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Q:1. Give one example for each of the following: A.Closed system B.Open system C.Isolated system.

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Presentation on theme: "Q:1. Give one example for each of the following: A.Closed system B.Open system C.Isolated system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q:1. Give one example for each of the following: A.Closed system B.Open system C.Isolated system





6 Q:6. Describe the transfers and transformations involved when light energy strikes a leaf.

7 Q:7. How does the second law of thermodynamics apply to ecosystems? ◦ Energy is transformed into work, and some energy is always dissipated (lost to the environment) as waste heat

8 Q:8. Define Steady State Equilibrium: ◦ Continuous inputs and outputs of energy and matter, but the system as a whole remains in a more-or-loess constant state

9 Q:9. Is the following an example of steady-state equilibrium or static equilibrium? ◦ The maintenance of a constant body temperature ◦ Steady-state

10 Q:10. Explain, with a named example how positive feedback may contribute to global warming?

11 Q: 11.

12 Q: 12. True or False A stable ecosystem is made up of a wide range of micro-organisms, plants, and animals TRUE!

13 Q: 13. Define the term ecosystem:

14 Q: 14. A desert with very low precipitation and little vegetation is an example of which type of system? A.Open B.Closed C.Isolated D.Closed and isolated

15 Q: 15. A population of organisms the size of which remains approximately constant, but which fluctuates over the short term, may be described as being in a state of: A.Static equilibrium B.Positive feedback C.Stable equilibrium D.Demographic transition

16 Q: 16. Of what is the diagram an example of? A. Negative feedback B. Positive feedback C. Steady-state equilibrium D. Static equilibrium Less energy reflected Global warming Ice-caps melt Increased global temperature

17 Q: 17. Outline what is meant by a model. A simplified description; designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system or concept

18 Q: 18. Which is an example of negative feedback? A.Loss of vegetation, leading to soil erosion, leading to further loss of vegetation B.Animals failing to reproduce when food is abundant C.More carbon dioxide favoring plant growth, so plants absorb more carbon dioxide D.A population of small mammals in a forest decreasing due to a fire.

19 Q: 19. In your own words, describe James Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis: Compares the earth to a living organism in which feedback mechanisms maintain equilibrium

20 Q: 20. Models help us do all of the following except: A. Represent complexity of reality in a simpler way B. Understand processes which are difficult C. Predict, with perfect accuracy, the behavior of a system D. Assess multiple interactions individually and as a whole

21 Q: 21. TRUE or FALSE If you study your notes from class and vocabulary, you will do well on this test. TRUE!!!

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