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Published byAnthony Barrett Modified over 9 years ago
01/21/2008 Nodal COMS Extracts & Reports Market Requirements Review SDAWG Jackie Ashbaugh ERCOT ***NOTE: All information contained in this presentation is as of 01/21/2008 and is subject to change at anytime.
2 01/21/2008 Presentation Breakdown Information Hot Spots Nodal EDW & COMS Project Information Reports/Extracts/Web Services by Projects –EDW for Shadow Settlements –EDW for COMS Reports, Extracts & Web Services –COMS for COMS Reports Report/Extracts by Nodal Classifications –COMS - Zonal Extracts & Reports – will retire –COMS - Retail Extracts & Reports –COMS - Zonal/Nodal Web Services – no change –COMS - Zonal/Nodal Reports – no change –COMS - Zonal/Nodal Web Services – will modify –COMS - Zonal/Nodal Reports – will modify –COMS - Zonal/Nodal Extracts – will modify –COMS - Nodal Extracts –COMS - Nodal Reports –COMS - Nodal Invoices & Statements –Informational Postings
3 01/21/2008 Information Hot Spots The Nodal Data Services Master List (NDSML) is updated each Friday with the latest information. It is located at: The site will be updated each Friday with the latest information and draft DDLs going forward.
4 01/21/2008 COMS Reports, Extracts & Web Services Sorted by project that will be delivering
5 01/21/2008 COMS Nodal Reports, Extracts & Web Services Dates COMS Project Reports –Project Manager: Raj Chudgar –Business Owners: Jackie Ashbaugh, Bill Barnes - Settlements, Calvin Opheim – Data Aggregation –Milestone dates are not defined –Currently working on business requirements EDW Project Extracts, Reports & Web Services –Project Manager: Janet Ply –Business Owner: Jackie Ashbaugh –Releases for Shadow Settlement Extracts Business Requirements: 02/29/08 Conceptual Design: 03/15/08 Detail Design: 04/01/08 ITEST: 05/15/08 EDS: 06/15/08 –Releases for remaining COMS Reports, Extracts & Web Services Business Requirements: 05/15/08 Conceptual Design: 06/01/08 Detail Design: 07/01/08 ITEST: 08/01/08 EDS: 09/01/08
6 01/21/2008 Sorted by project EDW project Release for remaining COMS Reports, Extracts & Web Services Extracts CRR Auction Revenue Distribution (CARD) Extract CRR Balancing Account Extract ESI ID Service History & Usage Extract - Daily ESI ID Service History & Usage Extract - Initial ESI ID Service History & Usage Extract - Supplemental Late Fee Extract Market Participant Dispute Extract Recorder Extract - Daily Resource ID Extract - Daily Resource ID Extract - Initial Settlement Calendar Extract Settlement Input Data Extract Shadow Settlement Extracts –Day Ahead Market Consolidated Operating Day Extract –Day Ahead Market Market Operating Day Extract –Real Time Market Consolidated Operating Day Extract –Real Time Market Operating Day Extract –Public Reference Data Extract Report ERCOT Summary Dispute Report Web Services Provide all ESIID extract records Provide CMZONE assignments for a trade date Provide Data Aggregation Records Provide ESIID account records Provide ESIID extract records for Logical Keys Provide ESIIDs where IDR usage data not loaded for a trade date Provide IDR usage data for a trade date Provide public data extract
7 01/21/2008 Sorted by project COMS project Release for COMS Reports Report Default Profile ESIID Load Estimation Counts – Public Load Estimation Counts – Certified Load Estimation Volume – Public Load Estimation Volume – Certified Missing Consumption Report Actual Transmission Loss Factors Actual Distribution Loss Factors Forecasted Transmission Loss Factors Forecasted Distribution Loss Factors Monthly RUC Make Whole Charge and Clawback Payment Report Data Aggregation Daily Postings WS & NWS IDR Proxy Dates IDR Requirement Report
8 01/21/2008 COMS Reports, Extracts & Web Services Sorted by: Zonal will retire Retail Zonal/Nodal no change Zonal/Nodal will modify Nodal
