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Linking U.S.-Russian Science, Education, Research & Development with High Performance Networking Natasha Bulashova, Friends and Partners Foundation Greg.

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Presentation on theme: "Linking U.S.-Russian Science, Education, Research & Development with High Performance Networking Natasha Bulashova, Friends and Partners Foundation Greg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking U.S.-Russian Science, Education, Research & Development with High Performance Networking Natasha Bulashova, Friends and Partners Foundation Greg Cole, University of Tennessee Joe Gipson, University of Tennessee N S F H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E I N T E R N A T I O N A L I N T E R N E T S E R V I C E S P R O G R A M

2 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future MIRnet NSF Cooperative Agreement (ANI- 9730330) to the University of Tennessee with matching funds from Russian Ministry of Science and Technology to Russian partners A 6 Mbps IP/ATM service between STAR TAP in Chicago and the M9 switch in Moscow for purpose of linking high performance science and education networks in US and Russia A program to encourage applications of high performance networking for US-Russian scientific collaboration Network running reliably since July, 1999 Intro

3 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Introduction Connectivity Peering Management Project Development Intro

4 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Connectivity Intro 6 Mbps IP/ATM Service U.S. Terminates at STAR TAP in Chicago Russia Terminates at M9 switch in Moscow US/Transatlantic transport - Teleglobe Russian transport - RASCOM

5 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Network Topology NAP in Chicago is represented with router and ATM switch connected to STAR TAP NAP in Moscow is represented with router and ATM switch connected to Internet Exchange in M9 which is managed by Russian Institute of Public Networks. NAP in Chicago is represented with router and ATM switch connected to STAR TAP NAP in Moscow is represented with router and ATM switch connected to Internet Exchange in M9 which is managed by Russian Institute of Public Networks. Intro

6 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future U.S. Users Intro Traffic to U.S. –93% educational – Traffic from U.S. –92% educational – US Government agency use of MIRnet (megabytes transferred since July, 2000)

7 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Russian Users Intro

8 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future International Traffic Flow to Russia Intro #1 U.S. 63% (508 G) #7 Canada 3% (22 G) #6 U.K. 3% (24G) #5 Netherlands 3% (27G) #3 France 4% (33G) #12 China 0.4% (3G) #13 Japan 0.3% (2.8G) #2 Sweden 12% (99G) #4 Finland 4% (31G) Primary Country Providers of Traffic to Russia since July 1, 2000

9 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Introduction Connectivity Peering Management Project Development Intro

10 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future MIRnet Consortium Intro US Partners include: –University of Tennessee –STAR TAP –Indiana University –Funding provided by US National Science Foundation –Connectivity provided by Teleglobe Russian Partners include: –Russian Institute of Public Networks –Friends and Partners Foundation –Moscow State University –Russian Academy of Science –Funding provided by Ministry of Science & Technology –Connectivity provided by RASCOM/Teleglobe

11 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Budget NSF Funding –$800K annually ($4.0 million total) –$600K for transport (Chicago - Denmark) –$135K operations ($65K overhead) –$150K cost sharing (UT) Russian Ministry of Science Funding –$500K annually –~$300K for transport (Denmark - Moscow) Intro

12 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future The Russian Team Intro Friends & Partners Foundation Russian Institute of Public Networking Moscow State University Russian Academy of Science

13 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Friends & Partners Foundation Intro Originating member of Russian MIRnet team Worked with US staff for 7 years on several US-Russian networking projects Focus on developing domestic Russian infrastructure via CIVnet program Natasha Bulashova, President, F&P

14 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Russian Institute for Public Networking Intro Russian Backbone Network (RBnet) Alexei Platonov, Exec. Director, RIPN

15 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Moscow State University (MSU) Intro Added late to original NSF proposal ATM decision changed leadership to MSU Recipient of Ministry Funds Controls Project in Russia Determines who in Russia is routed across MIRnet

16 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Russian Academy of Science Intro

17 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Introduction Connectivity Peering Management Project Development Intro

18 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Intro Project Development F & P Jan94 KORRnet Jun94 NATO Sep95 CIVnet Jan97 NSF RFP Jun97 Proposal Aug97 Revised Proposal Mar98 Cooperative Agreement Jul98 Teleglobe Sep98 Announce Sep98 Moscow/ MASS Nov98 MADAS 1.0 Sum99 IP Up Jun99 IP Down Jul 99 Launch Sep 99 Meeting Nov 99 Renegotiate Fall/Winter 97 Demo Feb 22 00 Demo Jun 00 Demo Aug 8 00 MADAS 2 Sep 00 Newsletter Sep 00 Teleglobe Sep 00 Review Oct 00

