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Tier 1 Growth Fund Application Process A step by step guide on the application process relating to Tier 1 of the Growth Fund

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1 Tier 1 Growth Fund Application Process A step by step guide on the application process relating to Tier 1 of the Growth Fund by-god/shaped-by-godgrowth-fund/ 1

2 Introduction From 2013 to 2020 the Diocese of Leicester is looking to award grants with a focus on growing the kingdom in 1 of three ways These are either, in increased numbers, deeper faith or acts of service The Parable of the Mustard Seed (Matthew Chp13. V31-32) demonstrates these three factors in a significant way for the Growth Fund by-god/shaped-by-godgrowth-fund/ 2

3 Application Process Tier 1 applications go before a smaller committee that meets approximately 6 times a year It is possible to apply for £500-£3000 as a one off grant The Application Form can be found on our website Here you will also find a worked example of an application Whilst extra documents are appreciated, for simplicity the completed application must be self supporting Over the next two slides you will find a brief explanation of the worked example, which should be read alongside this powerpoint by-god/shaped-by-godgrowth-fund/ 3

4 Application Form The purple section covers who is applying and the main point of contact for any enquires from the administrator. The summary of the project should be 2 – 4 paragraphs outlining the aims and ministries' of the project. This area is where the project will get the best chance to be illustrated within the form The amount should be specific and broken down in budgetary terms if relevant, with details of if the money is needed in one payment or tranches The start date should take into consideration the restrictions of the decision making process – please check the website for details of committee dates It is important that the decision making body relating to your application has agreed to the project Whilst not essential, examples of matched funds or resources can be taken into consideration and will strengthen an application; but are not a condition of funding Ensuring the cheque goes to the correct bank account is essential Previous applications do not restrict new applications, but it is important that resources are distributed across the diocese by-god/shaped-by-godgrowth-fund/ 4

5 Application Form contd. The 3 areas of Growth are something that are highly significant to the application – tangible examples of ways in which growth may be measured are essential and suggestions are given within the model What will be measured could determine what growth is seen, meaning that the aims of project here should be linked to and informed by the summary of the project, and vice versa This section is one that will be crucial to an application as much of what has already been said will hinge on this area Please see the employment pack for a wide range of guidance on employing staff, together with the note from the Assistant Diocesan Secretary detailing specific guidance. It is a condition of funding that employment law and good practice will be adhered to. Line management workshop will provided to all whose applications involve employment and is conditional of successful funding by-god/shaped-by-godgrowth-fund/ 5

6 What You Can Expect That your application will be treated impartially and confidentially That the Growth Fund is continually interested in your feedback on the process The part time Administrator will be an available point of contact when required by-god/shaped-by-godgrowth-fund/ 6

7 The Next Step APPLY! Contact the Administrator Luke Fogg on 0116 261 5376 or by-god/shaped-by-godgrowth-fund/ 7

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