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Atomic Theory History of Atom Early Greeks believed that matter consisted of tiny particles – they called the “atoms”

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2 Atomic Theory

3 History of Atom Early Greeks believed that matter consisted of tiny particles – they called the “atoms”


5 John Dalton English school teacher in 1800’s Proposed atomic theory

6 Dalton’s Atomic Theory All matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms Atoms of a given element have the same size, mass, and physical properties Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed

7 Atoms can combine in simple, whole- number ratios to form compounds In chemical reactions, atoms can combine, separate, or rearrange


9 Dalton’s Theory Today Dalton’s theory still holds true today with a few exceptions Atoms can be subdivided in nuclear reactions Atoms of he same element can have different masses – they are called Isotopes

10 Law of Conservation of Mass Matter and its mass cannot be created or destroyed


12 Law of Definite Composition In a compound, the ratio of atoms is always the same For example: water (H 2 O) always has a mass ratio of 1:8 In water there is always 1 gram of water for 8 grams of oxygen

13 Law of Multiple Proportions Two or more different compounds are composed of the same 2 elements, they are whole number ratios of each other

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