19 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Usage Statistics Usage Analysis MIRnet Administrative Data Analysis System (MADAS) Statistics

20 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Statistics More traffic has transited MIRnet in the 4.5 months since June 1, 2000 (1.2 terabytes) than in the 9 previous months (1.1 terabytes) Usage Statistics (total daily network throughput in gigabytes)

21 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Monthly Traffic Flow - destination country Statistics

22 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Monthly Traffic Flow - source country Statistics

23 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Russian Use by Institution (% total) Statistics

24 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future U.S. Top 10 Institutions (% total) Statistics

25 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Russian Use by Protocol (% total) Statistics

26 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future U.S. Use by Protocol (% total) Statistics

27 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future MIRnet Administrative Data Analysis System (MADAS) Tracks all MIRnet usage SQL database fed every 10 minutes from Cisco Netflow data All non-proprietary software tools Analysis by countries, domains, hosts, protocols, time periods, traffic volume Generates standard graphics and allows user-based queries Supplements standard tools (mrtg, etc.) Statistics

28 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Network Engineering Link Configuration MIRnet Access Scheduling System (MASS) NOC Services Engineering

29 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Link Configuration Engineering Router CISCO7507 Chicago Router CISCO7507 Moscow PVC for regular applications (PVCr), 4 Mbp/s PVC for multicast applications (PVCm) PVC for special application (PVCs)

30 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future MIRnet Access Scheduling System Engineering Proposed system to provide users mechanism for registering themselves and their applications and to reserve use of the network for certain applications and time periods with reasonable assurance that resources they need will be available. To provide management with mechanism for implementing policy in an on-line database system which, for the most part, will run unattended. To provide differentiated classes of services (via PVCs) which can be reserved and which are managed in such a way as to ensure reasonable network service

31 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future MIRnet Access Scheduling System Engineering The reservation system will involve a registry of users, applications, and networks, and a reservation database with which users can reserve service for specified dates and times. The actual approval of request is to be policy driven as much as possible and mostly automated so that users receive immediate response. The database system will interact with the MIRnet end point routers in Moscow and Chicago periodically updating access control lists which govern which PVCs the IP flows traverse.

32 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future MIRnet Access Scheduling System Engineering Through this system we can formalize the provision of network services so that users can feel confident about the network meeting their needs. System satisfies concerns of DOE for authorizing users and applications - and for providing an audit trail of actual use. Meets the same security concerns on the Russian side. Use of the system should lead to an increased confidence in the network and resulting increased use.

33 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future MIRnet Access Scheduling System Engineering Elements in place include: –MIRnet administrative Data Analysis System (for back-end monitoring and reporting) –User/application registry Elements to be developed include: –Network description component –Calendar/scheduling component –Policy component

34 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future MIRnet NOC Services Currently using public domain software for monitoring network and contacting series of pagers (24/7) if problems found Transitioning to arrangement with Indiana University for providing 24/7 NOC services Engineering

35 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Outreach Activities Presentations Demonstrations F&P Outreach Information Dissemination Outreach

36 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Information Dissemination Outreach MIRnet Users Database System 1000 US-Russian Partnerships Described Partnerships Funded by NSF, DOE, CRDF, NIH, IREX US Russian/NIS Language Programs Searchable by Institution, City, Investigator, Keyword

37 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Information Dissemination Outreach Letter/Newsletter distributed to over 500 US-Russian partnerships

38 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future The MIRnet WWW Site Outreach Bilingual Database driven Dynamic Page Construction Browser independent Mirrored in US, Russia Content –Proposal –Project Information –Applications –Services –Usage Statistics

39 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Impact Institutional Users Applications Benefits Impact

40 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Russian Institution Users Impact Megabytes transferred July 1 - October 14, 2000

41 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future US Institution Users Impact

42 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Impact. US-Russia Networking Project: Web Cache for Science and Education Averaging nearly 1.2 gigabytes of total traffic per day, the heaviest single application of MIRnet during its first year has been between the U.S. National Laboratory for Applied Network Research (NLANR) web cache and the Russian academic web cache located in Chernogolovka (scientific city located 50 km northeast of Moscow). Managed by the Theoretical Physics Institute, the goal of the project is to study the properties of WWW traffic and determine optimal path calculations for receiving and sending information via the distributed cache servers. The Cherogolovka web cache functions as the root web-cache for the Russian science and education community.

