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Erosion: Shaping the Landscape

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1 Erosion: Shaping the Landscape

2 What do you think happened to this rock?
Pre-assessment Hmmm.... What do you think happened to this rock?

3 Learning Objectives Objectives Know what erosion is
Name the forces of erosion Describe the action of erosion Categorize types of erosion

4 What is Erosion? Definition Main Entry ero·sion Some agents of
i -'rO - zh&n Function: noun 1.The wearing away and carrying off of rock, soil, sand, or other, earth materials. Some agents of erosion include: Water Wind Gravity Weathering Human Activity

5 Water Water the most power agent of Erosion !!
Water can come in many forms. Rain Drops, Storm-swollen rivers, Ocean waves, Rushing Streams, Glaciers (compressed snow)

6 Wind Wind Wind is most important in areas where there is little rain and very little or no vegetation. (Beach, Desert, Prarie) Wind erosion can be dangerous. In 1937 there were giant dust storms.

7 Gravity The pull of gravity causes the downward movement of materials. This motion can be very slow. For example soil being pulled down a hillside. The motion can also be very fast like a mudslide. Gravity

8 Weathering Weathering
Weathering is the breaking down of rocks or the Earth’s surfaces through chemical or mechanical processes. - Heating and cooling - Plant Roots - Pockets of Freezing Water - Chemicals (Pollution, Acid Rain)

9 Human Activity Human Activity Industrial development
- Factories - Automobiles Poor agricultural (Farming) habits - Polluted Runoff - Removing of vegetation Deforestation -Cutting down of tress

The process of erosion both wears away and builds a new. Nature is a balanced system. Even though mountains are destroyed by erosion molten rock within the Earth rises and creates new mountains. Erosion might rob one area of soil but it is simply moving it to another location. When a river floods it leaves mineral deposits that help plants grow. When rocks are broken down they form sand and soil. No!

11 Explore How wind Shapes the Landscape
Activity Activity Explore How wind Shapes the Landscape What happens when you blow the rice around in the pan? Where might this type of erosion be found? How does wind effect … -Deserts? -Mountain tops? -Beaches? -Sand dunes?

12 Closure Sum it up !! Erosion is the wearing away and carrying off of rock, soil, sand, or other, earth materials. The Forces of erosion are… Water, Wind, Gravity, Weathering, Human Activity The procession of erosion both wears away and builds the environment. Verdict… More than likely the rock split because of heating and cooling.

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