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RANGELAND HYDROLOGY BASIC CONCEPTS Lamar Smith Cascabel Ranch and Consulting Carta Valley, Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "RANGELAND HYDROLOGY BASIC CONCEPTS Lamar Smith Cascabel Ranch and Consulting Carta Valley, Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 RANGELAND HYDROLOGY BASIC CONCEPTS Lamar Smith Cascabel Ranch and Consulting Carta Valley, Texas

2 OBJECTIVES  Understand water balance  Understand basic erosion processes on rangeland  Understand how brush control affects water yield and erosion

3 Precipitation Runoff Infiltration Evaporation Transpiration Transmission losses Groundwater recharge Summarizing Hydrologic Data Water balance – an accounting method

4 Annual Water balance for the Upper San Pedro River

5 Annual Water Balance for the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed Ephemeral tributary to San Pedro River RAINFALL 12 in. ( 305 mm ) SURFACE DETENTION & INFILTRATION 10 in. ( 254 mm ) EVAPORATION & TRANSPIRATION 10 in. ( 254 mm ) ONSITE RUNOFF 2 in. ( 51 mm ) CHANNEL LOSSES 1 3/4 in. ( 45 mm ) SURFACE RUNOFF 1/4 in. ( 6 mm ) EVAPORATION & TRANSPIRATION FROM CHANNEL AND VEGETATION ALONG STREAM GROUND WATER RECHARGE FROM CHANNEL WATERSHED

6 EROSION PROCESSES RHEM MODEL Climatic data  Climatic data  Soil texture  Slope length  Slope shape  Slope %  % bunchgrass, forb/annual, shrubs, sod grass canopy cover  % rock, basal plant, litter and cryptogam cover Most of these factors are climatic and site related – only vegetation is manageable

7 STREAM FLOW (WATER YIELD)  Subsurface = Springs  Runoff = Flooding – dirt tanks, etc.

8 FFOLLIOTT AND THORUD – 1975  Increase in Water YieldPrecipitation  Mixed conifer = 6 inches 24+ inches  Ponderosa Pine = 2 inches20-24 inches  Chaparral = 4 inches 16-20 inches  Pinyon – Juniper = 0 inches16-20 inches  Grassland = 0 inches 12-16 inches  Desert Shrub = 0 inches8-12 inches


10 MAIN POINTS  Infiltration – greater on sandy soils  Depth of penetration – greater on sandy soils - gravel increases  Evaporation – less on sandy soils  Deep percolation – greater on coarse soils – winter precip  Season of precipitation vs plant growth


12 MOST STUDIES SHOW THAT MESQUITE CONTROL REDUCES RUNOFF AND SOIL EROSION.  Mesquite reduces grass cover  Increases patchiness of ground cover

13 STUDIES IN CREOSOTEBUSH ARE LESS DEFINITIVE  How treated? Roughness factor.  How much grass response?  Soil depth, texture?  Storm intensity?

14 SO WHY DO BRUSH CONTROL?  Reduce erosion  Reduce runoff intensity - flooding  Increase species diversity  Increase life form diversity  Increase food for wildlife and livestock  Improve biological production????

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