43 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Impact. Telecommunications for Technology Transfer and Distributed Learning The primary goal of the project is to develop an advanced infrastructure able to supply video conferencing (both point-to- point and multi-point) as a regular service for institutions involved in US-Russia research and academic collaboration and the commercialization of technologies. During the first year of MIRnets operation, the two involved institutions (the Zelinsky Institute and the University of Missouri-Columbia) have engaged in regular video-conferences supporting a variety of programs - and have achieved good results using very low bandwidth (64 kbps) H.323 and H.120 technologies.

44 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Impact. Moscow State/Iowa State University Cooperation in Nuclear and High-Energy Physics The project is in support of cooperation between three units of Moscow State University -- the Institute of Nuclear Physics, the Department of Theoretical High Energy Physics and Department of Physics of Atomic Nucleus -- and the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics at Iowa State University. MIRnet traffic between Iowa State University and Moscow State University often exceeds 500 megabytes daily. The graph above shows total traffic transiting MIRnet between the two institutions since September, 1999.

45 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Impact. Nonproliferation and Arms Control Projects in the FSU Since February, 2000, MIRnet has been used by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory to support its various collaborations with the Kurchatov Institute and other Russian research laboratories. In June, 2000, peering arrangements were put in place enabling all DOE laboratories in the US to use MIRnet. The primary applications discussed and observed related to US-RF programs are in nonproliferation and arms control. Several video- conferencing demonstrations have been held - including with senior US government leaders - to demonstrate the utility of high performance networks in supporting existing US-RF collaborative efforts. All of these demonstrations have been coordinated with Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Kurchatov Institute. Oak Ridge - Kurchatov Institute traffic from February, 2000.

46 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Impact Weapons Disposal: Reactor Physics / Thermal hydraulics Analyses for Plutonium Disposition The US and RF are engaged in a cooperative program to dispose of weapons usable plutonium in pressurized water reactors in both countries. While plutonium fuels have been routinely used in western pressurized water reactors (PWRs) in France and Germany, such fuels have not been used in Russian reactors (VVERs). For the past four years, ORNL has been responsible for transferring technology for mixed oxide (MOX) fuel to Russia and Kurchatov Institute has been responsible for educating ORNL staff as to the design and operation of VVERs. MIRnet has supported this cooperative program through video-conferencing, ftp, use of the Centra Symposium web-based teaching package, whiteboard, and applications sharing. Academician Ponimarev-Stepnoi (seated, on screen from Moscow) of the Kurchatov Institute addresses the June 13, 2000 video-conference involving participants from Moscow, Washington, Argonne National Lab in Chicago and Oak Ridge. Included was Howard Baker, former US Senate Majority leader, heading up a Blue Ribbon Panel observing US-Russian programs.

47 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Impact US-Russia Materials Protection, Control & Accountability program The objective of the lab-to-lab MPC&A Program is to enhance, through U.S.-Russian technical cooperation, the effectiveness of nuclear materials protection, control, and accounting in Russian nuclear facilities. The enhancements are implemented by Russian institutes. The U.S. laboratories provide funding for the Russian institutes through laboratory-to-laboratory contracts. The two partnering institutions, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow, have used MIRnet since February, 2000 to support a variety of applications - including video- conferencing (demonstrations, seminars, contract negotiation), large database (200+ Mbytes) transfer, radio propagation analysis, and application sharing. US participants interact with Dr. Evgenii Velikhov, President of the Moscow Kurchatov Institute, and other Russian academicians during the February 22 video- conference between Moscow, Washington, Knoxville and Oak Ridge. In addition to the video-conferencing, a demonstration was conducted of application sharing for joint control of a radio propagation analysis

48 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Impact NASA-Russian Space Science Internet (RSSI) Collaboration FTP dominates as the primary application between hosts on NASAs high performance NREN network and the Russian Space Science Internet. With daily flows occasionally reaching 500 megabytes or more, MIRnet supports a wide variety of NASA-RSSI programs and activities. Traffic from NASA hosts to RSSI hosts is shown above. The primary application is ftp which often exceeds 256 Megabytes transferred daily.

49 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Impact US-Russian Military Officers Training: Humanitarian Law This program is in support of a new Russian Federation Defense order which requires humanitarian law training for all members of the Russian Armed Forces. Working with the University of Virginia Center for National Security Law, the Russian Ministry of Defense will begin utilizing MIRnet to support curriculum development, transfer of training materials, and live classroom training between sites in Moscow and Charlottesville, Virginia. The initial demonstration event is scheduled for November 30, 2000.

