatically a U.S. citizen. (Soil-born) If your parents are U.S. citizens at the time of your birth, you are a U.S. citizen no matter where you are born. (Blood-born)
Path to Citizenship U.S. Citizen Natural Born Soil Born- Born in the U.S. on U.S. soil Blood Born- Parent is a U.S. citizen when born Naturalized Process 1) Legally live in U.S. for 5 years 2) Interview with CIS 3) Pass citizenship exam 4) Oath of allegiance
14 th Amendment defines citizenship All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
Legal Aliens Have permission to be in the U.S. can hold jobs, own property, go to school, travel, and pay taxes. Cannot vote, run for office, or work for the government.
Illegal Aliens…or Undocumented Immigrants Illegal Aliens = non-citizens Illegal: either did not apply or were denied and stayed Estimated 10 million aliens in the U.S. It’s illegal to hire or house illegal aliens If caught, illegal aliens may be deported.
Test Your Knowledge Read scenarios 1-3 below and decide if these people would have American citizenship. Justify your answer. 1. A baby born in Paris to two U.S. citizens vacationing. 2. A baby born to two French citizens who crossed the U.S. border illegally. 3. Your 22-year-old sister, after you become a U.S. citizen You are a CIS worker. Decide whether or not you think the CIS would grant legal alien status to the following people based on the information provided in your notes. Justify your answer. 4. A doctor from Spain who specializes in the treatment of cancer. 5. A convicted felon from Columbia who doesn’t know anyone in the U.S. 6. A family from Ethiopia who is looking to start a better life.
Immigrants PPermanent residents who have moved to U.S. from other countries. MMillions apply, only thousands are accepted. HHaving relatives, talents, job skills, or money to invest increases chances of being accepted. TThere have been several waves of immigration in US History
Naturalization The process of becoming a U.S. citizen Citizenship & Immigration Services (CIS): regulates and oversees the process. Have a current green card have lived in U.S. for at least 5 years read and write basic English good moral character pass citizenship test take oath of allegiance to U.S.
Ways to lose your citizenship IIf you become a citizen of another country IIf you threaten to overthrow the government YYou serve in the military of another country.
Multiculturalism When several different cultures can live peacefully in one country “E Pluribus Unum” – Found on the US Seal – US Currency ($) Out of many, one Meaning: Even though we are many cultures and many different people we are still one nation
Melting Pot vs. Salad Bowl The Melting Pot theory requires that immigrants assimilate in order to become one common culture-“American” The “Salad Bowl" theory basically calls for us to celebrate our diversity along with our oneness. African
Problems created by diversity- the “ism’s” Types of “ism’s” Racism- hatred or intolerance towards another’s race Ageism- discrimination against a certain age group Sexism- discrimination based on a person’s gender
Diversity Problems continued… Quick-writes: What is tolerance? Do “ism’s” promote or prevent toleration? Why?
Stereotyping Different groups on white paper have been placed around the room. Quietly get out of your seat visit each poster On each poster jot down things said about each group. (names called, looks, behavior, clothing, foods eaten, transportation, etc.) Once you have visited each poster and jotted something down. Return to your seat.
Exit Ticket Match It! 1. _Diversitya. cultures live peacefully 2. _Racism b. age discrimination 3. _Tolerancec. lots of variety 4. _Multiculturalismd. sex discrimination 5. _Sexisme. accepting differences 6. _Ageismf. hating another race
1. How does size impact the meaning of the cartoon 2. What is ironic about what is being said 3. Is that the dog says important?
WELCOME BACK MONDAY! Date: 1/26/2015 Objective: Differentiate between duties and responsibilities of a citizen Grab a 1/2 sheet from the back and use your notes OR another person to help you answer the analyzing questions IS THIS TRUE?
CE.C&G.4.3- Analyze the roles of citizens of North Carolina to the United States in terms of responsibilities, participation and civic life. CE,C&G.4.4- Analyze the obligations of citizens by determining when their personal desires, interests and involvement are subordinate to the good of the nation or state.
CE.C&G.4.3- Explain the criteria for membership and admission to citizenship in America. CE.C&G.4.1- Compare citizenship in the American constitutional democracy to membership in other types of governments. CE.C&G.4.3- Analyze the roles of citizens of North Carolina to the United States in terms of responsibilities, participation and civic life. CE,C&G.4.4- Analyze the obligations of citizens by determining when their personal desires, interests and involvement are subordinate to the good of the nation or state.
