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Living with Food Allergies The Four-Day Rotary and Elimination Diet.

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Presentation on theme: "Living with Food Allergies The Four-Day Rotary and Elimination Diet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Living with Food Allergies The Four-Day Rotary and Elimination Diet

2 Living with Food Allergies What causes food allergies? Body’s immune system Enzyme deficiency Overexposure to certain foods

3 Living with Food Allergies How are food allergies identified? Patient symptoms Medical History Allergy Testing

4 Living with Food Allergies Why Me? Heredity Overexposure to certain foods

5 Living with Food Allergies How are food allergies treated? By reducing or eliminating offending foods Administering allergy shots

6 Living with Food Allergies What is the Elimination and Four-Day Rotary Diet? Change in diet –A–Avoid certain foods altogether –E–Eat other foods only on certain days –F–Follow the diet for 90 days

7 Living with Food Allergies How restrictive is the diet? ProteinsGreen vegetables White/yellow/Orange Vegetables Grains and flours Beans and legumesFruits Nuts and seedsFats/Oils BeveragesSpices/Herbs Miscellaneous Food Families

8 Living with Food Allergies A week of sample menus DayBreakfastLunchDinner Mon/FriEgg, grapefruit Shrimp, lettuce & carrots Chicken, spinach, carrots Tues/SatMelon with prosciutto Baked sole, lima beans Pork chop, beans, salad Wed/SunBaked apple with walnuts Tuna, apple, & pecan salad Turkey ham, sweet potato, cucumbers ThursdayYogurt & pineapple Baked salmon Steak, peas

9 Living with Food Allergies What about eating out? Ask questions Eat simply prepared foods Choose a restaurant with a variety of choices Avoid fast food restaurants

10 Living with Food Allergies What happens after 90 days? Slowly reintroduce foods on the list Keep a record of reactions

11 Living with Food Allergies What if I fall off the wagon? Be prepared to have symptoms Get back on the diet Don’t eat the offending food two days in a row

12 Living with Food Allergies Are there any additional benefits to this diet? Relief from allergies Low cholesterol Low in carbohydrates Improved overall health

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