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The development of our knowledge of Chemistry.  A greek Philosopher who, in about 300 BCE suggested that the stuff around us ( matter) is composed of.

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Presentation on theme: "The development of our knowledge of Chemistry.  A greek Philosopher who, in about 300 BCE suggested that the stuff around us ( matter) is composed of."— Presentation transcript:

1 The development of our knowledge of Chemistry

2  A greek Philosopher who, in about 300 BCE suggested that the stuff around us ( matter) is composed of very small little particles.  He called them “Atomos”

3 Most scientists of the day, thought Democritus must have been… Smoking crack or something! They all “knew” that matter was made up of the four elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water!!!!

4  In the Late 1700’s to early 1800’s John Dalton suggested to the world that:  Matter is composed of small little particles …. Called “atoms”  He is known as the Father of Modern Chemistry  He did some experimentation to help him come up with the 4 principles of matter….

5  1. All elements are made up of small indivisible particles called “atoms”  2. Atoms of one element are “identical” but atoms of other elements are different from the others. ( all Au atoms are “the same” all Al atoms are “the same” but Al and Au are different)  3. Atoms can combine in small whole number ratios to form compounds  4. Atoms can be rearranged, and recombined when they form compounds, but they are never changed.

6  A great many “scientists” and philosophers thought Dalton must have been….  Smoking crack or something!!!!!  Because they all knew that matter was composed of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water!!!!!

7  By the mid 1800’s there were about 70 elements known.  Mendeleev came up with a way to organize them, based on their atomic mass.  He essentially created the 1 st periodic table


9  In 1897 JJ Thomson used a cathode ray tube that looked kinda like this…..  And discovered the electron!!!!!  Other scientists working to study the atom determined that the electron must have a mass of about 9.1 x 10 -28 g  current value: 9.109 x 10 -28 g!


11 In about 1913, Neils Bohr came up with the idea that electrons revolve around the atom in orbits around the atom. Similar to the way planets orbit a star We now know that this Is not exactly how it is!

12  In early 1900’s (1920) or so, Ernest Rutherford did an experiment famously know as the “Gold Foil Experiment”  It looked like this…..

13  His experiment showed that there was something in the atom that:  Had mass  Had a positive charge  It was the proton!!!!

14  The atom is mostly empty space!  If I found a good visual to cut and paste….  If not……


16  In about 1930, James Chadwick did some experiments similar to JJ Thomson.  He used a cathode ray tube and….  Discovered the Neutron!

17  The Higgs Boson was discovered?  Postulated in about 1965 or so, The Higgs Boson is some magical and mythical “thingy” that helps give matter its mass.  Some, including scientists, refer to it as “The God Particle!” as it will perhaps help us understand matter a little bit better  A few days Later,  Mr. Jury still doesn’t understand what the Higgs Boson is all about

18  What problems/ obstacles did the scientists have when they were trying to figure out what “stuff’ ( matter) was made of?  What technological barriers did they face?  What do doctors need to do when they are trying to help cure a sick patient?  Are doctors always successful? Explain!

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