9 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS - Zonal Extracts & Reports – will retire Data Aggregation Daily Postings Default Profile ESIID Details of Reliability Must Run Costs Disclosure of Local Congestion - IEQ Disclosure of Local Congestion - INS Generation Extract - Daily Generation Extract - Initial Generation Extract - Trade Date Load Estimation Counts - private Load Estimation Counts - public Load Estimation Volume - private Load Estimation Volume - public Load Extract - Daily Load Extract - Initial Load Extract - Trade Date Market Shadow Prices Extract Missing Consumption Report Resettlement Channel 4 Market Totals Resettlement Channel 5 Market Totals Resettlement Channel 6 Market Totals Resettlement Channel 7 Market Totals Resettlement Channel 8 Market Totals Resettlement Channel 9 Market Totals Settlement & Billing Extract - Daily Settlement & Billing Extract - Initial Settlement & Billing Extract - Trade Date Settlement Calendar Settlement Input Data Extract Settlements Charge Matrix TDSP Distribution Loss Factors - Actual TDSP Distribution Loss Factors - Forecasted TDSP Transmission Loss Factors - Actual TDSP Transmission Loss Factors - Forecasted True-Up Market Totals WS and NWS IDR Proxy Dates Zonal Operational Constraints (OC1) - Daily Zonal Participant Invoice Zonal Settlement Statement
10 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS - Retail Extracts & Reports 867 Received on Cancelled Service Orders (RCSO) Report 867_03 Error Report (867_03 Activity Report) 997 Report Find ESIID Find Transaction Mapping Status Reject Report MarkeTrak Bulk Submissions Report MIMO Exceptions Missing 867 Report Pending Cancel with Exception Report Potential Load Loss Report Siebel Service Order - CR (Daily) Siebel Service Order - CR (Full) Siebel Service Order - CR (Weekly) Siebel Service Order - TDSP (Daily) Siebel Service Order - TDSP (Full) Siebel Service Order - TDSP (Weekly) Switcher Report TDSP ESIID extract - Initial TDSP ESIID extract - Weekly
11 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS - Zonal/Nodal Web Services – no change Provide ESIID account records Provide ESIIDs I own for a trade date Provide ESIIDs where Non-IDR usage data not loaded for a trade date Provide Non-IDR transaction data for ESIIDs I own Provide Non-IDR usage data for a trade date Provide Non-IDR usage data for ESIIDs I own
12 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS - Zonal/Nodal Reports – no change Auxillary Backcasted Load Profiles (Historical) Auxillary Backcasted Load Profiles Extract Backcasted Load Profiles (Historical) Backcasted Profiles Extract Forecasted Load Profiles IDR Requirement Report Load Profile ID Exceptions Weather Responsiveness Change Report **No DDLs
13 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS - Zonal/Nodal Web Services – will modify Provide all ESIID extract records –Not currently active –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ –XSD change to include dimensional tables to map to the node Provide Data Aggregation Records –Not currently active –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ –XSD change to include dimensional tables to map to the node Provide ESIID extract records for Logical Keys –Not currently active –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ –XSD change to include dimensional tables to map to the node Provide ESIIDs where IDR usage data not loaded for a trade date –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ Provide IDR transaction data for ESIIDs I own –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ Provide IDR usage data for a trade date –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ Provide IDR usage data for particular ESIIDs I own –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ Provide CMZONE assignments for a trade date Provide public data extract
14 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS - Zonal/Nodal Reports – will modify IDR Protocol Compliance Verification –Code change necessary for querying IDR data –Current posting format will not change **No DDLs