Duties vs. Responsibilities Duty- things I am required to do as a citizen Obey the law Pay taxes Defend the nation (18 yrs old males, Selective Service- draft) Serve in court (juror, witness) Attend school Responsibility- things one should do to be a good, informed, participating citizen or member of the community Vote Be informed Participate in the government Respect others (physically, property, diversity, tolerance) Volunteer
Too Much Responsibility!! Civic Responsibility- responsibility to the wider community, not directly to myself and my personal life Personal Responsibility- responsibility directed to my own personal life or family, not the wider community List examples of civic responsibilities List examples of personal responsibilities
Characteristics of a Good Citizen Follows the Law and Civic Duties Civic Participation Express concern about the welfare of the community Environment, Safety, Education Votes Volunteers in the community/Community Service Influencing government changing laws by signing petitions (initiative) coming up with new ideas for laws volunteer in political campaigns
Respond in your notes Why are volunteers needed in our community? How can you volunteer?
Volunteering Volunteering is a way in which citizens can help their communities. Citizens should be willing to give their time to help improve their neighborhood or city. Volunteers expect no payment and know that these are important civic actions for the good of the country and the well-being of the people Examples: little league coach, Girl scout troop leader, Neighborhood watch, picking up trash
Rights vs. Obligations Rights – Entitled toDuties- Required to doResponsibilities- Should do Equal rights- 14 th Amendment Equal Protection under the law for all citizens Liberty (Freedoms)- 1 st Amendment Speech, Religion Security- 4 th Amendment Freedom for government intrusion, right to privacy, right not to be search w/o warrant 1.Obey the law 2.Pay Taxes 3.Serve on jury duty 4.Register for the Draft (Selective Service) males at 18 5.Attend School 1.Vote/Participate in government 2.Keep yourself informed 3.Respect others property 4.Respect others who are different than you and have different ideas 5.Volunteer
Rights Natural Rights of people include Life, Liberty, and Property. 14 th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution defines this: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. We are all entitled to this right by law
Certain actions are the duty of all citizens Refer back to your notes, rank the civic duties in order of importance to you. Explain why you chose this order.
Number your notebook paper from 1-10 Write D for Duty or R for Responsibility 1. Volunteering as a Little League baseball coach 2. Serving on a jury 3. Obeying the law 4. Recycling 5. Voting 6. Signing a petition 7. Registering for the military draft Determine if the follow is a legal alien, illegal alien, or citizen 1. A person born in Canada to Canadians working for US customs. 2. A student attending UNC from China. 3. A person who fails their citizenship test but stays here. R D R D Cit LA IA
Exit Ticket On a separate piece of paper rank the duties of American Citizens by importance Be prepared to share with the class
Objective: Compare the United States system of government to other systems of government Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Democracy/Direct Democracy People rule the government directly Popular Sovereignty- people rule Example: Initiative, Referendum
Representative Democracy/ Republic People elect representatives to govern for them Example: USA
Parliamentary Democracy- Head of state (prime minister) is also part of legislative branch Less separation of powers PM voted on by legislative branch Ex. Great Britain American Democracy- Head of state (president) is a separate branch from legislative President voted on indirectly by people
Monarchy Rule by a king or queen/ Emperor or Empress 2 Types
Constitutional Monarchy Power of the monarch limited by a constitution and a ruling body Example: Great Britain
Absolute Monarch Monarch has absolute authority Example: Louis XIV France
Aristocracy Rule by the noble class or Aristocracy Example: Sparta
Dictatorship Rule by one individually who has absolute power Example: Cuba
Theocracy Rule centered around the religious institution Example: the Vatican, Iran
Oligarchy Rule by a small group of people Example: Soviet Union REPEAT AFTER ME: “COMMUNISM IS NOT A FORM OF GOVERNMENT, IT’S AN ECONOMIC SYSTEM”
Anarchy Lack of government Example: Somalia
Ways to Govern How governments and rulers break up power Blue: Unitary Green: Federation Purple: Anarchy
Unitary There is one level government in a place Example: Taiwan, United Kingdom, South Africa
Federation a union of partially self governing states Ultimate power rest with the federal government not the states Example: United States, Canada, Russia
Confederation AKA- Confederal System A union of self governing states where more authority rests with the individual states Example: European Union, Confederate States of America
Totalitarian Absolute government authority over all aspect of the people’s lives Example: China, Cuba
PIT pg. 1 (PART 1)Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 1: Melissa turned 18 and is going to city hall to vote in the presidential election for the first time. She will vote for candidates running for President, NC Governor and NC Senator. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why
Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 2: King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia makes all the decisions for his country. He does not consult advisors and he never holds elections. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why
Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 3: The citizens of Hampton, New Hampshire hold 4 annual town meetings where they discuss town policies and make decisions regarding laws and the town budget. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why
Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 4: The government in Iran enforces religious laws contained in the ancient Islamic text, the Koran. The political leaders are also highest religious leaders, who claim they are chosen by God. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why
Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 5: In the ancient Greek city of Sparta a small group of elders made all the decisions. They even would decide which babies were strong enough to live in Sparta and which babies should be disposed. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why
Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 6: Adolph Hitler ruled over Nazi Germany with an “iron fist.” He controlled all the media and used his military and secret police (the SS) to exterminate any opponents. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why
Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 7: When Lenin came to power in Russia he tried to split all the property equally between the people by giving the government control over all property. He believed there should not be social classes and everyone should be equal. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why
Match it! 1._ Anarchya. Government by religion 2._ Monarchyb. Government by a few 3. _Democracyc. Government by the people 4. _Theocracyd. Government by the privileged 5. _Dictatorshipe. Government by no one 6. _Oligarchyf. Government by a king/queen 7. _Aristocracyg. Government by one person,
Welcome Back to Wednesday! Objective: Compare the United States system of government to other systems of government Put your objective in your notebook in your own words along with the date. Be prepared to speak on the various types of government from yesterday! Does this flag represent a type of government or economic system?
TEST DAY IS THE BEST DAY…RIGHT! Grab a ½ sheet from the back of the room. Complete to the best of your ability. Assistance can be found on the back. Objective: Earn an 85% or better on the Unit 1 assessment Do not let this be you!
Exit Ticket 1. List one duty and one responsibility of all citizens. 2. What right is provided by the 14 th Amendment to all citizens? 3. Do we have to give up some of our freedoms to the government? Why?
“God Bless the USA” Listen to the lyrics of the song E E List four characteristics that people use to identify themselves as an American. Do you identify with these characteristics? Why or why not? What makes the U.S. different from any other country in the world?
Nation Research- Computers/Cell phones Standard-Students will know The differences and similarities between the United States and the government systems of other nations. Students research using “Nations” chart Students also work on Mini-Project: Citizenship Brochure Immigration Investigation Due Sept 6, 2012
PIT: Island Assignment Imagine that you and twenty of your classmates survived the crash of Oceanic flight 815. You landed on a remote island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. You don’t know when you’ll be rescued and as far as you can tell there is no one else on the island. You have no way to communicate with the outside world as your cell phones do not work on the island and all GPS and radar was destroyed in the crash. With your group make an “Island Survival Plan” for all of the survivors of the crash. You must ultimately determine what the best system of government will be for the survivors on the island. Be sure to use your knowledge of different types of economic and government systems. In the space below write down your answers to the following questions which will make up your “Island Survival Plan.”
Describe what you see What is going on? If this were you, how would it make you feel?
National Security vs. Individual Rights Class Discussion: When you go through airport security what freedoms might you have to give up? Which one of your natural rights is the government protecting? When we go through airport security are we agreeing to give up some freedom?
So… Do we have to give up some of our personal desires, rights and interests for the good of the community? (Nation, State) Why? Compare your view from the opening journal entry to now. Has your view changed? If so how? If not, why not?
Text: “The 9/11 Dilemma: Security vs. Freedom” CE,C&G.4.4- Analyze the obligations of citizens by determining when their personal desires, interests and involvement are subordinate to the good of the nation or state. Students will know the power the government has to protect the citizens based on the Constitution. (National security vs. individual rights) Guided Reading Assignment Read the article then respond to questions 1-8.
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