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Published byAbel Barber Modified over 9 years ago
About OMICS Group OMICS Group International is an amalgamation of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conferences and events. Established in the year 2007 with the sole aim of making the information on Sciences and technology ‘Open Access’, OMICS Group publishes 400 online open access scholarly journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology journals. OMICS Group has been instrumental in taking the knowledge on Science & technology to the doorsteps of ordinary men and women. Research Scholars, Students, Libraries, Educational Institutions, Research centers and the industry are main stakeholders that benefitted greatly from this knowledge dissemination. OMICS Group also organizes 300 International conferences annually across the globe, where knowledge transfer takes place through debates, round table discussions, poster presentations, workshops, symposia and exhibitions.
About OMICS Group Conferences OMICS Group International is a pioneer and leading science event organizer, which publishes around 400 open access journals and conducts over 300 Medical, Clinical, Engineering, Life Sciences, Phrama scientific conferences all over the globe annually with the support of more than 1000 scientific associations and 30,000 editorial board members and 3.5 million followers to its credit. OMICS Group has organized 500 conferences, workshops and national symposiums across the major cities including San Francisco, Las Vegas, San Antonio, Omaha, Orlando, Raleigh, Santa Clara, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, United Kingdom, Valencia, Dubai, Beijing, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Mumbai.
ABSTRACT Control of heat affected zone (HAZ) width is very essential for getting required weld bead size and quality. Conditions must be found out that will ensure a predictable and reproducible weld bead that is essential for obtaining repeated, expected cost effective, high quality welded joint. An attempt has been made in present work to find out relation between process control factors i.e. arc voltage, wire feed rate, travel speed, stick out, and heat input and HAZ width. Prediction of HAZ width through analytical solution of heat conduction equation has also been made. Optimum setting of process control variables for minimum HAZ width has been found out through graphical technique. Key words: HAZ width, Submerged Arc Welding process, transient temperature distribution, regression model, optimization through graphical technique. Dr. N K SINGH 4
INTRODUCTION Submerged arc welding (SAW) is a high quality, high deposition rate welding process commonly used to join plates of higher thickness in load bearing components. This process of arc welding provides a purer and cleaner high volume weldment that has relatively a higher material deposition rate compared to the traditional welding methods. Submerged Arc Welding Process is one of the important fabrication processes in industry as it has inbred advantage [1, 2]. Use of this technology has huge economic and social implications in the national perspective. A common issue in the application of SAW process raises a concern about the uncertainties involved with the heat affected zone (HAZ) in and around the weldment. The most intriguing issue is about HAZ softening that imparts some uncertainties in the welded quality. It increases the probability of fatigue failures at the weakest zones caused by the heating and cooling cycle of the weld zone. It is observed that a refined microstructure of the HAZ, imparts largely the intended properties of the welded joint [3]. Dr. N K SINGH 5
For the case SAW joint, engineers repeatedly face the problem to select the appropriate process control parameters for getting optimum value of HAZ width [4]. In order to bring out an appropriate combination of SAW parameters and a methodology to control such parameters an in depth investigations and characterizations of HAZ softening zone are necessary to enrich this Submerged Arc Welding technology. In Submerged Arc welding process, major process control parameters are arc voltage and travel speed, wire feed rate, stick out etc. They all affect the bead shape, depth of penetration and chemical composition of the deposited weld metal. Another very critical issue in the understanding of the joint performance obtained from SAW process rests on the analysis of heat affected zone. It is difficult for the operator to observe the weld pool during the process. So, better control comes from SAW process parameter settings than dependence on the operator’s expertise. The HAZ has various regions which influence the ability of the joint to provide crack resistance and uniform strength in both the directions of the weld [3]. Dr. N K SINGH 6
