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June1999 Canadas National Optical Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "June1999 Canadas National Optical Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 June1999 Canadas National Optical Internet

2 The Evolution of Optical Networking DWDM in Commercial Networks Fiber Relief/Increased Capacity Requirements Numerous Newly Deployed National Backbones Nexxia Frontier Quest etc. Most deploying underlying SONET transport architecture to meet commercial needs

3 The Evolution of Optical Networking DWDM in R&D/Educational Networks Primarily Driven by Requirement for increasing WAN bandwidth, I.e. OC-48 min. Efforts to eliminate expensive/unnecessary transport protocols/infrastructure CA*Net3 NTON/Abilene/International Nets? Regional Nets now deploying DWDM Optical High- Speed Networks BCNet NCIT/CRC/NRC RISQ MREN

4 GigaPOP New R&D DWDM Optical Networks Vancouver Calgary Regina Winnipeg Ottawa Montreal Toronto Halifax St. Johns WURCnet SRnet Mrnet OC-12 NCIT/CRC Optical MAN RISQ Optical Net ACORN OC-48 OEP Chicago STAR TAP OEP? CA*net 3 Teleglobe Seattle New York BCNet Optical Net MREN Optical MAN Pacific OEP? NTON/Abilene/C3

5 Direction & Results of This Evolution Developing of Points of Convergence of Wavelength, High Bandwidth Traffic Evolving towards Next Generation Optical Internet Exchange NAPs in Several Locations Ottawa, Vancouver, Chicago. Seattle? Eventually will be numerous others across US and internationally.

6 Future Needs/Present Problems No available Layer 1/2 Optical Switching Devices with provisioning capability (replace ATM L2 PVCs) Present capabilities only allow static routing of wavelengths Protocols for Next Gen. NAPs IP/ATM/DWDM IP/DWDM Frequency Conversion in Optical Hub Optical Multiplexing in Router/Switch cards Migration Path from Present Technologies

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