50 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Impact Sample Academic Partnerships Utilizing MIRnet Services Experimental High Energy Physics High energy physicists in the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics at Moscow State University use MIRnet for collaborating with US partners at the Fermi National Accelerator and the Stanford Linear Accelerator. Data is shared and analyzed from experiments performed in the particle accelerators for the purpose of obtaining insight into macroworld structures. Investigation of Magnetospheric Perturbances Moscow State University and the Space Physics Research Laboratory at the University of Michigan are using MIRnet in support of a joint project involving a heavy computational component and the creation/maintenance of a shared cosmophysical information database addressing experimental and theoretical research in the area of magnetospheric and space physics. Research of on-line collaboration methods in distance learning technology development Based on the collaboration of Ural State University, Perm State University, and North Caroline State University in the framework of their 1997-2000 project Collaboration in the field of distance learning in the area of business management supported by the US State Dept., the project is exploring methods of remote collaboration via video- and audio- data exchange (mBONE and H.32x). US-Russia Collaboration in Plasma Astrophysics Project is multi-disciplinary, involving specialists in numerical magnetohydrodynamics, plasma physics, and astrophysics. Russian scientists work at Cornell during one-month visits, and the US scientists visit Russia on a regular basis. Collaboration on developing 2D computer codes between Keldysh Institute and Cornell.

51 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Benefits Increased network capacity for data sharing Some capacity available for richer communications (video-conferencing) Spurring development of high performance infrastructure in Russia Encouraging US and Russian partners to learn about new network technologies Funding

52 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Funding US Potential –NSF REU Supplement –NASA, DOE, DOD Russian Reality Funding

53 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future The Future Applications Capacity Expansion Russian High Performance Network Expansion Extension to other NIS countries Future

54 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Future Application of Scientific Visualization to Marine Ecosystem Analysis Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography at Old Dominion Univ. with oceanographic colleagues in Moscow and Vladivostok. MIRnet services for visualization (fly-thrus of oceanographic models), large data sets (ftp), video-conferencing, etc.

55 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Future Radiation Epidemiology Collaboration The Radiation Epidemiology Branch of NCI proposes to use MIRnet to cooperate with partners in Russia, Kazahkstan, Ukraine and Belarus. Part of the project focuses on epidemiological follow-up on the Chernobyl disaster.

56 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Future Distance Learning: International Security in a Changing World Stanford University will offer a course "International Security in a Changing World" to students at Yaroslavl State University and Southern Ural State University. Both Russian universities are now (recently) routed across MIRnet. Efforts focus now on identifying mutually available technology to be used for the coursework. IS/IDL, Institute for International Studies, Stanford University

57 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Future US-Russian Internet Physics Olympiad In April '00 high school students in Novosibirsk and St.-Petersburg (Russia) combined with students in Seattle and San Diego (America) to participate in an internet-based science competition. Each of eight teams were composed of four American and four Russian students. Each pair of team halves were linked with their own private chat and whiteboard connection so they could consult in solving the problems. They were presented with questions and then submitted answers through an internet-based platform which was controlled at a central site; the system delivered each team's answers to separately located panels of judges. Novosibirsk State University and Cornell University propose to use MIRnet to enhance opportunities and expand participation. Seattle, Washington San Diego, California Saint Petersburg, Russia Novosibirsk, Siberia Sixty Four Students And a Significant Number of Physicists and Technologists!

58 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Future Collaboration on Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), Oak Ridge National Laboratory Interest from and potential collaboration with Kurchatov Institute, Obninsk, other Russian scientific communities on the new Spallation Neutron Source project being constructed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

59 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Planned Capacity Expansion Negotiations with Teleglobe and Russian partners to expand to 155 Mbps Link split between MIRnet (80 Mbps) and academic commodity traffic (75 Mbps) Future

60 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Russian High Performance Network Expansion Critical need to expand beyond Moscow region First priorities: St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk Success depends upon working with Russian academic network partners (RBnet) Recent dramatic decrease in regional telecommunications costs for non-profit purposes will help Future

61 Intro Statistics Engineering Outreach Impact Funding Future Extension to other NIS countries Conversations with Ukrainian and Kazakh academic communities Interest from US side in Belarus Can happen only after MIRnet upgrade Future Russia Belarus Ukraine Kazakhstan

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