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The Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton Shoulderhip Elbowknee Wristankle Handfoot Axial Skeleton Skull Spine Ribs Sternum.

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Presentation on theme: "The Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton Shoulderhip Elbowknee Wristankle Handfoot Axial Skeleton Skull Spine Ribs Sternum."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton Shoulderhip Elbowknee Wristankle Handfoot Axial Skeleton Skull Spine Ribs Sternum

2 Types of bones Long bones= bones that are longer than they are wide Short bones=bones that are as long as they are wide Flat bones Skull, ribs=protect the vital organs Irregular bones vertebrae

3 Cartilage Flexible connective tissue Reduce friction at a joint

4 Joints Ball & Socket Pivot Ellipsoidal Hinge

5 Care of the skeletal system Exercise to increase bone density Calcium and phosphorus Hard strong bones

6 Problems Poor nutrition Infection Sports Accidents Poor posture Osteoporosis

7 Fractures Simple (Closed) No break in the skin Compound (Open) Bone creates an opening in the skin Hairline Incomplete no separation Transverse Completely across the bone

8 Fractures (cont.) Comminuted More than two pieces Oblique Completely across the bone at an angle Greenstick Breaking of a willow

9 Osteoporosis Brittle or easily fractured Women after menopause less estrogen Loss of bone mass

10 Scoliosis Side to side curvature of the spine Exercise Brace Surgery

11 Injury Related problems Strain Stretch or tear of a muscle Sprain Stretch or tear of a ligament Bruise Tendonitis Inflammation of a tendon Hernia Protrusion of an organ or tissue through a weak area of the muscle

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