15 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS - Zonal/Nodal Extracts – will modify Recorder Extract – Daily –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ Resource ID Extract – Daily –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ Resource ID Extract – Initial –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ ESI ID Service History & Usage – Daily –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ –DDL change to include dimensional tables to map to the node ESI ID Service History & Usage – Initial –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ –DDL change to include dimensional tables to map to the node ESI ID Service History & Usage – Supplemental –Code change necessary for querying IDR data where origin = ‘C’ or ‘G’ –DDL change to include dimensional tables to map to the node Public Reference Data Extract –DDL change to include dimensional tables to map to the node for ESI ID Service History & Usage Extracts, as well as all dimensional tables to support the following extracts: Day Ahead Market Consolidated Operating Day Extract (DAM CODE) Day Ahead Market Market Operating Day Extract (DAM MODE) Real Time Market Consolidated Operating Day Extract (RTM CODE) Real Time Market Market Operating Day Extract (RTM MODE) Settlement Input Data Extract (SID) Settlements Late Fee Extract CRR Balancing Account Extract CRR Auction Revenue Distribution Extract Market Participant Dispute Extract
16 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS - Nodal Extracts Shadow Settlement Extracts –Day Ahead Market Consolidated Operating Day Extract (DAM CODE) –Day Ahead Market Market Operating Day Extract (DAM MODE) –Real Time Market Consolidated Operating Day Extract (RTM CODE) –Real Time Market Market Operating Day Extract (RTM MODE) Settlement Input Data Extract (SID) Settlement Calendar Extract Settlements Late Fee Extract CRR Balancing Account Extract CRR Auction Revenue Distribution Extract Market Participant Dispute Extract
17 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS - Nodal Reports Actual Distribution Loss Factors Report Actual Transmission Loss Factors Report Data Aggregation Daily Postings Report Default Profile ESIID Report ERCOT Summary Dispute Report Forecasted Distribution Loss Factors Forecasted Transmission Loss Factors Load Estimation Counts – Public Report Load Estimation Volume – Public Report Load Estimation Counts – Certified Report Load Estimation Volume – Certified Report Missing Consumption Report Monthly RUC Make Whole Charge & Clawback Payment Report WS & NWS IDR Proxy Days Report **No DDLs
18 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS Nodal Invoices & Statements Note: The Nodal Invoices & Statements slides are to present the list of invoices and statements that ERCOT is required by Protocols to publish to MIS for the market. The detailed requirements for these will be discussed with the market forums by the ERCOT Settlements team. CRR Auction Revenue Disbursement Invoice [Settlements - NP 9.10 (5)] –Monthly invoice for distribution of CRR Auction Revenues. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions. CRR Auction Award Invoices [Settlements - NP 9.8 (1) & (3)] –Invoice for CRRs bought and sold in each CRR Auction –Must be issued on first business day following auction by 24:00. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions. CRR Balancing Account Invoice [Settlements - NP 9.12 (4)] –Monthly invoices to refund CRR Owners with a shortfall charge and to refund the surplus in the CRR Balancing Account to QSEs representing LSEs. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date
19 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS Nodal Invoices & Statements Day Ahead Market (DAM) Invoice [Settlements - NP 9.3 (2)] –An invoice produced for each DAM Statement and each DAM Resettlement Statement. –Issued second business day after the operating day. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions, overdue terms. Day Ahead Market (DAM) Late Fee Invoice [NP 9.4.5 (3) & (4)] –A monthly invoice produced for each short-paying DAM Invoice Recipient. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions, overdue terms. Day Ahead Market (DAM) Resettlement Statement [NP 9.2.2 (1)] –A settlement statement that corrects a DAM Statement. –Contains operating day, statement recipient’s name, ERCOT identifier (settlement ID), status of the settlement, statement version number, unique statement identification code and charge types settled (must be in 1-hour settlement intervals). –Must include a summary page Day Ahead Market (DAM) Short Pay Invoice Plan [NP 9.4.3(f)] –The short-pay plan, the payment schedule, and the invoice date to which the payments will be applied.
