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State Housing Policy Ing. David Slavata, Ph.D Ekonomika bydlení.

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Presentation on theme: "State Housing Policy Ing. David Slavata, Ph.D Ekonomika bydlení."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Housing Policy Ing. David Slavata, Ph.D Ekonomika bydlení

2 Definition of housing policy The sum of legislative and economic instruments used by the government to reach the given aims on the field of housing. Example of legislative instruments: protection of tenants, rules for agreements…. Example of economic instruments: rent control, subsidies for poor……

3 Basic focuses of housing policies Social democratic model Social democratic model Corporatics model Corporatics model Liberal model Liberal model Rudimentar model Rudimentar model

4 Social democratic model The dominant support of tenant housing The dominant support of tenant housing Public control of housing Public control of housing Public housing Public housing Example of northern EU counties Example of northern EU counties

5 Corporatics model The dominant support of working class The dominant support of working class Social justice Social justice Balanced support of all kinds of housing (tenant, ownership, cooperative) Balanced support of all kinds of housing (tenant, ownership, cooperative) Germany, France, Austria Germany, France, Austria

6 Liberal model Individual activity of individuals is dominant Individual activity of individuals is dominant Housing market Housing market Subsidies only for poor Subsidies only for poor USA, Great Britain, Australia, Ireland USA, Great Britain, Australia, Ireland

7 Rudimentar model No subsidies to housing No subsidies to housing Problems of housing are solved on the level of families (family clans) Problems of housing are solved on the level of families (family clans) Portugal, Greece, Japan Portugal, Greece, Japan

8 The point of administrative structure Housing policy is centralised (France) Housing policy is centralised (France) Housing policy is partly decentralised (Germany, Spain, Italy) Housing policy is partly decentralised (Germany, Spain, Italy) Housing policy is decentralised (Belgie) Housing policy is decentralised (Belgie)

9 The administrative structure of housing policy Government (Ministry for regional development - cz) RegionsMunicipalities

10 Basic statistical data Year199120012011 Houses1 868 5411 969 0182 149 756 Flats3 705 6813 827 6783 894 210 Houses/10 00 inh. 181192203 Flats/1000 inh. 359374368

11 Owners of inhabited housing fund in% Year199120012011 Private1 308 2861 397 9241 528 476 State/Mun.213 96179 06648 135 Cooperativ54 05941 80831 982 SVJ0080 276 Mix of owns 0029 130

12 Purpose of legality of inhabited flats Year199120012011 Own family house 1 367 0271 371 6841 453 228 Own flat31 164421 6541 057 452 Rented1 465 2311 092 950685 950 Rent - Cooper 697 829548 812432 291

13 Housing Policy of the Czech Republic Short view to the Czech housing history Short view to the Czech housing history The subjects which influence the housing policy The subjects which influence the housing policy The presentation of basic instruments The presentation of basic instruments

14 History of the Czech housing policy 1918 – 1938: Rent deregulation, relief from property taxes, tenant protection 1918 – 1938: Rent deregulation, relief from property taxes, tenant protection 1938 – 1945 : The increase of housing costruction ( untill 1941), strong rent regulation, redistribution of real estates 1938 – 1945 : The increase of housing costruction ( untill 1941), strong rent regulation, redistribution of real estates

15 1945 – 1989: rent regulation, state control, housing list, state housing construction, state company construction, unification, collective housing, low quality standards 1945 – 1989: rent regulation, state control, housing list, state housing construction, state company construction, unification, collective housing, low quality standards 1989 – 2011: rent deregulation, privatization, restitutions, decentralizations, moving from administrative to market system, diversification of housing constructions, quality improving. 1989 – 2011: rent deregulation, privatization, restitutions, decentralizations, moving from administrative to market system, diversification of housing constructions, quality improving.

16 The main events in state housing policy after 1989 Restitutions Restitutions Transfer of ownership to cities Transfer of ownership to cities Privatization of hopusing stock Privatization of hopusing stock

17 Housing construction from 1948 - 2010



20 The subjects of the housing policy – the public field Ministry of Regional Development Ministry of Regional Development State Fund for Housing Development State Fund for Housing Development Ministry of Enviroment Ministry of Enviroment Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance Ministry of Social Affairs Ministry of Social Affairs Regions Regions Municipalities Municipalities

21 Private field NGOs (tenant organisations, organisations of owners, organisations of cooperatives) NGOs (tenant organisations, organisations of owners, organisations of cooperatives) Real estate companies Real estate companies Cooperatives Cooperatives Political parties Political parties Mass media Mass media

22 Current problems of Czech housing and its future Energy dificulties and high rate of polution Energy dificulties and high rate of polution Quality of housing Quality of housing Legislative status Legislative status Living expenses of poor families Living expenses of poor families Concentration of poor families Concentration of poor families

23 Instruments Subsidies to the owners of houses (flats) Subsidies to the owners of houses (flats) Subsidies to the tenants Subsidies to the tenants

24 State subsidies to owners of houses Loans and subsidies to owners (hypothecs) – up to 12000Eur/flat, house Loans and subsidies to owners (hypothecs) – up to 12000Eur/flat, house Subsidy for saving for future building up to 120Eur/year Subsidy for saving for future building up to 120Eur/year Subsidy for building of social flats – up to 20000Eur/flat Subsidy for building of social flats – up to 20000Eur/flat Subsidies for reparation of old houses – up to 2200Eur/flat Subsidies for reparation of old houses – up to 2200Eur/flat

25 Subsidy for the changing of the heating system – up to 2400Eur Subsidy for the changing of the heating system – up to 2400Eur Subsidy for insulate of houses Subsidy for insulate of houses

26 Subsidy to the tenants Subsidy for covering of living cost – up to 80Eur/month Subsidy for covering of living cost – up to 80Eur/month Subsidy for covering of renovation of flat – up to 4000Eur/flat Subsidy for covering of renovation of flat – up to 4000Eur/flat Subsidy for covering of using barier free flat- up to 16Eur/month Subsidy for covering of using barier free flat- up to 16Eur/month




30 Geto in northern part of czech – city of Most

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