The bead width and depth of penetration, measured by infrared thermal imaging technique (IRTI technique), were also found to influence the quality of SAW process [5]. Few details are available in the literature on the aspects of HAZ softening during SAW process. A three-dimensional analysis, aimed at predicting the microstructure in the different zones of a SAW joint, has been proposed in [6].A model to predict HAZ in case of SAW is addressed by [6] attempts to predict HAZ in case of SAW. The combined effect of flux chemical composition and of the welding parameters on the mechanical properties of SAW process has been shown to be of major importance [7-8]. Although the SAW process has drawn much of attention, in recent time [6-10], it is quite clear that a systematic study to bring out a correlation- based performance characterization through identification of control parameters in conjunction with quality assessment, is still missing. Dr. N K SINGH 7
The identification of the contribution of each process parameter on the quality or performance of a SAW joint, poses a challenge to the researchers in this area and demands a very systematic study of the problem. Since the HAZ width is controlled by process parameters and heat input [4], an attempt was made in this paper to correlate the HAZ width with these quantities, in order to optimize the process variables for minimum HAZ width. Dr. N K SINGH 8
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE MEMCO semi automatic welding machine with constant voltage, retifyer type power source with a 1200-A capacity was used to join C-Mn steel plates 30×15×2cm. An ESAB SA1 (E8), 0.315 cm diameter, copper coated electrode and a basic fluoride type granular flux were used. The experiments were conducted as per the design matrix randomly to avoid errors due to noise factors. Two pieces of C-Mn steel plates were cut and V groove of angle 60 o as per the standards were prepared. The chemical composition of work piece material is described in Table 1. 0.1 cm root opening was selected to join the plates in the flat position keeping electrode positive and perpendicular to the plate. The job was firmly fixed to a base plate and then the submerged arc welding was finally carried out. HAZ width has been measured with the help of optical research microscope(NEOPHOT-32). Dr. N K SINGH 9
DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL Let HAZ width can be expressed as Y=a 0 +a 1 V+a 2 F+a 3 S+a 4 N+a 5 V 2 +a 6 F 2 +a 7 S 2 +a 8 N 2 +a 9 VF+a 1 0 VS+a 11 VN+a 12 FS+a 13 FN+a 14 SN Where V, F, S and N denote Arc Voltage, Wire Feed Rate, Travel Speed and Stick Out respectively. From the data of table-2 the a i coefficients (with i=1-14) were calculated by MAT LAB and tabulated in table-3. Calculation of Variance for testing has been made as shown in table 4. It has been found from table-4, this regression model is adequate. Dr. N K SINGH 10
TABLE-3: Regression coefficient of model SL NO.Coefficient Values of Coefficient for prediction of HAZ width 1 a0a0 1.04 2 a1a1 0.02 3 a2a2 0.15 4 a3a3 -0.16 5 a4a4 -0.05 6 a5a5 0.04 7 a6a6 0.07 8 a7a7 0.08 9 a8a8 -0.01 10 a9a9 0.03 11 a 10 0.01 12 a 11 0.03 13 a 12 -0.06 14 a 13 0.04 15 a 14 0.01 Dr. N K SINGH 11
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Prediction of HAZ width Dr. N K SINGH 19
OPTIMIZATION OF HAZ WIDTH HAZ width is a function of the process parameters of SAW process and these, in turns, depend on the heat input as heat input is the function of voltage, travel speed, wire feed rate, stick out etc. By taking values of HAZ width and heat input from table-2, a relationship between the heat input and HAZ width was find out through regression model, in the form : y=1.4901x-0.3377x 2 +0.0207x 3, where y=HAZ width and x=heat input.The optimum value of the HAZ width (0.9 mm when heat input =7.76kJ/cm) was obtained from figure 3. Dr. N K SINGH 20
CONCLUSION A good agreement between the predicted and measured values of HAZ width has been achieved by ignoring convective and radiative heat lost by the welded plate. The considered heat source shape for submerged arc welding in this analysis was a paraboloid. The optimum setting of input variables has been found in order to minimize the HAZ width. Dr. N K SINGH 21
Table 1. Chemical composition of C-Mn steel work piece (in %) CSnMnPSCrNiMoCuAl 0.18 0.361.580.0230.0270. Dr. N K SINGH 22
Table-2: Observed values of HAZ width Sl.No. Arc Voltage (volts) Wire Feed Rate (m/min) Travel Speed (m/min) Stick Out (mm) Heat Input (kJ/cm) HAZ width (mm) 1 271.00.6338.11.32 2 311.00.6339.31.29 3 271.50.6338.11.65 4 311.50.6339.31.60 5 271.00.7336.91.10 6 311.00.7338.01.15 7 271.50.7336.91.20 8 311.50.7338.01.15 9 271.00.6388.11.14 10 311.00.6389.31.13 11 271.50.6388.11.38 12 311.50.6389.31.70 13 271.00.7386.91.00 14 311.00.7388.00.90 15 271.50.7386.91.00 Dr. N K SINGH 23
Figure-2: Comparison between computed and Experimental data Dr. N K SINGH 24
Figure 3: Graphical representation between heat input and HAZ width Dr. N K SINGH 25
Table-4: Calculation of Variance for testing the adequacy of the model BEAD PARAMETER FIRST ORDER TERM SECOND ORDER TERM LACK OF FITERROR TERM WHETHER MODEL IS ADEQUATE SSDFSSDFSSDFSSDFF RATIOR RATIO HAZ width 1.1840.4100.08100.0361.95 ADEQUATE Dr. N K SINGH 26 Here SS –sum of square, DF-degree of freedom
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