20 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS Nodal Invoices & Statements Day Ahead Market (DAM) Settlement Statement [NP 9.2.2 (1)] –A settlement statement that shows a breakdown of Charge Types incurred in the DAM. –Contains operating day, statement recipient’s name, ERCOT identifier (settlement ID), status of the settlement, statement version number, unique statement identification code and charge types settled (must be in 1-hour settlement intervals). –Must include a summary page Miscellaneous Settlement Invoice [NP] –Invoice due to circumstances not detailed in the Nodal Protocols where the invoice need does not fit into a defined invoice. For example, this invoice may be necessary as the result of an ADR settlement Real Time Market (RTM) Final Settlement Statement [NP 9.5.2 (1) & 9.5.5] –A settlement statement that shows a breakdown of Charge Types incurred in the RTM, including any administrative and miscellaneous charges applicable to the RTM. –Contains operating day, statement recipient’s name, ERCOT identifier (settlement ID), status of the settlement, statement version number, unique statement identification code and charge types settled (must be in 15 minute or 1-hour settlement intervals). –Must include a summary page Day Ahead Market Invoices Based on Resettlement Statements [NP 9.3.2] –Settlement Invoices for the DAM based on Resettlement Statements for the DAM
21 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS Nodal Invoices & Statements Real Time Market (RTM) Initial Settlement Statement [NP 9.5.2 (1) & 9.5.4] –A settlement statement that shows a breakdown of Charge Types incurred in the RTM, including any administrative and miscellaneous charges applicable to the RTM. –Contains operating day, statement recipient’s name, ERCOT identifier (settlement ID), status of the settlement, statement version number, unique statement identification code and charge types settled (must be in 15 minute or 1-hour settlement intervals). –Must include a summary page Real Time Market (RTM) Invoice [NP 9.6 (3)] –An Invoice based on RTM Initial Statements, RTM Final Statements, RTM True-Up Statements, and RTM Resettlement Statements posted within the Invoice Cycle. –Items must be grouped Initial, Finanl Resettlement and True-Up categories and sorted by operating day within each category. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions, overdue terms. Real Time Market (RTM) Late Fee Invoice [NP 9.7.5 (3) & (4)] –A monthly invoice produced for each short-paying RTM Invoice and RTM Uplift Invoice Recipient. –Contains net amount due/payable, time period, run date, invoice reference number, product description, payment date, account number, bank name, electronic transfer instructions, overdue terms.
22 01/21/2008 Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS Nodal Invoices & Statements Real Time Market (RTM) Resettlement Statement [NP 9.5.2 (1) & 9.5.6] –A statement that shows a breakdown of Charge Types incurred in the RTM, including any administrative and miscellaneous charges applicable to the RTM; created to correct any previous RTM Statement for the same Operating Day, as directed by the Protocols. Real Time Market (RTM) Short Pay Invoice Plan [NP 9.7.3(h)] –The short-pay plan, the payment schedule, and the invoice date to which the payments will be applied. Real Time Market (RTM) True-Up Statement [NP 9.5.2 (1) & 9.5.8] –A settlement statement that shows a breakdown of Charge Types incurred in the RTM, including any administrative and miscellaneous charges applicable to the RTM –Contains operating day, statement recipient’s name, ERCOT identifier (settlement ID), status of the settlement, statement version number, unique statement identification code and charge types settled (must be in 15 minute or 1-hour settlement intervals). –Must include a summary page Real Time Market (RTM) Uplift Invoice [NP 9.7.3(g)] –An invoice produced as-needed, to collect from QSEs representing LSEs a debt owed to ERCOT by an entity who has not paid their RTM Invoice or RTM Uplift Invoice in full and meets the criteria set forth in Nodal Protocol Section 9.7.3.
23 01/21/2008 Informational Postings Seasonal Transmission Loss Factors Bill Determinant List Administrative Fees Applications for Temporary Exemption from Compliance to Metering Protocols and Decision EPS Metering Design Proposal form Guidelines for Temporary Exemption from Compliance to Metering Protocols Load Profile Decision Tree Load Profile Models Load Profile Validation Test Reports MP Requests for Changes to Load Profiles New Load Profile Request Planned Service Four Coincident Peak Calculations Profile Data Evaluation Report Provisional Approvals for EPS Metering Facilities TDSP Approved Distribution Loss Factors - Methodology Total Reimbursable Cost Weather-related Changes to Transmission Contingency List Texas Market Test Plan Guide Texas SET Change Control Process Documents Texas SET Change Control Standards Texas SET Change Controls Texas SET Implementation Guides Transaction Flow Diagrams for Customer Registration Historical Consumption Data Request Weather Zone Assignments to ESIIDs Day Ahead Market Short Pay Invoice Payment Plan Current List of Settlement Points to be used for Market Processes and Transactions Process for Determining Verifiable Actual Costs
24 01/21/2008 Questions?
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