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An Update from Welsh Government Lisa Howells Senior Dental Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "An Update from Welsh Government Lisa Howells Senior Dental Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Update from Welsh Government Lisa Howells Senior Dental Officer

2 What am I going to cover ● Progress with delivering the National Oral Health Plan ● The Primary Care Plan ● Prudent Healthcare

3 Delivering the National Oral Health Plan Annual progress report on CDO website Welsh Government actions include – WHTM 01-05 updated and audit published Introduce a new practice inspection programme Revise the private dentistry regulations NHS e- connectivity Care of Vulnerable people – two Welsh Health Circulars issued

4 Private Dentistry Regulations Practice registration – not individual dentist Allow direct access DCP registration Equalise arrangements for DBS (CRB) checks with the NHS Equalise quality and safety standards with the NHS Lasers ! Consultation - Autumn 2015

5 NHS e- connectivity 2 parts to the programme 1. NHS e-mail connectivity to GDS practices 2. Pilot electronic patient referral

6 NHS e-mail connectivity Allow access to NHS e-mail and related NHS systems – including HB e-learning Led by WG and NWIS (NHS Wales Informatics Service) High level of “sign up” – 70 practices responded in ABMU UHB (89%) as of 23/1/15 Connection to NHS network from March to June 2015 Not to be used for patient referral

7 E-Referral Pilot Pilot in Cwm Taf health board 5 practices taking part Testing e-referral for minor oral surgery only Clinical governance systems in place Test for 3 months, followed by evaluation and report Roll out to Wales “some way off”

8 Contract Update- pilot results Very acceptable to patients and dental teams Marked shift towards stabilisation and prevention KPIs relating to general health promotion welcomed and implemented Scrutiny issues- need for scrutiny of clinical practice Reduced numbers of patients and courses of treatment Reduced patient charge income

9 Where are we now Discussion with Minister in April English prototypes planned to start Autumn 2015 (about 100 planned). Full roll out 2018/19 at the earliest Remuneration – capitation and quality payments WG observing at present English newsletter : with “Pilot Perspectives subscription request” in subject line.

10 In the meantime……. “Grey areas” WG discussion with BDA – GDPs asked to identify grey areas with NHS regulations Many grey areas which cause frustration, concern and stress. BUT… Impossible to have clear “rules” for every situation – every patient is an individual Not appropriate to make regulations on the basis of a single scenario

11 Themes Lack of consistency across LHBs Patients with urgent problems Treating casual patients/ occasional attenders Dealing with patients who return within a short time span with problems from treatment provided Difficulties arising from infrequently done treatments, EG full dentures “Band 4” !

12 NHS DS look for trends / themes / patterns rather than individual “one off” patients. Eg repeated urgent treatment of a single tooth routine claim for band 2 for every urgent patient exempt patients with repeated treatments in short time intervals

13 Some advice: Keep accurate, contemporaneous records (it’s an old chestnut but it will help) Complete the FP17 in full Don’t let claiming drive treatment – the priority is patient treatment need Don’t make inaccurate claims to spare the patient from paying NHS charges. EG claiming suture removal when the patient had a filling

14 The Primary Care Delivery Plan £3.5m investment in primary care autumn 2014 £10m Welsh Government primary care fund £30m further investment 3 year delivery plans

15 The Welsh Government Primary Care Plan Published February 2015 Principles -Prevention, early intervention -Co-ordinated care – closer working across primary care / secondary care / community care -Actively involve patients and carers -Planning at community level of 25,000 to 100,000 people (“clusters”). 64 in Wales -Prudent healthcare

16 Dental involvement in clusters Possible funding for a GDP ( as LDC/OHAG rep) to attend cluster meetings – including elements of training and development. Health boards, LDCs and OHAGs work together to ensure that cluster plans include oral health and dental services

17 Prudent Health Care “……. thinking differently about the services we provide and the relationship between the professional and the individual”

18 Prudent Healthcare 5 themes (or possibly 7….. ) See - includes Mick Allen’s perspective from general dental practice

19 Do no harm Carry out the minimum appropriate intervention Organise the workforce around the 'only do what only you can do' principle Promote equity Remodel the relationship between user and provider on the basis of co production Treat the greatest need first Consistently apply evidence based medicine

20 Thank you Any questions?

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