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Renji Hospital Pro Wang. 1 2 3 Sleep related hypoventilation/hypoxemia.

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Presentation on theme: "Renji Hospital Pro Wang. 1 2 3 Sleep related hypoventilation/hypoxemia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renji Hospital Pro Wang

2 1 2 3 Sleep related hypoventilation/hypoxemia

3  Apnea – a temporary absence or cessation of breathing

4  OSAHS – a condition in which a person experiences repeated episodes of apnoea because of a narrowing or closure of the pharyngeal airway during sleep, resulting in daytime symptoms, especially excessive sleepiness

5  Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) -Numbers of apneas and hypopneas/ 1 sleeping hour

6  Severity of sleep related breathing disorders:  (2009.2) - Normal: AHI<5/h - Mild: AHI: 5-15/h - Moderate: AHI:16-30/h - Sever: AHI>30/h

7 Daily  Excessive daytime sleepiness  Unrefreshing sleep  Memory disturbances  Morning headache  Depression  Decreased libido  Stomach ache

8 Nightly  snoring  apneas  choking, gasping  arousals  sweating  dry mouth  palpitation  nycturia

9  (1. or 2.) and 3.

10  Obesitas  Age  Male gender  Pozitive family history of OSAHS  Alcohol consumption before bedtime  Race  Smoking  Sedatives  Craniofacial anomalies  Hypothyroidism, acromegaly

11 Lifestyle management, including weight loss& alcohol withdrawal Position training Nasal, pharyngeal surgery (UPPP) Oral appliances CPAP – continuous positive airway pressure






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